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iCorps Q4 / Outbound campaign Ubico Messaging - Oct’2022

Day 1

Is {Company}’s cybersecurity strategy ready for 2023?

Hi {FirstName},

Has {Company}’s cybersecurity been less successful than you expected? I hope not but it can
be the case. We've been working with businesses that are similar to {Company} to assess and
address issues around:

1. Vulnerability
2. IT Governance,
3. Baseline Framework
4. Cloud Security assessments.

I’d love to walk you through how you can adopt some of these approaches that could
strengthen your unique IT environment and get it ready for 2023.

Please let me know if you'd like to discuss any of this in more detail.

Day 5


I’d love to share three ways that you can strengthen the security across your data & systems,
and improve your IT landscape. Here’s the link to the resource.

Interested in chatting? Feel free to book some time on my calendar link here.
Day 10

Hello {FirstName},

Following up to see how things are going with you?

Are you open to connecting and discussing some of your growth goals, challenges, and if it
makes sense to check out the iCorps ecosystem? Just shoot me an email or schedule a time to
jump on a call.

Best regards,

Day 15

{FirstName}, looking to strengthen your IT landscape?

Hi {FirstName},

Given that we have dozens of {Industry} firms that are utilizing iCorps, I'm curious if you'd be
against a brief chat with the proposed agenda below?

1. Your IT Governance & Security today

2. How similar businesses like {Company} are utilizing iCorps

3. See if it could make sense to evaluate iCorps further

If you're open to having a discussion, feel free to book a call directly on my calendar here.

Best regards,

Day 20


I’d love a chance to chat and briefly explain how iCorps helps businesses like {Company} to
strengthen their IT landscape without tossing away investments that have already been made.

Are you available next week for a quick chat?

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