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For Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences

Chapter 6
Matrix Algebra

2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

Chapter Objectives
• Concept of a matrix.
• Special types of matrices.
• Matrix addition and scalar multiplication operations.
• Express a system as a single matrix equation using
matrix multiplication.
• Matrix reduction to solve a linear system.
• Theory of homogeneous systems.
• Inverse matrix.
• Use a matrix to analyze the production of sectors of an
2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

Chapter Outline
6.1) Matrices
6.2) Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication
6.3) Matrix Multiplication
6.4) Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices
6.5) Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices
6.6) Inverses
6.7) Leontief’s Input—Output Analysis

2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.1 Matrices
• A matrix consisting of m horizontal rows and n
vertical columns is called an m×n matrix or a
matrix of size m×n.
 a11 a12 ... a1n 
a ... a2n 
 21 a12
 . . ... . 
 
 . . ... . 
 . . ... . 
 
am1 am 2 ... amn 
• For the entry aij, we call i the row subscript and j
the column subscript.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.1 Matrices

Example 1 – Size of a Matrix

a. The matrix 1 2 0has size 1 3 .
1  6
b. The matrix 5 1  has size 3  2 .
9 4 
c. The matrix 7 has size 1 1.
1 3 7  2 4
d. The matrix 9 11 5 6 8 has size3  5 .
6  2  1 1 1

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.1 Matrices

Equality of Matrices
• Matrices A = [aij ] and B = [bij] are equal if they
have the same size and aij = bij for each i and j.

Transpose of a Matrix
• A transpose matrix is denoted by AT.
Example 3 – Transpose of a Matrix
If A   1 2 3 , find AT .
4 5 6
 1 4
Solution: AT  2 5 
3 6
Observe that AT 
 A.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.2 Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication

Matrix Addition
• Sum A + B is the m × n matrix obtained by adding
corresponding entries of A and B.

Example 1 – Matrix Addition

a. 1 4   7  2  1  7 2  2   8 0 
2 5    6 4   3  6 4  4   3 8
       
3 6  3 0  5  3 6  0   8 6

 1 2  2
b. 3 4  1 is impossible as matrices are not of the same
   
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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.2 Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication

Example 3 – Demand Vectors for an Economy

Demand for the consumers is
D1  3 2 5 D2  0 17 1 D3  4 6 12
For the industries is
DC  0 1 4 DE  20 0 8 DS  30 5 0
What is the total demand for consumers and the
D1  D2  D3  3 2 5  0 17 1  4 6 12  7 25 18
DC  DE  DS  0 1 4  20 0 8  30 5 0  50 6 12
Total: 7 25 18  50 6 12  57 31 30

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.2 Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication

Scalar Multiplication
• Properties of Scalar Multiplication:

Subtraction of Matrices
• Property of subtraction is  A   1A

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.2 Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication

Example 5 – Matrix Subtraction

a. 2 6 6  2  2  6 6  2  4 8 
 4 1  4 1    4  4 1  1     8 0 
       
 3 2 0 3   3  0 2  3   3  1

6 2  6  6  0
b. AT  2B  
    
0  1  2 4    2  5 

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.3 Matrix Multiplication

• AB is the m× p matrix C whose entry cij is given by
cij   aik bkj  ai 1b1 j ai 2b2 j  ...  ainbnj
k 1

Example 1 – Sizes of Matrices and Their Product

A = 3 × 5 matrix
B = 5 × 3 matrix
AB = 3 × 3 matrix but BA = 5 × 5 matrix.

C = 3 × 5 matrix
D = 7 × 3 matrix
CD = undefined but DC = 7 × 5 matrix.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.3 Matrix Multiplication

Example 3 – Matrix Products

 4
a. 1 2 35  32

1  1 6 
21 6  2 12
b.    
3 3 18

 1 3 0  1 0 2   16  3 11
 2 2 1   2  1 3    10  1 0 
c.     
 1 0  4  2 1  2  7  4 10

d. a11 a12  b11 b12   a11b11  a12b21 a11b12  a12b22 

a  b  a b  a b  
 21 22   21 22   21 11 22 21 21 12
a b a b a22 22 
2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.3 Matrix Multiplication

Example 5 – Cost Vector

Given the price and the quantities, calculate the total
cost.  7  units of A
P  2 3 4 Q   5  units of B
11 units of C
The cost vector is
PQ  2 3 4 5   73

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.3 Matrix Multiplication

Example 7 – Associative Property

 1 0
 1  2 3 0  1
If A  B  C  0 2
 3  4 1 1 2  1 1

compute ABC in two ways.

Solution 1: Solution 2:  1 0
  1 0   1  2 3 0 1  

ABC   
1  2 
  3 0 1 
 1 1 2 0 2 
 
AB C        0 2
 
  3  4    1 1    3  4 1 1 2  1 1
    
 1  2 2  1  4  9  1 0
  3 4    6 19   1  2  5    4  9
  3  4       0 2   6 19 
  5 4 11  1 1  
 
Note that A(BC) = (AB)C.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.3 Matrix Multiplication

Example 9 – Raw Materials and Cost

Find QRC when 2500
5 20 16 7 17 1200
 
Q  5 7 9 R  7 18 12 9 21 C   800 
 
6 25 8 5 13  150 
 
5 20 16 7 17 1200 75850
RC  7 18 12 9 21  800   81550
 
6 25 8 5 13  150  71650

QRC  QRC   5 7 1281550  1,809,900

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.3 Matrix Multiplication

Example 11 – Matrix Operations Involving I and O

3 2  52  51   1 0 0 0
If A  B 1 3 
I  O 
 1 4  10 10  0 1 0 0

compute each of the following.

