2 Behaviour OGPFPS (BP) Worshoppresentationfinal

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Behaviours Workshop

Seeing ourselves as others see us

Presented by FPS

September 2006
Why ?
Develop consistency
Engage all staff : & fight
co-operation & complacency. GENERATIVE
HSE is how we do
commitment business round here
Realise importance PROACTIVE
we work on the
of frontline staff problems that we
& dev personal still find
responsibility we have systems in
Management place to manage all
Commitment REACTIVE hazards
Safety is important,
we do a lot every time
we have an accident Increasing
who cares as long
as we’re not caught


Why ?

•chronic unease – believe accidents

GENERATIVE •safety seen as a profit centre
•new ideas are welcomed

•resources are available to fix things before an accident

PROACTIVE •management is open but still obsessed with statistics
•procedures are “owned” by the workforce

•we cracked it!

CALCULATIVE •lots and lots of audits
•HSE advisers chasing statistics

•we are serious, but why don’t they do what they’re told?
REACTIVE •endless discussions to re-classify accidents
•you have to consider the condition under which we are
•the lawyers/regulator said it was OK
•of course we have accidents, it’s a dangerous business
•sack the idiot who had the accident

History of the Work

• BP Grangemouth - Human Factors Group, 2001.

• Better understanding of the HSE behavioural and cultural aspects of the

asset, and TC events.

• Investigate & identify best practice HSSE behaviours for FPS which
describes both positive and negative behaviours which can encourage or
hinder excellent HSSE performance.

• Understand the concept and benefits of “mindfulness” and what is

involved in its development and sustainability.

• Gap analyse the current behavioural status against the FPS HSSE
Behaviours, and apply mindfulness.

• The Next Step ! – cultural improvement


• Mindful organisations are preoccupied with the possibility

of failure. They hunt for lapses, errors and inconsistencies,
recognising that these may be the precursors to larger

• Mindful organisations … “organise themselves in such a

way that they are better able to notice the unexpected in
the making and halt its development”.

• Mindfulness is as much about what people do with what

they notice as it is about the activity of noticing itself…..

How ?


Whose Behaviour makes the difference?

Objective: Have HSSE concerns raised and addressed

Expresses any HSSE concerns
to supervisor, including when unfit to work

SUPERVISOR Ensures effective mechanisms for
people to raise HSSE & Welfare
Seeks and listens to team HSSE Concerns
suggestions, concerns, ideas
Makes themselves approachable
Promptly acts on HSSE concerns, for informal discussion about HSSE
seeking management support Concerns
where necessary
Provides prompt, honest feedback
on concerns raised by the

Topics - FPS HSSE Behaviours

The sets of behaviours support each other through common topics

across the three types of employees 8
The Behaviours : STANDARDS – FOLLOW


The Behaviours : STANDARDS – SET HIGH

How - Workshop Pre-reading and

• Workshops
• 150 people – mixed
BP & Contractor
• Review Incident
against FPS
• What do we see in
the mirror.
• Ready to apply

HSSE Behaviours Gap Analysis

Individual Mindfulness

BP FPS HSSE Behaviours
Gap Analysis

All BP FPS - 150 people

Seeing Ourselves As Others See Us

Results & learning

Chart 1: How often are BP FPS Everyone HSSE behaviours demonstrated? - rated by 150 BP FPS

Always/ Usually Sometimes/ Seldom

% of 150 FPS personnel
0 20 40 60 80 100

EP1.1 - Learns relevant local standards, rules and procedures 92 8

EP1.2 - Strictly follow s rules, and alw ays uses the right procedure for the job 91 9

EP1.3 - Demonstrates excellent personal HSSE behaviours 83 17

EP1.4 - Identifies impractical rules and procedures, and promptly suggests
48 52
improvements to Supervisor
EP2.1 - Asks questions to gain clarification and understanding; listens to others'
74 26
view s and concerns
EP2.2 - Promptly reports incidents, near-misses, unsafe conditions and error
82 18
Everyone HSSE behaviours

EP2.3 - Expresses any HSSE concerns to Supervisor, including w hen unfit to
70 30
w ork for any reason
EP2.4 - Challenges any unsafe behaviour on the spot 69 31

EP2.5 - If in doubt, stops the job, and w arns those w ho may be in danger 81 19
EP3.1 - Stays vigilant, maintains continual aw areness of hazards, surroundings
85 15
and adjacent w ork
EP3.2 - Anticipates possible risks and problems; constantly asks 'w hat could
63 37
go w rong'?
EP3.3 - Takes time to plan and organise necessary steps and resources to do
74 26
the job safely, and keep the w orkplace tidy
EP3.4 - Avoids assumptions, verifies and checks understanding w hen unsure 75 25

EP4.1 - Takes care of other team members, and supports team HSSE standards 89 11

EP4.2 - Contributes to team HSSE discussions and meetings 70 30

EP4.3 - Participates in local programmes or initiatives to improve HSEE
67 33
EP4.4 - Shares ow n HSSE know ledge and learning w ith others 68 32

