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achieved during and after the period of partition may now be

inner sense resembles the external senses in the immediateness

a vegetable dyestuff formerly prepared from madder root (Rubia

vols., Edinburgh (1790); Proceedings of the Association

to various naval heroes, including Admirals van Heemskerk (d.

and in 1823 became a province of the empire. The advent

gas. It is almost impossible to liberate the balloon in such

Grande Traversiere (C). . . 11,467 Mont Jouvet (W). . . . . . . . . .8,409

period more or less contemporary with Dynasties XI. and XII.

weapon. If aseptic procedure can be promptly resorted

the feast of Corpus Christi, a festival in honour of His Sacred

importance that the navy estimates should be placed upon a

an unsuccessful attack on Wark, retreated hastily, and quitted

the formation of special cells, the group Euchlorophyceae

C. Microcoleus sp., several filaments in common sheath.

Mittheil. d. deutsch. Inst. Athens, xii. (1887),

books or quack remedies. The first trade advertisement,

young Germans arrived as deck passengers at Zanzibar. They

1904, p. 56), the ``field of Abram'' occurs among the places

age, dismissed the regents and their government, and took the

almond; but this exposition is not borne out by the facts of the

of dockyards and other officials of that department concerned

slaves. The town of Manaos, at the mouth of the Rio Negro,

fuze. Except for the means adopted to ensure detonation

pilgrim, are still extant. An ancient Jain temple, now

current through its aperture, which may be regarded as a

was of the tribe of Koreish (Qureish). In his youth he was

of most importance are the sarai and gardens of Khasru, the

the functions of a justice of the peace. The aldermen are

of the United Provinces, situated on a mountain-ridge of

king's son, Kamran, by a gross outrage on the Saddozai family.

are apt to be regarded by German historians as devoid of

in association with its annual show of fat stock, and it

the intervals between them. Their number was usually five,

surrounding; a word implying a moving rather than a stationary

much exercised by the spread of Nihilist doctrines and the

of Alberta was found to be 185,412. It has grown from

the 13th degree of longitude with the 10th degree of north

necessities for a medium, there were more mundane uses to be

to ``Perseus'' and asserts that Chemmis was remark-. able

known commercially as ``concentrated alum'' or ``sulphate of

Besides the above a great many works under the title of Ana

philosophy in the university of Altorf, in Franconia, in 1672, on

a characteristic which, as Buhler notes (Indian Studies,

been in use for a comparatively few years, attempts might

ADAM'S BRIDGE, or RAMA'S BRIDGE, a chain of sandbanks

perhaps we may say, not altogether unfortunate necessity.

He was privately educated and for many years was engaged in

ramparts, and contains two circular, Vaulted chambers, used as

about L. 30 to the rent of the land. The ardour with which these

be present to reduce the ``solids not fat'' to the amount

to the returns obtained by the Local Government Board,

north by the Mohmands, on the west by the Shinwaris and on

Butchers have palmed off upon their customers imported

later. Two of the earliest are written in Sabaean characters,

at least two centuries, although the monuments of an

general like Stihcho to defend her) and began a strict blockade.

D'ALBOQUERQUE) (1453-1515), surnamed THE GREAT, and

and over the Pennines. It has no connexionwith Alston itself.

northern invaders, its control of Delphi and the Amphictyonic

and Spanish troops. (See SPANISH SUCCESSION, WAR OF THE.)

and men; its distribution throughout the world; and its

can be placed upon the figures relating to turnips (which

occurred if the vessel had been seaworthy and fit for the

coated with lead (the late Lord Armstrong's system), the lead

guard against any premature traffic in the rights of Arabs

Cicero. To him are ascribed the five tropes pente tropoi

open, but later two lateral folds appear which, by their

councils. Examples are not uncommon in Spain and in England

the object of which was to prevent loss of gas during the

name has been identified with the Assyrian ablu, ``son,'' but

hair and feathers have occasionally been represented among the

court roll as ``in mercy'' (sit in misericordia), and

in most places fallen into disuse. (See also ADULTERATION.)

sent. He also threw himself at his guest's feet, and

of these marks -- some averring that comparative anatomy is

of prosperity and good fortune. Modelled after the Greek Demeter,

rifts extending from Nyasaland to Egypt. The depressed areas

years. These hostages, when restored in 150, swelled the

extreme north, off the Macedonian coast; Samothrace, fronting

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