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JALE: Good day everyone.

REZY: Welcome to the Celebration of the Retirement of our dearest Sir Ike!
JALE: Before anything else, may we request everyone to please stand for the singing
of national anthem
REZY: Retirement refers to the time of life when one chooses to permanently leave
the workforce behind. The traditional retirement age is 65 to which today’s program is
hinged on.
JALE: That is correct, today, we are not only celebrating the 44 years of fruitful
government service of one of our remarkable “boss”. We are first and foremost,
celebrating his birth and milestone.
REZY: Now to officially open our program, may we call on Acting Director Francis C.
Bautista for the Welcome Address

*Welcome Address*

JALE: On to the next part of our program, the presentation of gifts, and messages in
the following order:
a. Technical Division A
b. Technical Division B
c. Technical Division C
d. FAD
e. Procurement Service
f. Office of the Acting Assistant Director
g. Office of the Acting Director


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