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Name : Ovin Gabriella Notonugroho

Subject : Anatomy 1
Class or group : Class B
NIM : 022011133067
Speaker : Dr. Sakher J. AlQahtani
Material : Dental age estimation using the London Atlas
Class : 2020

Everyone should have identity. The right to personal identity begins with the right to life. The
United Nation Convention on the rights of the child stresses the value and importance of
childrens identity. The identity can be static (attributes that make one visible to the outside
world for example: physical features,sex,name,genetics,and nationality) and dynamic
(morals, religious, and cultural characteristic). A child has a right to have a legal identitiy by
being registered and has a right to a name and nationality. Parents have the duty to declare the
name, the surname, and the date of birth of a new born to authorities in charge. By recording
this birth, the states officialy recognizes the existence of the child and formalized their status
in the eyes of the law. But in fact, theres a lot cases about unregistered births, in developed
country 40 percent of the births are not registered and 50 percent developing country. A child
without identity will be invisible in eyes of society and will not benefit from protection ad
social services essential to their development. This has major implications for criminal
prosecutions of people suspected of recruiting child soldiers, and those accused of sexual
offences against children. Also many people migrate from countries to other countries.

An age assessment is a procedure organized by a public body to determine the chronological

age of an individual lacking legal documents. This can help unaccompanied minors.
Assessing age correctly is a fundamental human right. Age estimation is also important. We
can estimate age by select a feature of developing individual that grows/mature over long
period of time, measureable stages, over a short period of time, and survive inhumination
well. And we can use teeth as a measure.

Importance of teeth is develop over a long span of human life and measureable
developmental stages that happen over a short period of time. Dental age can predict a
chronological age. There are various methods that are utilized to determine age from
dentition, these may be described in four categories, namely, clinical, radiographic, atlas
technique, and many more.
First, Clinical or visual method is a visual observation of the stage of eruption of the teeth.
The use of tooth eruption/emerge as a tool for estimating the age of children became standard
method due to ease with wich it could be applied,rewuiring only a simple intra-oral
examination to gather the appropriate data. Second radiographic, radiography can provide the
gross stage of dental development of the dentition. Third atlas technique, these technique
based on morphologically different stages of mineralization of all teeth. This technique aim to
develop a comprehensive evidence based atlas of tooth development and eruption for primary
and permanent teeth from 28 weeks In utero through maturity. When The London Atlas was
used, digital radiographs were assessed by direct comparison with the diagrams and by using
the dental age estimator feature in the London Atlas online software . A digital radiograph
software was used for tooth measurements using Cameriere’s method . The chronological age
of each subject was calculated by subtracting the date of the radiograph from the date of birth
registered in the file and was converted into a decimal system by using Eveleth and Tanner’s
method. The chronological ages were blinded from the observer and entered in a different
spreadsheet until the assessment of all 400 panoramic radiographs was completed. The main
observer was trained by an expert on a set of separate radiographs to ensure the correct
execution of Cameriere’s measurements before initiating the study.

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