NatRes Policy Sample Municipal Ordinance

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Leyte




VICE MAYOR Jelanz R. del Fonso


COUNCILOR Rest-Day S. Galasanay

COUNCILOR Mildred C. Duran

COUNCILOR Jayson Viernes


COUNCILOR Juan B. De la Cruz

COUNCILOR Hortencia F. Bitancor

COUNCILOR Miguel A. Magtibay

On motion, presented by Hon. Renz Bungay, which was duly seconded by members present, the
Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte, approved Municipal Ordinance
2022-095 on third and final reading.


Author: Hon. R. Bungay

Co-authors: Hon. M. Duran, Hon R. Galasanay, Hon. J. Viernes



Explanatory Note
According to the United Nations, one in three do not have access to sufficient food to lead a healthy life.
It is said by the same that more people are reported to die from hunger every day than AIDS, malaria,
and tuberculosis combined. It should be noted however that despite this reality, roughly one-third of
the food produced in the world is wasted. Food wastage, which includes both food loss and food waste,
is not only morally irresponsible but also causes huge economical losses as well as damage to our

Here in the Philippines, according to the Department of Science and Technology – Food and Nutrition
Research Institute (DOST-FNRI) 1,717 metric tons of food are wasted every day in the and this wastage
adds to the growing hunger in the country.

Here in our beloved Municipality of Tanauan, the municipal government intends to implement a food
waste management and sustainability program in accordance with its comprehensive environmental
protection and conservation plan in order to solve the problem of food waste which also impacts not
only the lives of individuals but also the environment within its jurisdiction. This program also aims to
complement other programs in the same environmental plan to achieve sustainable living. Lastly, this
program intends to change not only the situation of food wastage in the municipality but also to change
the lives of townsfolk through its attached incidents like improvement of livelihood and income
generation, use of innovative materials, and living a more comfortable and humane life.

The Municipality of Tanuan, Province of Leyte, has an existing Municipal Ordinance that creates a
sustainable Community Garden that helps the poorest of the poor in the Barangays to have access to
low priced vegetables that are organic. The community garden seeks to use recyclables materials to be
used in planting vegetables.

This resolution seeks to provide organic fertilizers to be used in the community garden and to establish
waste management.

Now, therefore as be enacted by Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte,
by virtue of the powers vested by law, in session duly assembled that:

WHEREAS, the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte, has approved an ordinance creating
sustainable community garden on each Barangays, as stated in Municipality Ordinance, 2010-0005

WHEREAS, the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte, has an existing community garden that
supplies the barangay community with vegetables, such as but not limited to Okra, Tomato, Ampalaya,
and eggplant.

WHEREAS, the Barangays of Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte, are required to have one
community garden for sustainability and promotion of organic vegetables free from non-organic
pesticides, and fertilizers.
WHEREAS, the Philippine constitution declares as a state's policy to protect and advance the right of the
people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

WHEREAS, the State mandates municipalities and cities to protect the environment

WHEREAS, in pursuit of this mandate by the Constitution and the Local Government Code, the
Sangguniang Bayan intends to institutionalize a food waste management program

WHEREAS, this priority program is aimed at reducing and utilizing one of the common waste produced
by food establishments and households which is food waste.

WHEREAS, this priority program is intended to achieve the municipality's aim of achieving sustainable
living for its townsfolk and protection and conservation of the environment

SECTION 1. The institutionalization of the municipality's food waste management program

SECTION 2. Definition of Terms – as used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall be understood to

a. Biogas – refers to a valuable renewable energy carrier. It can be exploited directly as a fuel for
internal combustion engines.
b. Municipal Food Bank establishment (agency) – refers in promoting food security, food safety,
and good nutrition
c. Town folks – refers to the people who live in a town
d. Farmers – refers to a natural person whose primary livelihood is cultivation of land or the
production of agricultural crops, either by himself, or primarily with the assistance of his
immediate farm household, whether the land is owned by him, or by another person under a
leasehold or share tenancy agreement or arrangement with the owner thereof.

