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International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2015 Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 194


The Role of Nurses in Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Procedure

Stavroula K. Gerogianni, BSc, MSc in Public Health, RN

‘Alexandra’ Hospital, Dialysis Unit, Athens, Greece

Maria C. Panagiotou, BSc, RN

Head of Dialysis Unit, ‘Alexandra’ Hospital, Dialysis Unit, Athens, Greece
Eirini I. Grapsa, MD, PhD
Nephrologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine, ‘Aretaieio’ Hospital, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Greece

Correspondence: Stavroula Gerogianni, ‘Alexandra’ Hospital, Dialysis Unit, Athens, Greece



Introduction: Therapeutic plasma exchange procedure is the treatment of choice for haematological,
neurological, kidney and immunological diseases and also as a second choice for other diseases in
which the effectiveness has to be established.
Aim: The aim of this literature review was to explore the role of nurse in therapeutic plasma exchange
Methodology: Literature review based on studies and reviews derived from international (Medline,
PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus) and Greek (Iatrotek) data bases concerning the nursing responsibilities in
patients undergoing plasmapheresis. The collection of data conducted from January to July 2014. Also,
were used some keywords apheresis, plasmapheresis, clinical responsibilities, education, plasma
exchange procedure, role of nurse, as well as articles by the National Documentation Centre, which
provided valid and documented data from global research and epidemiology.
Results: The role of modern nurse in patients undergoing plasmapheresis is multiple and is
distinguished in clinical, educational, inquiring and advisory. The apheresis nurse coordinates care in
collaboration with other care providers and acts as a patient guide and advocate, assisting the patient in
seeking information, assuring that the patient has the opportunity for informed consent for treatment
decisions and promoting the maximal level of patient-desired independence. The nephrology -
haematology nurse may function in the role as a nurse manager to assure plasmapheresis patient’s
safety and the delivery of appropriate care within the framework of the nursing process. Also, the
plasmapheresis nurse uses assessment findings to prioritize problems according to patient’s needs and
actively participates in professional role development activities including continuing education, quality
assessment and improvement and clinical application of research findings.
Conclusions: The nurse’s role in the process of plasmapheresis is very important as the nurse is the
one who will direct the patient, coordinate, train, advice, propose changes in care and participate in
clinical research.

Key Words: apheresis, plasma exchange procedure, role of nurse, clinical responsibilities, education,
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2015 Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 195

Introduction The role of modern nurse in the process of

plasmapheresis is multiple and is
Therapeutic plasma exchange procedure is
distinguished in clinical, educational,
the treatment of choice for haematological,
inquiring and advisory. The nurse is the
neurological, kidney and immunological
patient’s tutor, the primary care provider, the
diseases and also as a second choice for other
consultant, the educator, the researcher, the
diseases in which the effectiveness has to be
administrator, the instructor, the lawyer, the
mentor and the ombudsman. Nurse’s main
Therapeutic Plasmapheresis duties are maintaining and improving
standards of nursing care, effective use of
Plasmapheresis or Therapeutic Plasma
resources and improvement in quality both in
Exchange (TPE) refers to an extracorporeal
the life of the individuals undergoing
procedure were one or more plasma volume
plasmapheresis and the delivery of health
are removed from a patient and replaced
services (Chapman, 2014; Ran et Hyde,
with, albumin solution plus crystalloids or
1999, Gomez, 2011).
fresh frozen plasma (Balta, 2009). This
therapeutic method aims at removing Clinical Practice
pathogens (chemicals, antibodies and
The role of the clinical nurse is to provide
immune complexes, antigens, toxins) from
personalized, humanistic and comprehensive
the body of patients with pathologies
nursing care to plasmapheresis patients.
associated with metabolic and
immunological diseases (Gerogianni et al., In clinical practice, plasmapheresis nurse has
2010; Moschidis, 2009; Shehata, 2007; to be an effective practitioner able to
Ismail et al., 2001; Grapsa and Digenis, establish and maintain high quality evidence
1996). based nursing services and to work with the
multi-disciplinary team to ensure that
Clinical Applications of Plasmapheresis
patients receiving plasma exchange have
Plasmapheresis is the treatment of choice for access to specialist care, knowledge and
haematological, neurological, kidney and expertise. Also, the apheresis nurse has to
immunological diseases and in diseases in ensure patients that have an understanding of
which the effectiveness has to be established. their disease, treatment options and support
The process of plasmapheresis is performed services in conjunction with the responsible
mainly within the renal or hematological doctors (Haematologists, Nephrologists or
units of hospitals or in Atheresis unit, an others) and provide effective co-ordination
appropriate designed place for the patients for patients undergoing plasma exchange
(Gerogianni et al., 2010; Panagiotou et al., within the hospital. In that way, specialist
2009; Szczepiorkowski et al., 2007; Shehata, nurse in plasma exchange procedure
2007; Koutra, 2005; Grapsa and Digenis, facilitates effective communication between
1996). the multidisciplinary team, the patients and
their families but also creates and promotes
open communication and healthy working
The separation of blood components is relationships between the renal and
achieved with the plasmapheresis machines, neurology team and other areas of the
which are based on two basic principles hospital (Gerogianni and Panagiotou, 2014;
centrifugation or filtration of blood through a Apheresis manual, 2012).
dialyzer filter. Both methods require vascular
Before the beginning of therapeutic
access and also a system of lines to transfer
plasmapheresis, the nurse is in charge for the
the blood from the patient to the appropriate
confirmation of the identity of the patient,
machine and for its return to circulation
the patient’s informed consent to perform the
(Panagiotou et al., 2009; Andre and Kaplan,
treatment, taking a full patient history, the
2008; Reinan and Mason, 1990).
preparation of plasmapheresis machine,
The Role of Nurse liquids of substitution and set of
venipuncture but also the effective use of
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2015 Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 196