1 0 3 2  2  2
a. I  A       
0 1 1 4   1  3
 3 2  1 0   3 2 2 0  3 6
b. 3A  2I   3    2   
  3
    
 3 6
  1 4  0 1    1 4  0 2   
3 2 0 0
c. AO      O
1 4 0 0
3 2  52  51  1 0
d. AB    1 3 
  I
1 4  10 10  0 1
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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.3 Matrix Multiplication

Example 13 – Matrix Form of a System Using Matrix Multiplication

2x  5 x2  4
Write the system  1
8 x1  3 x2  7
in matrix form by using matrix multiplication.

2 5  x1   4
If A    X   B 
8 3  x2  7 

then the single matrix equation is

AX  B
2 5  x1  4
8 3  x   7 
  2   
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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.4 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices

Elementary Row Operations
1. Interchanging two rows of a matrix
2. Multiplying a row of a matrix by a nonzero number
3. Adding a multiple of one row of a matrix to a
different row of that matrix

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.4 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices

Properties of a Reduced Matrix

• All zero-rows at the bottom.
• For each nonzero-row, leading entry is 1 and the
rest zeros.
• Leading entry in each row is to the right of the
leading entry in any row above it.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.4 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices

Example 1 – Reduced Matrices

For each of the following matrices, determine whether
it is reduced or not reduced.
 1 0  1 0 0 0 1
a.   b.  c. 
0 3  0 1 0   1 0 
 1 0 0 0 1 0 3
0 0 0
d.  e.0 0 0 f.0 0 1 2
0 0 0  0 1 0 0 0 0 0
a. Not reduced b. Reduced
c. Not reduced d. Reduced
e. Not reduced f. Reduced

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.4 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices

Example 3 – Solving a System by Reduction

By using matrix reduction, solve the system
2 x  3 y  1

 2x  y  5
 x  y 1

Reducing the augmented coefficient matrix of the
2 3  1 1 0 4 
   
 2 1 5  0 1  3 
1 1 1  0 0 0 
   
We have 
y  3
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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.4 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices

Example 5 – Parametric Form of a Solution

Using matrix reduction, solve
2 x1  3 x2  2 x3  6 x 4  0

 x 2  2 x3  x 4  2
 3 x1  3 x3  6 x 4  9

Reducing the matrix of the system,
2 3 2 6 10 1 0 0 52 4
   
0 1 2 1 2  0 1 0 0 0 
3 0  3 6 9  0 0 1 21 1
   
 x1  4  52 x 4
We have  and x4 takes on any real value.
x2  0
x  1  1 x
 3 2 4

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.5 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices

Example 1 – Two-Parameter Family of Solutions
Using matrix reduction, solve
 x1  2 x2  5 x3  5 x 4  3

 x1  x2  3 x3  4 x 4  1
x  x  x  2x  3
 1 2 3 4

1 0 1 3 1
The matrix is reduced to 0 
1 2 1  2
0 0 0 0 0 
 

The solution is  x1  1  r  3s
 x  2  2r  s
 2

 x3  r
 x 4  s

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.5 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices (Continue)

• The system  a11x1  a12 x 2  ...  a1n x n  c1

 .

 .

 .
 .

am1x1  am 2 x 2  ...  amn x n  c m
is called a homogeneous system if c1 = c2 = …
= cm = 0.
• The system is non-homogeneous if at least one
of the c’s is not equal to 0.
Concept for number of solutions:
1. k < n  infinite solutions
2. k = n  unique solution
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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.5 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices (Continue)

Example 3 – Number of Solutions of a Homogeneous System

Determine whether the system has a unique solution

or infinitely many solutions.
 x  y  2z  0

2x  2y  4z  0
2 equations (k), homogeneous system, 3 unknowns
The system has infinitely many solutions.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.6 Inverses
• When matrix CA = I, C is an inverse of A and A is

Example 1 – Inverse of a Matrix

 1 2  2
Let A  and C   7  . Determine whether C is
3 7   3 1 
an inverse of A.

 7  2 1 2 1 0
Solution: CA        I
 3 1  3 7 0 1

Thus, matrix C is an inverse of A.

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.6 Inverses

Method to Find the Inverse of a Matrix

• When matrix is reduced, A I     R B ,
- If R = I, A is invertible and A−1 = B.
- If R  I, A is not invertible.
Example 3 – Determining the Invertibility of a Matrix
 1 0
Determine if A  is invertible.
 2 2
Solution: We have
 1 0 1 0  1 0 1 0
A I   2 2 0 1 
 1 1
 I B 
  0 1 2

1 1 0
Matrix A is invertible where A  1
  1 2

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.6 Inverses

Example 5 – Using the Inverse to Solve a System

Solve the system by finding the inverse of the
coefficient matrix. x  2x  1  1 3

4 x1  2 x2  x3  2
 x  2 x  10 x  1
 1 2 3

Solution: 1 0 2 
We have A  4 2 1 
 1 2  10

  9 2 2
For inverse, A1   412 4 92 
 5 1 1
 x1    9 2 2  1    7 
The solution is given by X = A−1B: x2    412 4 92   2    17
 x3    5 1 1  1   4 
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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra

6.7 Leontief’s Input-Output Analysis

• Entries are called input–output coefficients.
• Use matrices to show inputs and outputs.

Example 2 – Input-Output Analysis

Given the input–output matrix,

suppose final demand changes to be 77 for A, 154 for

B, and 231 for C. Find the output matrix for the
economy. (The entries are in millions of dollars.)

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Chapter 6: Matrix Algebra
6.7 Leontief’s Input-Output Analysis
Example 2 – Input-Output Analysis

Divide entries by the total value of output to get A:

Final-demand matrix:
 77 
D  154
 231
Output matrix is
X  I  A D   380 

 495 

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