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第一册 汤加!汤加!汤加!
第一章 第一节
汤加公主 Lo'imata 'otuo 生活在一个美丽而宁静的太平洋岛国上。她喜欢出海钓



Series of novels "Apocalypse-Awakening-Return"
Volume 1 Tonga! Tonga! Tonga!
Chapter 1 Section 1
Princess Lo'imata 'otuo of Tonga lives on a beautiful and peaceful Pacific island nation. She likes
to go fishing, enjoying the feeling of the sea breeze and the fun of fishing. On this day, the sky
was blue and the sea was calm, so the princess decided to go fishing at sea. She took the fishing
gear and drove the boat to the sea.
The princess gently paddled the oars, facing the breeze. She is immersed in the tranquil ocean,
feeling the subtle breath, and imagining all kinds of wonderful creatures in the sea. She heard the
chirping of seabirds and the lapping of the waves. Everything is so beautiful, so peaceful.
Suddenly, the princess felt something strange on the surface of the sea, the surface of the water
began to undulate, and the waves churned. She looked up and saw a huge lightning flash across
the sky, followed by a loud noise, and then the volcano erupted. Lava spewed out, volcanic ash
filled the air, and darkness enveloped the entire sea area.
The princess hurriedly turned around and drove back to the shore, only to find that the situation
on the shore was even worse. The trees on the shore were covered by volcanic ash, countless
boulders rolled down, and the landslides and ground cracked. The princess watched the big
stones hit her. In a panic, her boat was sucked into the tsunami, and the wall of water rolled
upside down.
Finally, the princess was rolled to a small island. She was soaked, her face was covered with
seawater, and her clothes were in tatters. She looked around and saw that the island was bare
and desolate. She thought of the soul island that her ancestors said. This island is said to be
formed by volcanic ash and magma, because there is no vegetation on it, it looks like a place
where souls live. The princess took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But she passed out
quickly and knew nothing.
The US Pacific Fleet was originally patrolling the sea and performing a military mission. Suddenly,
they were hit by a devastating tsunami. Under the huge force of the waves, the ship was severely
destroyed, all electronic equipment failed, most of them were damaged or sank, many soldiers
were involved in the stormy waves, and their lives and deaths were uncertain. Kevin, an
experienced officer, commanded the life raft to be lowered to rescue a large number of survivors.
The few surviving ships were eventually washed up on an island formed by a mysterious volcanic
As the tsunami receded and ships stranded on the coast, battered soldiers searched for the
wounded, and one of them stumbled upon an unconscious woman. They carried her aboard and
took her to the fleet's hospital ship. After careful examination, Ivy, a female military doctor, found
that the woman was in critical condition and seemed to have been seriously injured in the
tsunami. She had some minor burns on her body, her breathing was weak, and her heartbeat was
very unstable.
Doctors treated her immediately, but her condition became increasingly unstable. She was in a
coma for seven days and nights without any sign of consciousness. Her life is hovering on the
edge of a cliff, and everyone is praying for her.
During these seven days and seven nights, the princess's body experienced strange changes. At
first, her body was still soft, lying on the bed like a child. But over time, her body began to
change. First of all, the body gradually becomes strong and powerful, as if practicing a mysterious
martial art. Then, her body began to grow bigger, her muscles grew, and her bones seemed to
become stronger. Her height was more than three meters, far exceeding the height of an ordinary
woman, which surprised the doctors and nurses.
In her coma, her body began to emit light continuously, making people involuntarily think of gods
in myths and legends. This kind of light is not dazzling, but exudes a mysterious and warm
atmosphere. Doctors were unable to explain this phenomenon and could only assume it was a
natural reaction of her body.
As time goes by, the princess's physical changes become more and more bizarre. Her skin became
as hard as a diamond and she was completely invulnerable. Her eyes became radiant, as if she
could see through people's hearts. Her hair became black and shiny, exuding an intoxicating
fragrance. All the changes feel mysterious and incredible.
During these seven days and seven nights, the princess's body seemed to have undergone a
wonderful transformation, full of life force and energy. And all of this happened without anyone
being able to explain it.
When the princess awoke, she felt sober both physically and mentally, as if she had been reborn
overnight. She remembered the time she lost consciousness in the tsunami, but it felt like she
was in another world. When she tried to ask the medic Ivy about her condition, she suddenly felt
a violent nausea, and then she vomited a huge seed.
Ivy was stunned, she had never seen such a seed before, this seed was bigger than her fist, it
looked very old, and there were some strange symbols and lines on the surface. After the
princess vomited, she felt much more relaxed, and the pressure and discomfort in her body
disappeared almost instantly.
But the seed didn't disappear as Ivy and the princess imagined. It fell on the deck of the hospital
ship and began to roll slowly. In the process of rolling, it became brighter and brighter, emitting a
dazzling light.
Soon, the seed landed on a small protrusion in the center of the deck, and soon, the seed landed
on a small protrusion in the center of the deck, shook a bit, and then began to bounce up and
jumped into the sea. The princess and the medical staff watched in amazement as the light spot
rolled continuously in the sea, and finally rolled to the coast not far from the ship. At this
moment, the princess and the medical staff have been observing this point of light, and saw it
experiencing the baptism of wind and waves in the sea, perhaps because it was purified by the
sea, or because the seed itself has strong vitality, it began to take root on the coast , In just seven
days and seven nights, this seed grew into a tall tree with a thick trunk and a crown like a cloud.
The tree was named the "Soul Tree" because it exudes a mystical aura, making it feel like a being
with a soul.
Once the tree is fully grown, it quickly begins to grow into a dense grove. This forest is not just
because it suddenly appeared in seven days and seven nights, but because the trees exude a
strange breath, which makes people feel that they are alive. This breath is reminiscent of the
great transformation of the princess and the strange events on this island of souls surrounded by
sea and volcanoes. As the forest of souls continued to expand, American soldiers began to
discover some strange things. For example, they were amazed at night when they heard a
language they had never heard before in their sleep and woke up speaking Tongan fluently. In
addition, they also discovered many never-before-seen animals and plants, which are extremely
powerful, able to survive in the harshest environments, and some are even believed to have
magical powers.
These strange phenomena keep appearing, and the speed at which these animals and plants
reproduce in the soul forest is astonishing, and an independent ecosystem can be formed in just
a few months.

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