plasmapheresis equipment. Also, before the the patient in plasmapheresis. The device
first session, the plasmapheresis nurse is monitoring is continuous and includes the
responsible for taking blood sample for following parameters: pressure monitor
testing haematocrit, biochemical indicators, limits, air detector, blood leak, fluid
viral infections and antibodies and checking replacement, plasma volume removed,
for an appropriate vascular access. Before amount of anticoagulant used and the session
the first plasmapheresis procedure, the nurse time remaining. The nurse is accountable for
has to inform the patient about the process of monitoring and recording of the above
plasmapheresis, the need to secure one or parameters and measurement of vital signs
two peripheral veins and in their absence the every hour or more frequently if the patient
replacement of central venous line. In is hemodynamically unstable (Corea et al.,
addition, the nephrology – haematology 2003; Carey et Ceale, 2011, Gomez, 2011;
nurse teaches the patient to obtain a light Greek Blood Use Manual, 2010; Passow et
meal before the treatment, reduces his al., 1984).
anxiety solving any patients’ question about
Also, the clinical responsibilities of nurse
the therapy and tries to ensure a hot
include prevention of infections in
environment, heating the replacement fluids,
plasmapheresis unit with careful antisepsis in
especially in winter months (Gerogianni and
the entry point of the needle or the catheter,
Panagiotou, 2014; Nursing care, 2014;
early identification of risk factors and
Apheresis manual, 2012; Carey and Seale,
adherence to quality assurance criteria with
2011; Greek Blood Use Manual, 2010;
the goal of providing high quality healthcare
Bielefeldt, 2009).
services. At the same time, promoting a quiet
After the connection of the patient to the and safe environment to both patients, staff
plasmapheresis machine, the nurse’s role is and visitors, providing psychological support
the immediate intervention in case of febrile to the patient, information and education
reaction, hypotensive episode or allergic - about the process of plasmapheresis and
haemolytic reactions (Nursing Care, 2014; collaboration with the interdisciplinary team
Apheresis manual, 2012; Carey and Seale, providing specialized care to the patient, is
2011; Russi and Marson, 2011; Bielefeldt, included to the nursing role. In addition,
2009; Passow et al., 1984). performing at expert level of vascular access
for plasmapheresis procedure, compliance
During the healing process, the role of nurse
with the guidelines and nursing protocols,
is focused in monitoring of the patient and
safe keeping of patients’ records and
the plasmapheresis machine with regular
ensuring medical confidentiality are of high
intake of vital signs, updates of the patient’s
importance nursing responsibilities
care sheet (vital signs, side effects,
(Kritikaki, 2012; Carey and Seale, 2011;
medication administered, blood flow, blood
Nursing care, 2014; Greek Blood Use
pump, amounts of ingested and secreted
Manual, 2010; Kostenidou, 2001;
substitution, replacement fluids and
Nephrology nurse profile, 2000; Corea et al.,
anticoagulants used) and appropriately
2003; Kokkinidi, 2011; Passow et al., 1984).
correspondence to any complications of the
treatment (Gerogianni and Panagiotou, In addition, it should be noted that a very
2014). important parameter is the continuous
evaluation of the patient that determines the
Patient’s monitoring includes a series of
operations that should be done by the nurse
repetitive or continuous observations
to achieve the objectives of plasmapheresis.
concerning any symptoms such as flushing,
The evaluation of plasmapheresis includes
itching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever,
physical examination, analysis and
chills, headache, back pain, fall in blood
interpretation of the results of laboratory
pressure, bleeding, hypocalcemia,
tests, evaluation before the first
hypokalemia or signs of infection, bleeding
plasmapheresis session, assessment of each
or hematoma at sites of venipuncture and
session (before, after and during it) and
documentation of the physiological state of
assessment by the interdisciplinary team
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2015 Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 197

