0301 S5.Wr2.4

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N Sngnsn Yeat 5 Writing Paper - Section B

you porents were owou ond Uou wish to osk Uour porents to join the Fomilg Dog orgonised bg
Bongsor Residents' Associotion. write o memo to tell them obout it.
Write gour onswer between 50 ond 80 words.


B (it



ll2 mo*sl

Studg the brochure ond onswer the following question in the spoces provided'

Sepilok Onang Utan SanetuanY j

. Wotch the tneosured orong oton in thein hobitot j
. RM99 fon 1 dog pockoge with o toun goide. j

b* i-
Manukan lsland Paradise
. Scubo dive in the cngstol cleon woten'
. RMt00 pen coople fon 3 dogs 2 nights
tbee 2 hoons of scobo-diving).

dfl Mount Kinabalu

tiri tt!
. Eqjog the glonioos view fnorn the highest peok of fhe nroontoin.
. RM639 for 3 people fon 3 dogs 2 nights pockoge
(Centified guide incloded).

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 64

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