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Name: Ashanti P. Garcia Adviser: Sir Jeremiah Paul Bautista
Grade and Section: 11 – STEM D Contact Number:
MELC Q3 – W2: Differentiate the various models of communication

I. Written Work (15 points)

A) (10 points) Differentiate Aristotle’s Speaker-Centered Model to Source-Message-Channel-

Receiver (SMCR) Model. Limit your answer to 10 sentences, at most. Write it on essay form.

According to Aristotle's model of communication, the speaker and the way of speaking are in
the center, and the speaker is the one who drives the entire communication. Since the speaker
is the most important component, this model is called a speaker-oriented model. It is the
speaker's responsibility to deliver a speech to the general public. The audience plays a passive
role. As a result, the Aristotle Model of Communication is a one-way communication model,
from speaker to receiver. It primarily consists of four components that describe the
communication process. They are the sender, the message, the channel, and the receiver.
Although the model is speaker-centered and emphasizes audience interaction in
communication, there is no concept of feedback. This model represents the Source, Message,
Channel, and Receiver, which are also part of the primary communication process's 9 essential
communication elements.

B) (5 points) Briefly Schramm’s Model of Communication by giving a real-life example. Limit your
answer to 10 sentences, at most. Write it on essay form.

Schramm’s model views communication as a process that takes place between a sender and
the receiver. According to the Schramm’s model, coding and decoding are two essential
processes of an effective communication. The cyclical communication model is based on the
theory and belief that communication is a two-way street. In our everyday life, we experience
the same situation we interact with people, we share our ideas and thoughts and we exchange
information’s. We are the sender that encode message to pass with other people. They will
receive that message and to able for them to encode their feedback. We also check each
other’s messages that will reflect the sender. This communication experience that involves the
sender who decodes the message and the receiver hold both roles in the model.

II. Performance Task

Using your everyday experiences as your basis, create your own communication model
(drawing: either digital or hand drawn) and identify the category to which it belongs (linear,
interactive, or transactional). The elements may be those found in the models discussed. You
may also add elements that you find lacking in the previous discussed models. Write a short
paragraph explaining the communication model and the situation it most appropriately reflects.
(20 points)
Brief explanation of your own Model of Communication .

The category of my own communication model seems to be the interactive communication.

Based on what I am doing in real life this model exactly describes the way I communicate.
Personally, when I am chatting with my family we always exchange topics and messages and
vice-versa. We always chat actively and the way we communicate like in the illustration above.
There is always a dynamic, or two-way of information, more likely there is always the source of
information (message). I also added a bit of element that will probably need in my own process
of communication, the field experience is what I added. In this type of category the sender will
encode his/her ideas in exchange of the feedback. The encoder and decoder is the same
person or source. Furthermore, field of experience is the experience and knowledge that the
sources possess which affects the message formation and interpretation. For example, the
source’s culture, social behavior, etc.


1. What part of this Learning Activity Sheet have you encountered with difficulty? Why?

The Written Work Activity. I really had a hard time finishing the activity because it confuses me
since there is a lot of information that I supposed to understand especially the process of
2. What part of this Learning Activity Sheet you learned easily? Why?

I honestly had a difficult time but it was very smooth activity, the performance task was a bit time
consuming because you need to edit and think the whole process however I immediately finish
the task so that is not a problem.

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