based in the guidelines of therapeutic However, the role of nurse as educator

plasmapheresis. The assessment of patient’s extends to teaching and informing patients
condition includes body weight, temperature, undergoing plasmapheresis and their families
blood pressure, pulses, respiratory status, on the management of their condition and
cardiac rhythm – rate, level of consciousness coping strategies of psychosocial issues that
and assessment of intravascular and concern them. The training of this group of
extravascular volume status (Corea et al., patients is focused on immediate and long-
2003, Gomez, 2011; Bielefeldt, 2009; Greek term complications of treatment with the aim
Blood Use Manual, 2010; Passow et al., of physical, mental and social rehabilitation.
1984). Also, apheresis nurse must be aware of
continuing developments in fields of nursing
After the completion of the plasma exchange
technical or medical care, relevant to the
session and the removal of the needles, great
total needs of the person with a
care must be paid to the management of
haematological, neurological or renal disease
venous access or of the central venous
(Chapman, 2014; Nephrology nurse profile,
catheter and periodic inspection for any
2000; Stoner, 2003; Kyrimlidou, 2000).
bleeding. The patient is informed about the
feeling of tiredness for one or two days, he is Also, education of health professionals with
recommended to rest and avoid tedious collaborating clinics and hospitals, regular
activities and he is informed to avoid participation in comprehensive educational
crowding and close contact with people who and scientific programs and continuous
are sick (Russi and Marson, 2011). update on new techniques of nursing and
medical care should enhance professional’s
knowledge about basic principles of
Patient education is a key component of all plasmapheresis treatment (Kritikaki, 2012).
nurses’ roles that must be provided to
Psychological Support
patients about the basic principles of plasma
exchange procedure. Continuous patient’s The role of nurse in psychological support
education will help them overcome the of patients undergoing therapeutic plasma
negative aspects of their treatment, deal with exchange is very important. That is because
their disease with maturity, actively the specialist nurse contributes to their
participate in a plan of care and promote the psychological - emotional support through
maximum level of rehabilitation. Also, interpersonal communication, individualized
training courses may reduce the care, development of mutual trust, reliable
psychological stress of the plasmapheresis information and counseling (Loukopoulou
patients, increase their responsibility and and Antoniadou, 2008). The nurse is the
their knowledge about the treatment of this patient's mentor who encourages him to
therapeutic method and assure patient safety develop a positive perception of life and
and the delivery of appropriate care helps him to create a supportive network.
(Chapman, 2014; Gomez, 2011, Stoner, Also, the nurse helps the patient to be
2003). adapted to plasmapheresis, to adjust
plasmapheresis treatment in his features and
Effective education is achieved by
to gain motivation and quality of life.
continuous training courses, distributing
However, the most important for the health
leaflets, effective methods of
practitioner is to distinguish individuals at
communication, individualized assessment
high risk for psychosocial functioning, as
and evaluation of each patient, attentive
these individuals should early join in
listening to the patient without criticism,
vocational counseling and psychotherapy
creating supportive relationship with the
(Hersh - Rifkin and Stoner, 2003).
patient, working with the other members of
the interdisciplinary team, update - family Research
support and cooperation between hospital
The role of nurse working in plasmapheresis
and community (Kritikaki, 2012; Kelly,
unit is equally important in research. The
2007; Stoner, 2003).
research nurse is accountable for the
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2015 Volume 8 Issue 1 Page 198

coordination of research programs relating to Communication

the conduct of plasmapheresis in the
In the field of communication, the specialist
hospital. Also, he is the link between nurses
nurse in plasmapheresis is accountable for
and researchers regarding new findings in the
receiving and providing patients and their
field of therapeutic apheresis (Kontouli,
families with sensitive and complex
information, using developed empathy,
The key, however, is the need to exploit reassurance and counseling skills. Toombs
research results into practice and be judged (1992) emphasizes the importance of
by it, in order a new investigation to be listening to the patient’s narrative and their
started. As part of this effort, the research families about their illness, something that
nurse is responsible for the dissemination of takes time but can improve patient’s mood
research results in the areas where nurses (Michael, 1996). Through listening to
work, through seminars - workshops. To patients, nurses and other health care
achieve the above are required training of professionals can also appreciate the
nurses in order to recognize the importance challenges faced by plasmapheresis patients.
of research on upgrading of care in the field Patients undergoing plasma exchange require
of plasmapheresis, incentives for nurses, a ongoing review, providing the opportunity to
department of nursing research and assess psychosocial as well as physical needs
enrichment of libraries with scientific and a secure environment in which patients
journals and textbooks (Kontouli, 2000). feel comfortable to share their stories and
concerns (Kelly, 2007).
Hygiene Standards
The nurse is in charge for the highest
standard of hygiene that must be maintained In conclusion, the role of nurse in the
in the plasmapheresis unit at all times. All plasmapheresis unit is important and occurs
nursing staff members are responsible for to be more creative, more enlarged and
ensuring compliance with the Hospitals clearly charged with responsibilities related
requirements and standards with regard to to nursing activities and their quality. That's
hygiene and having a fundamental because the nurse is the one who will direct,
understanding of their individual coordinate, train, advise, propose changes in
responsibility in maintaining departmental care and participate in clinical research
and site hygiene standards. In relation to the studies.
prevention of the spread of infection, it is the
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