1 16
Chart 2: BP FPS Everyone HSSE behaviours which, in the opinion of 150 BP FPS personnel, would
most improve HSSE

No of times chosen
0 5 10 15 20 25

EP1.1 - Learns relevant local standards, rules and procedures

EP1.2 - Strictly follow s rules, and alw ays uses the right procedure for the job

EP1.3 - Demonstrates excellent personal HSSE behaviours

EP1.4 - Identifies impractical rules and procedures, and promptly suggests
improvements to Supervisor
EP2.1 - Asks questions to gain clarification and understanding; listens to
others' view s and concerns
EP2.2 - Promptly reports incidents, near-misses, unsafe conditions and error
EP2.3 - Expresses any HSSE concerns to Supervisor, including w hen unfit to
Everyone Behaviours

w ork for any reason

EP2.4 - Challenges any unsafe behaviour on the spot

EP2.5 - If in doubt, stops the job, and w arns those w ho may be in danger
EP3.1 - Stays vigilant, maintains continual aw areness of hazards,
surroundings and adjacent w ork
EP3.2 - Anticipates possible risks and problems; constantly asks 'w hat could
go w rong'?
EP3.3 - Takes time to plan and organise necessary steps and resources to do
the job safely, and keep the w orkplace tidy
EP3.4 - Avoids assumptions, verifies and checks understanding w hen unsure
EP4.1 - Takes care of other team members, and supports team HSSE
EP4.2 - Contributes to team HSSE discussions and meetings
EP4.3 - Participates in local programmes or initiatives to improve HSEE
EP4.4 - Shares ow n HSSE know ledge and learning w ith others

1 17
Chart 3: How often are BP FPS Supervisor HSSE behaviours demonstrated? - rated by 150 BP FPS

Always/ Usually Sometimes/ Seldom

% of 150 FPS personnel
0 20 40 60 80 100
SP1.1 - Visits the w orksite frequently to ensure compliance, and discusses
74 26
HSSE issues w ith team
SP1.2 - Explains to team that HSSE excellence is expected of them 77 23

SP1.3 - Helps team to resolve production/HSSE conflicts 85 15

SP1.4 - Able to challenge others, and accept challenges 84 16

SP2.1 - Gets to know the strengths and limitations of each team member 89 11
Supervisors HSSE behaviours

SP2.2 - Seeks and listens to team HSSE suggestions, concerns & ideas 81 19
SP2.3 - Recognises and rew ards good individual and team HSSE
55 45
performance, and deals firmly and fairly w ith poor performance
SP2.4 - Promptly acts on HSSE concerns, seeking management support
w here necessary
84 16
SP3.1 - Takes time to plan w ork w ith team, challenging any complacency
about routine w ork
71 29
SP3.2 - Uses their experience to help team to recognise and manage hazards
and risks
84 16
SP3.3 - Encourages the team to be w ary, and stop the job if they have HSSE
88 12

SP3.4 - Carefully reassesses hazards and risks w hen changes occur 73 27

SP3.5 - Considers other hazards, eg security, health, environment 76 24

SP4.1 - Works w ith the team to ensure they understand their HSSE goals and
80 20
SP4.2 - Regularly initiates team discussions about HSSE performance, and
shares lessons learned
60 40
SP4.3 - Supports, coaches and involves team members in implementing HSSE
64 36

1 18
Chart 4: BP FPS Supervisors HSSE behaviours which, in the opinion of 150 BP FPS personnel, would
most improve HSSE

No of times chosen
0 5 10 15 20 25
SP1.1 - Visits the w orksite frequently to ensure compliance, and discusses
HSSE issues w ith team
SP1.2 - Explains to team that HSSE excellence is expected of them

SP1.3 - Helps team to resolve production/HSSE conflicts

SP1.4 - Able to challenge others, and accept challenges

SP2.1 - Gets to know the strengths and limitations of each team member
Supervisor HSSE behaviours

SP2.2 - Seeks and listens to team HSSE suggestions, concerns & ideas
SP2.3 - Recognises and rew ards good individual and team HSSE
performance, and deals firmly and fairly w ith poor performance
SP2.4 - Promptly acts on HSSE concerns, seeking management support
w here necessary
SP3.1 - Takes time to plan w ork w ith team, challenging any complacency
about routine w ork
SP3.2 - Uses their experience to help team to recognise and manage hazards
and risks
SP3.3 - Encourages the team to be w ary, and stop the job if they have HSSE
SP3.4 - Carefully reassesses hazards and risks w hen changes occur

SP3.5 - Considers other hazards, eg security, health, environment

SP4.1 - Works w ith the team to ensure they understand their HSSE goals and
SP4.2 - Regularly initiates team discussions about HSSE performance, and
shares lessons learned
SP4.3 - Supports, coaches and involves team members in implementing HSSE

