Intro Macro Ingles

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If you use Excel frequently, it is possible that on some occasion you have found the same series

of actions repeatedly. Those actions that you do repeatedly could be automated with a macro. 

What is an excel macro? 

It is a set of commands that is stored in a special place in Excel so that they are always available

when you need to execute them, they are written in a special computer language known as Visual

Basic for Applications (VBA). This language allows you to access all the features of Excel and

thereby also extend the functionality of the program. 

For example, if you create a sales report every morning and, in that report, you always give the

same format to the texts, you could create a macro to do it automatically for you. Macros are

mainly used to eliminate the need to repeat the steps of those tasks that you perform repeatedly. 

The purpose of macros is to make it easier for you to do Excel tasks that you repeatedly perform.

Imagine that due to your work or the tasks that you normally carry out with the program, every

two times three you have to mechanically carry out a set of actions that takes you quite a few

clicks and returns to the application. 

With macros, you can create an automation that performs in order all those actions that they

always do one after the other. Once this macro is configured, you can run it as many times as you

want at any time. 

When you create a macro, Excel will record every mouse click or keystroke you make during the

creation process, and this is what it will then repeat. After you create the macro, you can also

modify it to make small changes to better tune or refine the tasks it performs. 

Among the advantages of using macros is the reduction in the error rate, since the steps to be

taken are recorded and there is less chance that you will make a mistake in any of them. They

also help reduce work time by speeding up some and increase the usefulness of Excel by making

some actions more accessible or simply being able to create keyboard shortcuts for them. 
However, it must also be said that if you are an occasional user of Excel, macros are not

something that should worry you too much, since after all, to create it you will have to repeat the

steps that you want to add, and if you only do them once or twice a week you will give yourself

the same. 

Advantages of automation 
⦁ Increased productivity: Staff can spend more time making a bigger impact on the business. Let

software systems take care of repetitive tasks. 

⦁ Greater reliability: by reducing human intervention, reducing the need for checks and

troubleshooting. All the same tasks are always executed in the same way. This allows you to

know exactly when processes, tests, updates, workflows, etc. will take place. and for how long,

and gives you the certainty that you can trust the results. 

⦁ Simplified Control – The more people involved, the more likely there are knowledge gaps,

meaning one part of your business may not know what or who the other part is. That is why it is

essential to code the tasks to obtain better control. 

Challenges (disadvantages) 

⦁ Cost. Designing an effective automation solution costs time and energy. Work with a trusted

partner who can handle the hard work, saving you money and streamlining your business. 

⦁ Scope. Automation is not synonymous with intelligence. Depending on the system you decide

to automate and how it's designed, some vulnerabilities could be left off limits. To address the

problem, you can narrow down the automation to a few aspects or functions. Note that the

effectiveness and safety of capture depend on how it is implemented. 

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