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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Open University System

Master of Science in Construction Management

Aquino, Nicole Marie R. Principles of Construction Management

2019-13382-MN-0 Dr. Guillermo O. Bernabe

Assignment No. 4

1. Discuss the Philippine industry sector

1.1. Output – These pertains to people responsible for developing resources into tangible
constructed buildings such as the clients, contractors, and other related professionals.
1.2. Input – These supplies output sector with needed materials, equipment, manpower, and
other necessary requirements for construction.
2. Discuss the Industry Clients Sector
2.1. Public Owners – It pertains to the state or public body. They have the ownership of
an industry, asset, or enterprise representing a community as opposed to
an individual or private party.
2.2. Private Owners – It pertains to an individual or group of non-governmental entity.
3. Discuss the major types of governmental project owners
3.1. Infrastructure Agencies – These include Department of Public Works and Highways,
Department of Transportation, Department of Energy and the like.
3.2. Non-infrastructure Agencies – Some of the examples are Department of Trade and
Industry, Department of Tourism, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and
the like.
4. Discuss Contracting Sector
4.1. Formal Subsector – These are government related industries.
4.2. Informal Subsector – These are private industries.
5. Population and geography
5.1. Registered number of licensed contractors from 2000 up to 2018
6. Licensed Contractors by Region from 2000 up to 2018

7. Licensed Contractors by Principal Classification from 2000 up to 2018

8. Licensed Contractors by Size of Firm from 2000 up to 2018

9. Number and Percentage Distribution of Construction-Related Professional from 2000 up to 2018
10. Discuss the Labor Sector
10.1.Project workers or employees – These are persons that works related to construction
industries. These includes, laborers, site officers, technical professionals such as
engineers, architects, etc.
10.2.Non-project workers – These are part of the working class not related with the construction
11. 11. Percentage Distribution of Construction Workers/Employees (Professional, Technical &
laborers) from 2000 up to to 2016

12. Discuss Materials Sector distribution of these facilities and the annual installed capacity by
geographical area
12.1.Cement - As of December 2016, the Philippine cement industry has an estimated annual
clinker and cement capacity of 20.6 and 28.63 million tonnes, respectively, according to the
2017 Cement Market Report
12.2.Aggregates – Sand and gravel quarrying industry dominates the sector in terms of number
of establishments. The final results of the 2016 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and
Industry (ASPBI) showed that there were 219 establishments engaged in mining and
quarrying in the formal sector of the economy.
12.3.Reinforcing Steel Bars & Galvanized Iron Sheets -
The Philippine iron and steel industry aims to contribute to the country's sustainable
development by manufacturing world-class products for the industry and society, and sees
itself as a majority producer of high-quality and safe steel products for domestic users by
2030. This is achieved when the industry is able to supply 70% of the tonnage of required
apparent steel consumption.
Philippine-based iron and steel manufacturers have expanded their production capacities in
the long products sector, but still fall short of domestic demand, mainly because of the
absence of an integrated steel mill (ISM). The flat products sector has no local production
of hot rolled coils (HRC), hot rolled plates (HRP), and cold rolled coils (CRC), and all are
currently imported. The availability of raw materials (i.e. iron ore) and semi-processed
products (i.e. pig-iron) presents the opportunity for local iron and steel manufacturers to
domestically source their input requirements and, more importantly, the possibility of
establishing an ISM.
12.4.Lumber – In 2000, there were 86 sawmills in the Philippines with a total daily capacity of 3
747 m3. However, only 45 of these operated during the year due to local wood shortages,
and as a result, only 151 000 m3 of sawnwood were produced. In addition, there were 27
plywood plants and 19 veneer plants with daily rated capacities of 1.8 and 0.56 million m 3,
respectively. Actual production of plywood and veneer during the year registered at 286 000
and 178 000 m3, respectively.

13. Discuss Equipment Sector

13.1.Lessors – These are companies leasing their equipment.
13.2.Importers – These are companies that supplies materials or services not from the local but
from abroad.
13.3.Manufacturers – These are companies that creates good or merchandise for sale.
14. Discuss Financing Sector
14.1.Owner Financing
14.1.1. Government Projects – These refer to projects commissioned by a county, city,
municipality, government board, public school board or any other state-funded entity.
14.1.2. Non-government Projects – These are projects of every type that are owned,
controlled or commissioned by a private party. Private parties include individuals,
homeowners, corporations, other business entities, non-profit associations, privately
funded schools, hospitals, publicly traded companies, etc. Anything, in other words,
that is not the government.
15. Contractor Financing


 2012 Census of Philippine Business and Industry - Professional, Scientific and Technical
Activities for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over: Preliminary Results.
Retrieved from:
 Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines. Retrieved from:
 Types of Construction Projects – What are They and Why You Should Care. Retrieved from:
 Securing The Future of Philippine Industries. Retrieved from:

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