1 19
Chart 5: How often are BP FPS Managers HSSE behaviours demonstrated? - rated by 150 BP FPS personnel

Always/ Usually Sometimes/ Seldom % of 150 FPS personnel

0 20 40 60 80 100
MP1.1 - Regularly explains HSSE expectations, and verifies understanding
85 15
and compliance
MP1.2 - Focuses on sustainable performance improvements in occupational
77 23
and process safety, and measures progress via leading and lagging
MP1.3 - Continually emphasises that production w ill never compromise HSSE 83 17
MP1.4 - Consistently recognises good HSSE behaviours and performance,
79 21
and tackles poor HSSE performance
MP2.1 - Talks face-to-face w ith their staff about HSSE performance and
82 18
Managers HSSE behaviours

MP2.2 - Regularly varies communication methods to get the HSSE message

58 42
MP2.3 - Keeps the HSSE message simple and direct 83 17
MP2.4 - Provides prompt, honest feedback on concerns raised by the
64 36
w orkforce
MP3.1 - Ensures effective mechanisms exist for people to raise HSSE and
91 9
w elfare concerns
MP3.2 - Make themselves approachable for informal discussion about HSSE
85 15
MP3.3 - Actively encourages and supports ideas to improve HSSE
88 12
MP3.4 - Gets personally involved in incident investigation to understand root
85 15
causes and communicate learning
MP4.1 - Ensures adequate HSSE resources and training are available;
83 17
allocates sufficient time and priority for HSSE initiatives
MP4.2 - Satisfies themselves that Getting HSE Right is properly implemented
85 15
and w orking in practice
MP4.3 - Takes personal action to improve HSSE performance by show ing
87 13
enthusiasm, decisiveness and support
MP4.4 - Continually seeks new w ays to w iden w orkforce participation and
64 36

20 20
Chart 6: BP FPS Managers HSSE behaviours which, in the opinion of 150 BP FPS personnel, would
most improve HSSE

No of times chosen
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
MP1.1 - Regularly explains HSSE expectations, and verifies understanding
and compliance
MP1.2 - Focuses on sustainable performance improvements in occupational
and process safety, and measures progress via leading and lagging
MP1.3 - Continually emphasises that production w ill never compromise HSSE
MP1.4 - Consistently recognises good HSSE behaviours and performance,
and tackles poor HSSE performance
MP2.1 - Talks face-to-face w ith their staff about HSSE performance and
Managers HSSE behaviours

MP2.2 - Regularly varies communication methods to get the HSSE message

MP2.3 - Keeps the HSSE message simple and direct
MP2.4 - Provides prompt, honest feedback on concerns raised by the
w orkforce
MP3.1 - Ensures effective mechanisms exist for people to raise HSSE and
w elfare concerns
MP3.2 - Make themselves approachable for informal discussion about HSSE
MP3.3 - Actively encourages and supports ideas to improve HSSE
MP3.4 - Gets personally involved in incident investigation to understand root
causes and communicate learning
MP4.1 - Ensures adequate HSSE resources and training are available;
allocates sufficient time and priority for HSSE initiatives
MP4.2 - Satisfies themselves that Getting HSE Right is properly implemented
and w orking in practice
MP4.3 - Takes personal action to improve HSSE performance by show ing
enthusiasm, decisiveness and support
MP4.4 - Continually seeks new w ays to w iden w orkforce participation and

21 21

Active Monitoring Internal Re-active Monitoring Learning

Culture & Trends Research
Group & SPU Regulatory Incidents
Permit Audits External Audits Industry Bodies
HSE Inspections Events Best Practices
ASA’s Investigations

Seeing Ourselves as
Others See Us

Risk Assessed Plans

Step Change in
HSE Performance
Organisation : 4 C’s

Plan & Implement Delivery

•Year 1, Year 2, Year 3

Audit & Review

Summary – Suggested Behavioural Issues to
Overall the sessions provided reflection that FPS personnel demonstrate
these best practice behaviours on a regular basis. However, to continuously
improve our culture the areas for improvement were identified as :

Supervisors & Everyone.

• Continue to promote & support people in HSE challenges – skills to challenge any unsafe behaviours
on the spot
• Establish a system to help people raise issues around impractical rules and procedures, and promptly
suggest improvements to a named individual
• Continue to work towards improving hazard recognition & risk awareness to anticipate possible risks
and problems; constantly asks ‘what could go wrong’?

• Provide prompt, honest feedback on concerns raised by the workforce
• Continually emphasise that production will never compromise HSSE
• Consistently recognises good HSSE behaviours and performance, and tackle poor HSSE performance
immediately – demonstrate PIC or NIC (positive immediate & certain, and negative immediate &
certain ) behaviours.

Changes in Action – 2006 2007

• FPS Induction.
− Behaviours
− Mindfulness
• FPS themed interventions
− Posters
− Re-energised Right to Challenge.


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