Fa3 Negru

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Negru, Naomi Decena

FA 3
EED 1105- Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades
Prof. Hyatt


History is a subject that is not appealing to the students as Math, English or Science. It is
considered as less important than Math, English and Science. So students don’t concentrate
much on this subject. They may or may not study well on this subject. This makes the subject
challenging to the teachers. Teachers are aware of this situation.
Students during history class simply regard or disregard this subject. More often than not,
we see students sleeping in the class, most especially if the time or schedule of this subject is
conducive to sleeping. Some students may not be sleeping but they are doing other things that
are not related to the subject. What does the teacher do during the history class?
Teachers are usually up to their feet during History period. What this means is that the
teachers are doing their best and exerting much effort to attract the attention of the students.
They do these in many ways to the best of their abilities. Teachers choose teaching strategies that
are suited to the abilities of the students, so that the students can relate and get adjusted to the
teacher’s way of teaching. Definitely, teachers do not sit down while teaching. This is to get the
attention of the students. They use parts of their body to emphasize a lesson, they are teaching.
They become visual and make the students understand of what they are teaching because of the
movement of the hands and body reinforce of what is being taught. An effective history teacher
is one who is considered as respectful, positive thinker, and has good relationship with the
students. A history teacher is considered a critical thinker because he’s the one discusses the
topic presented in front of the class. He/she is considered to be an important person inside the
classroom. A history teacher shows passionate concern towards his/her students. A history
teacher is not one or two pages advanced than his/her students. Furthermore, a history teacher is
knowledgeable. A history teacher he/she makes of visual aids so that the students can understand
the lesson that is being taught to them. And also a history teacher is also very dynamic and
energetic so that the students would pay attention to his/her discussion until the end of the class.

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