SECTION 3. The programs conceptualized under this ordinance shall be implemented and supervised
under the auspices of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office. Otherwise, the specific
program ought to be implemented in accordance with this ordinance may be delegated by the
Sangguniang Bayan to other office under the local government unit deemed more effective and has the
specialty in implementing it.

SECTION 4. Disposal of food waste should be ensured that is segregated from other wastes namely but
not limited to other biodegradable materials non-biodegradable materials, hazardous wastes, clinical
wastes and municipal solid wastes. All government offices, business establishments, offices, schools,
other institutions, and houses shall have a separate trash bin or garbage can for food waste.

SECTION 5. The garbage collection unit of the municipality shall not collect food waste from food
establishments, households and others if it is not segregated from the wastes mentioned in the
preceding section.
SECTION 6. The garbage collection unit of the municipality shall designate a separate section for the
storage of those food waste away from other kinds of wastes especially from hazardous, radioactive and
hospital wastes.

SECTION 7. The municipality shall set guidelines and implement programs deemed useful for the
processing of food waste in accordance with the municipality's aim of achieving sustainable living.

SECTION 8. A municipal food bank shall be established which shall be under the supervision of the
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office. It shall be responsible for the storage and distribution
of donated foods to indigent constituents of the municipality.

SECTION 9. Aside from the municipal food bank, each barangays have the discretion to establish their
individual barangay food banks for storage and distribution of unsold food products and still deemed
unconsumed, clean, and suitable for human consumption.

SECTION 10. In order to lessen food waste, unsold foods produced by different food establishments
namely but not limited to restaurants, bakeries, fast food chains, coffee shops, school and office
canteens, commissaries, hospital cafeterias, bars, night clubs, and beer houses which is still deemed
unconsumed, clean, and suitable for human consumption shall not be thrown away and be distributed
instead to its employees, and other whom they deemed as needy if based on their discernment, those
food is no longer sellable or ideal for sale the next day. Those food establishments have the discretion to
donate to non-government organizations that are able to distribute those to those who are in need. If
there are no non-government organizations able to accept those, it shall be donated to the municipal
food bank.

SECTION 11. The public market and any other markets including talipapas in the municipality is
mandated that its vendors and lessees's unsold food products that is rotting or in a condition no longer
suitable for human consumption namely but not limited to meat, fish and other seafoods, fruits, and
vegetables shall be disposed immediately and turnover to the garbage collectors of the municipality.

SECTION 12. Each households are mandated to collate the food waste and segregate it from their other
domestic wastes before its turnover to garbage collectors of the municipality.

SECTION 13. A municipal processing facility for conversion of food waste into biogas for electrical and
cooking purposes shall be established.

SECTION 14. The Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office shall be the responsible office
for the management of the aforementioned facility in the preceding section. It shall lay down guidelines
in the implementation of the conversion of food waste into biogas for electrical and cooking purposes.

SECTION 15. The end product of that aforementioned facility, which is biogas shall be distributed to
town folk free of charge. Priority shall be given to indigent townsfolk. This shall be implemented in
accordance with tackling the frequent problem of brownouts in the municipality and providing
electricity for townsfolk who have no electrical connection and incapable of buying LPG tanks for
cooking. If there shall be excess, the biogas can be sold to other individuals, partnerships, corporations,
associations coming from outside the municipality.

SECTION 16. A municipal processing facility for conversion of food waste into fertilizers for agricultural
purposes shall be established.

SECTION 17. The Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office shall be the responsible office
for the management of the aforementioned facility in the preceding section. The said office together
with the Municipal Agricultural Office shall jointly lay down guidelines in the implementation of the
conversion of food waste into fertilizers for agricultural purposes.

