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DIRECTION I. : Print/Draw a Volcano of your choice. Find out of it is active or inactive.

If active, when was its last

eruption? What happened During Eruption? Make a Short Report.

Good Day, Ma’am Miriam Bidbid! I am Jasmine Faith Ibasco of 9-Maximo

Inocencio and I chose Mayon Volcano of Albay to be my research’s topic. Mayon
Volcano is a volcano known for its ‘perfect cone’ shape and is one of the
World’s or Philippine’s most active volcano and there have been more than 30
eruptions recorded since 1616. It has frequent eruptions producing pyroclastic
flows, mud flows and ash falls that repeatedly triggered large-scale evacuations.
An eruption in 1993 caused 79 deaths. Subsequent eruptions in 2000, 2006,
2009, 2014, and 2018 which was its last eruption forced tens of thousands of
people in nearby villages to evacuate. In the last eruption of Mayon Volcano in
the morning of 15 January 2018, two lava collapse events occurred in the
volcano, producing rockfall and small-volume pyroclastic density currents. Ash
clouds were also produced with ashfalls reported in 29 villages (barangays) in the
municipalities of Camalig and Guinobatan in the southwest of the volcano.

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