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WRITING EXERCISE #4 February 11, 2023

Storytelling and Narrative Analysis

The Legal Storytelling Model

Storytelling, Narrative Rationality, and Legal Persuasion by Chris Rideout

Storytelling for Lawyers

Legal Writing Tabucanon Pages 54-86; 120-165



1. Kindly read the materials indicated above, use them as your guide in this writing
2. Your task is to develop the story based on the different perspectives asked of you.
3. Stories should be hand written on your notebook. Maximum of two (2) pages per story,,
single-spaced.Pls do not write at the back of the pages.
4. Take a CLEAR/HIGH RESOLUTION photo of your work and submit it via email to no later than 10:00pm on February 11, 2023

Aryanna Moreno is a 15-year old student in junior highschool. After one of her classes,
she went to the clinic, approached the school nurse and asked about pregnancy and
eventually told the nurse that she suspected that might be pregnant. The school nurse
was surprised of Aryanna’s revelation and asked her what happened. Aryanna revealed
to the school nurse that Larry Flowers touched her and forced her to have sex with him.
Concerned about Aryanna's Welfare, the school nurse reported the matter to the DSWD.

The police received a report from the DSWD that a student named Aryanna Moreno
reported to the school nurse that she was abused by her grandfather at their house.

The police and the DSWD next went to Aryanna’s school to conduct an investigation and
interviewed the school nurse and Aryanna. During the interview, the school nurse told
the police and the Social Worker that Aryanna went to the clinic and asked about matters
of pregnancy and later revealed that she was abused. The nurse told the police that she
asked Aryanna who abused her and was told that her grandfather, Agustin Moreno,
sexually abused her and had sexual intercourse with her at least twice.

The police and the DSWD conducted an investigation at Aryanna’s house where her
grandparents, siblings and aunt also lived. When the police arrived, they were able to
interview Aryanna’s aunt, Natalia, who told the police that Aryanna told them that a boy
at school named Larry Flowers is bullying her at school. The Social Worker observed
that Aryanna’s house is small and that Aryanna shared a room with her sister. When the
police asked where Agustin Moreno was, Natalia told them that her father is staying at
her cousin’s house, Isaias.

Thereafter, the police and the DSWD went to the house of Isaias and found Agustin there.
They asked Isaias to wait outside of the house while they interviewed Agustin. During the
interview, the police asked if Agustin has sexual intercourse with Aryanna and Agustin
denied. Agustin said that Aryanna told her aunt that a boy named Larry Flowers abused
her at school. The police asked Agustin if he was willing to undergo a polygraph (lie-
detector) test and Agustin said yes.

The next day, Agustin and Isaias went to the police station where a polygraph test was
conducted while Agustin was questioned if he had sexual intercourse with Aryanna.
Agustin repeatedly answered in the negative. However, the police said he failed the
polygraph test, the results of which showed that Agusin was lying.

When the police told Agustin that he failed the polygraph test, they told him that it would
be best to confess and surrender because they will eventually learn about the truth and
they think Agustin is probably guilty.

Out of fear, Agustin cried out and admitted that had sexual intercourse with Aryanna
because she seduced her. Agustin later called Isaias over the phone and told Isaias that
he cannot leave the station and that he is going to jail.

In one occasion, Natalia had the opportunity to speak to Aryanna and asked why she told
the school nurse that Agustin abused her, Aryanna told Natalia that it was the school
nurse who instructed her to tell the police that it was Agustin to abused her, but she told
the nurse that it was Larry Flowers.

Aryanna was subjected to a medical examination which showed that her hymen is intact.

Story # 1

Story that would convince your reader that Aryanna is not a victim of rape or sexual abuse and
that Larry Flowers is a product of Aryanna’s imagination.

Story #2

Story that would convince your reader that Aryanna is indeed pregnant with Larry Flower’s child,
but Larry refused to recognize the baby, reasoning that Aryanna told her that she was sexually
abused by her grandfather at home so Larry is not the father of the child.
Story # 3

Story that would convince your reader that Agustin Moreno is innocent and he never abused
Aryanna and the reason why he made a confession

Story #4

Story reconciling the conflicting versions of Aryanna and the school nurse
-why did Aryanna told the nurse that Larry Flowers is her abuser
-why did the nurse reported to the DSWD that it was Agustin who abused Aryanna
-why did Aryanna told the police that is was Agustin who abused her
-why did Aryanna told her aunt that the school nurse made her say that Agustin is her abuser

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