Summary20171007142640 - Office - Ergonomics - Inspection - Checklist - V1

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Schlumberger Injury Prevention Program June 2006 Appendix 9

SLB Operations

ice Workstation Ergonomics Inspection Chec

Version 1.0, December 2006

Owner - Guy Lombardo (IP Program Manager)

Area : MEA
GeoMarket : KSG
Country : SAUDI Arabia
Location : LSTK Site-15
Date Inspection Completed : October 07, 2017
Location Manager or Representative : yinka Olushola Olanrewaju
Inspector's Name : Mohammad Omar Hayat


Office Workstation Ergonomics Inspection Checklist

Name Mohammad Omar Hayat Office Location SITE 15 Date October 07, 2017

Percentage of time spent in workstation 8 hrs. SIPP Inspector Mohammad Omar Hayat
Percentage of time spent on computer 8 hrs.
Date of Office Ergonomics Training October 06, 2017
If adjustments were made,
Office Ergonomics Equipment Checklist ü or û
note them here:
1- Chair and Posture
1.1 Is your chair the proper type of chair for the tasks you preform? YES ###
1.2 Is the chair height properly adjusted so that your thighs are close to parallel to the floor? YES ###
1.3 Does your chair have lumbar (lower back) support? YES ###
1.4 Are the arm rests on your chair adjusted to properly support your elbows when typing? YES ###
1.5 Does your chair have more than 4 castors supporting it? YES ###

1.6 Is there minimal interference in using your keyboard? YES ###

1.7 Is the seat pan angle of your chair adjustable and supporting your upper torso to the "about 90 degree" rule? YES
1.8 Where applicable, do you use a foot rest that is adjustable and keep your thighs parallel to the floor? YES
2- Work Surface ###
2.1 Can you easily access your work surfaces? YES ###

2.2 Are your work surfaces free of uneccessary clutter and encubrances? YES ###
2.3 Is your work surface of the proper size and height for your job? YES
2.4 Do your arms or wrists not rest on a hard surface or sharp edges? YES ###

3- Keyboard ###
3.1 Is the keyboard directly in front of your body? YES
3.2 Is your Keyboard location adjustable N/A
3.3 Is the keyboard in "center line" with the monitor? YES Y
3.4 Is the keyboard height adjusted so that your wrists are in neutral position? YES N/A
3.5 Are your wrists in neutral position and NOT bending to the side or up when you type? YES
3.6 is your keyboard wrist rest helping keep your hands in neutral posture YES
4- Mouse
4.1 Is the mouse located next to the keyboard and at the same height? YES
4.2 Is there enough room to comfortably move the mouse? YES
4.3 Does the mouse fit your hand? YES Y
4.4 Are you in the green to orange zone when you use your mouse? YES N/A
5- Monitor ###
5.1 Is the monitor "center-lined" directly in front of you? YES
5.2 Is the monitor positioned in the range of optimum viewing distance (approximately 18 to 28 Inches)? YES
5.3 Is the top line of the monitor screen at eye level and adjusted to avoid excessive tilting of the chin up or down? YES Y
5.4 Is the screen free of glare? YES N/A
5.5 Do you have the screen perpendicular to light sources in your office? NO
6- Vision ###
6.1 Is overhead lighting adequate to perform your job? YES
6.2 Are you FREE of headaches or neck discomfort when using the computer for 4 or more hours? YES
6.3 If applicable, is your document holder supported and inline w/ your monitor screen? YES
7- Telephone ###
7.1 Is your telephone within easy reach? YES
7.2 Do you hold the telephone so that the neck is not bent or the shoulder shrugged? YES
7.3 If you use the phone for a majority of your work day, do you use a speakerphone, headset or cradle? YES ###
8- Work Habits
8.1 Do you use a light grip on your mouse and writing implements? YES
8.2 Do you take frequent mini-breaks to stretch or rest at least every 30 to 45 minutes? YES
8.3 Do you get up from the seated posture to walk when possible? YES
8.4 In the course of your work day, are you aware of the time you spend at the computer? YES
8.5 Do you vary your routine? YES
Note any Techniques not
9- Utilizing SIPP Techniques In Office Setting ü or û
9.1 Line of strength, have employee demonstrate this technique (E.G. Lifting Box, Open Heavy Door, YES
Stand-Up or Sitdown, etc)
9.2 Side Stepping, have employee demonstrate this technique (E.G. Lifting items while seating at desk, YES
Carry Box Through Doorway, Walk Down Stairs, etc)
9.3 Safe Working Zones, have employee demonstrate this technique (E.G. Identify items in each of their YES
three zones, Explain how often the items are used, Does the individual "twist" to reach the items,etc)
9.4 Smart Grip, have employee demonstrate this technique (E.G. When to use strength and precision YES
fingers,Change to Name fingers used while individual is writing, mousing, going down stairs etc.)
9.5 Watch your head, have employee demonstrate this technique (E.G. Proper posture while typing, YES
Walking down Stairs, Lifting A Box, etc.)
9.6 Bracing & Spinal Alignment, have employee demonstrate this technique (E.G. Lifting heavy breifcase, YES
Large Water Bottle, Box of Paper, Pen off the Floor etc.)

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9.7 Combination of Techniques, have employee demonstrate these techniques (E.G.Walking down stairs, YES
Lifting a box, Just Observe them work for five minutes etc.)
Upon completion, upload this document into QUEST under Audits and Inspections. Contact your QHSE support, if you believe further evaluation is needed

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Template for import of remedial actions in QUEST
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Template for import of remedial actions in QUEST
Action Item Summary Comments Priority Responsibility Target Date
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