SECTION 18. The end products of that aforementioned facility, which are fertilizers shall be distributed
to town folk free of charge. Priority shall be given to indigent farmers. These shall be implemented in
accordance with the local government unit's plan of boosting the municipality's agricultural sector. If
there shall be excess, the fertilizers can be sold to other individuals, partnerships, corporations,
associations coming from outside the municipality.

SECTION 19. A municipal processing facility for conversion of food waste into useful materials namely
but not limited to paper, construction materials, handicrafts, kitchenware and other household products
shall be established.

SECTION 20. The Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office shall be the responsible office
for the management of the aforementioned facility in the preceding section. The said office shall
coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology in order to lay down effective guidelines and
develop useful programs in the implementation of the conversion of food waste into useful materials.

SECTION 21. The end products of that aforementioned facility shall be sold by the local government unit
through a network of sellers preferably from within the townsfolk to promote income generation and
livelihood for the same.

SECTION 22. If necessary and if it is deemed feasible and viable, other food waste processing facilities
for specific purposes shall be established in the future. Otherwise, it can be consolidated to other food
waste processing facilities mentioned in the preceding sections if it is deemed more practical.

SECTION 23. It is the responsibility of the municipal garbage collection unit to deliver food waste to
respective food waste processing facilities.

SECTION 24. In case there are unnoticed food waste combined with other wastes, the garbage collection
unit shall separate it from those before its delivery to food waste processing facilities. However, if
certain unnoticed food waste are combined with hazardous, radioactive or hospital waste, the food
waste shall be disposed on in a scientific manner and in accordance with our environmental laws.

SECTION 25. A lecture on the impact and prevention of food waste shall be integrated in science-related
subjects being teaches in all public and private elementary and high schools within the jurisdiction of the
municipality. Each school has the discretion on what grade level and on what science-related subject to
incorporate the lecture. Colleges and universities located within the jurisdiction of the municipality may
also conduct lectures either integrated to any related general education subjects or major subjects of
respective degree programs. Each tertiary educational institution shall have the discretion on what year
level and on what subject to incorporate the lecture.

SECTION 26. The Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office shall conduct seminars to
educate the townsfolk regarding the impact and prevention of food waste.

SECTION 27. Each Sangguniang Barangay may also conduct seminars to educate the townsfolk regarding
the impact and prevention of food waste, in its discretion.

SECTION 28. The Sangguniang Bayan together with the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources
Office and other relevant offices under the local government unit shall conduct consultations with
stakeholders namely but not limited to townsfolk, environmental experts, non-government
organizations, relevant regional and/or national government agencies before the implementation of
food waste management programs.

SECTION 29. The Local Chief Executive is hereby authorized to enter into and sign a Memorandum of
Agreement with any individual, partnership, association, organization, corporation, foreign entities
represented by its President or any other heads, officers or representatives, when it comes to
knowledge and technology exchange and cooperation, livelihood programs, grants and charitable
purposes, sustainable development, commercial cooperations and other relevant programs that will
help to develop and bolster the municipality's policy on food waste management and sustainability in
accordance with the rules set forth by this Ordinance.

SECTION 30. Repealing Clause. — All municipal ordinances, implementing rules and regulations, and
executive orders, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are
hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly.

SECTION 31. Separability Clause. — If, for any reason or reasons, any part or provision of this Ordinance
shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, other parts or provisions hereof which are not affected
thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

SECTION 32. Effectivity Clause. — This act shall take effect immediately (15) days from the date of its
complete publication in at least (2) newspapers of general circulation.

UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED by the Members Present during approval: Councilors Renz Bungay, Mildred
C. Duran, Rest-Day S. Galasanay, Jayson Viernes, John P. Doe, Juan B. De la Cruz, Hortencia F. Bitancor,
Miguel A. Magtibay during Regular Session No. 29 held on December 29, 2022.

Approved by:

Municipal Mayor Municipal Vice Mayor

Attested by:


Municipal Secretary Municipal Administrator

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