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💡 Vocabulary of Essay

💭 key ingredient - essential part

💭 business world - where business people work

💭 firm understanding of math - know math well

💭 crucial factor - important element

💭 proponents - supporters

💭 usefulness - practicality

💭 variety of business contexts - many different jobs

💭 majors - studying

💭 requirement - must do

💭 graduation - finishing school

💭 running a small business - having your own business

💭 book-keeping - keeping track of your earnings/spending

💭 foundational skill - needed

💭 Wall Street brokers - people who trade stocks

💭 bankers - people who work in banks

💭 entrepreneurs - people starting their own business

💭 accountants - people working with finances

💭 marketers - people working in advertising

💭 solid understanding - good grasp

💭 mathematical principles underlying - the math that underpins/supports

💭 decision-making - making decisions

💭 fields - jobs, areas

💭 truly innovate - think of new ideas

💭 excel at - do better than others

💭 nonetheless - regardless

💭 vital elements - key parts

💭 prosper - do rewally well

💭 handled by dedicated specialists  - dealt with by people who know it well

💭 potential business person - will get into business someday

💭 nuances - complexity

💭 display leadership qualities - are good leaders

💭 decisive - can make decisions

💭 entrepreneur - person who starts a business

💭 famously - well-known

💭 hired quality specialists - employed experts

💭 prioritised - placed value on

💭 effective leader - good boss

💭 motivate his employees well - encourage those who work for him

💭 key to success - ingredient to doing well

💭 segmenting a business - dividing up a company

💭 under the capable hands of - under good leadership

💭 visionary leader - boss who can see the future

💭 inform - contribute to

💭 not as essential as - not as important as

💭 management qualities - leadership qualities

💭 ideal - perfect

💭 strengths and weaknesses - what you’re good and bad at

💭 brings together - combines

💭 strong complements - those who can support you

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