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DevOps Course Outline

 IT Infrastructure
 Waterfall Model
 Agile Methodologies
 Introduction to DevOps
 DevOps Road Map

 History
 Pros & Cons
 Distributions
 Virtualization
 Shells, GUI, Terminal
 File System
 Directories
 Commands
 Permissions, User, Groups
 Crontab
 Text Editors, Other Essential tools
 Backup Techniques
 I/O Redirection
 Partitions

Networks & Security

 OSI Model
 TCP/IP Fundamentals
 Http/s

Cloud Computing
 Introduction to Cloud Computing
 Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud
 IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
 Introduction to AWS
 AWS Architecture
 Domains of AWS
 AWS Compute Services (EC2, Lambda)
 Storage Service (S3)
 Networking Services
 AWS CloudFront
 Monitoring & Management (AWS CloudWatch)
 Auto-Scaling & Load Balancer
 Cloud Security
 Amazon Redshift
 Azure Fundamentals
 Active Directory
 Compute Services (App Services, Function Apps, VMs, CDN)
 Storage Services (Storage Account, Databases, etc.)
 Networks and App Gateway
 Monitoring & Auto Scaling
 Automation Account
 Azure Analytics Workspace

 Shell Scripting Introduction
 Syntax
 Variables
 Operators
 Conditionals
 Loops
 Command Substitution
 Parameter Substitution
 Functions
 Introduction
 Syntax
 Examples
 Introduction
 Syntax
 Variables
 Datatypes
 Conditionals
 Loops
 Arrays
 Functions
 Classes/Objects
 Inheritance
 Scripting
 Examples
 What is YAML language
 YAML Basic Syntax
 Data types: Integers, Bool, Arrays, Dictionaries, Null, Set, Strings
 Multiline Strings
 Anchors and Extensions
 YAML Placeholders
 Docker Compose & Kubernetes YAML examples
 PyYAML Python Module
 Sample Python scripts

Version Control System

 What is Git?
 Different Git Vendors.
 Using Git (Command line + GUI).
 Installing Git (Linux + Windows)
 Configuring Git.
 Cloning a Repository
 Basic Git Flow.
 Essential Commands.

 Introduction
 What is Continuous Integration?
 What is Continuous Deployment?
 What is Jenkins?
 Jenkins Installation, Setup and Demo
 Jenkins Master-Slave architecture
 Jenkins Pipeline
 What is a Jenkinsfile?
 Pipeline Concepts
 Create your first Pipeline
Azure DevOps
 Introduction
 Azure Boards
 Azure Repos
 Pipelines
AWS DevOps
 Introduction
 AWS DevOps Components
 Building a CICD Pipeline on AWS

Containerization “Docker”
 What is Docker?
 What is a Container?
 Docker vs Virtual Machine
 Docker Installation
 Main Docker Commands
 Debugging a Container
 Demo Project Overview
 Developing with Containers
 Docker Compose
 Dockerfile
 Private Docker Repository, Rrivate Registry on AWS, Azure Container Registry
 Deploy Containerized App
 Docker Volumes
 Volumes Demo

 What is K8s
 Main K8s Components
 K8s Architecture
 Minikube and kubectl -Local Setup
 Main Kubectl Commands - K8s CLI
 K8s YAML Configuration File
 Demo Project: MongoDB and MongoExpress
 Organizing your components with K8s Namespaces
 K8s Ingress explained
 Persisting Data in K8s with Volumes
 Deploying Stateful Apps with StatefulSet
 K8s Services explained
 Helm Introduction
 Helm 2 Vs Helm 3
 Installing Helm
 Helm Charts
 Helm Dependencies
 Helm Templates
 Helm Commands

 Introduction
 AWS Setup
 Windows Setup
 Linux Install
 VSCode
 Terraform Overview
 Modifying Resources
 Deleting Resources
 Referencing Resources
 Terraform Files
 Practice Project
 Terraform State Commands
 Terraform Output
 Target Resources
 Terraform Variables
ARM Template
 Building templates
 Deployment options
 Testing templates
 Template syntax and example resources
 Template parametrization
 Template functions
AWS CloudFormation
 AWS CloudFormation
 AWS CloudFormation Components
 Templates in CloudFormation
 Stacks in CloudFormation
 Direct Update
 Update

Configuration Management “Ansible”

 Introduction to Ansible
 Ansible Playbook Tutorial
 Ansible Explained
 Writing Ansible Playbook
 Ansible Tower Tutorial
 Ansible vs Terraform

Monitoring & Logging

 Introduction
 What is Prometheus?
 Why Prometheus?
 Continuous Monitoring with Prometheus
 Prometheus Architecture
 Prometheus Metrics and its Metrics
 Prometheus Installation and Demo
 Introduction
 Continuous Monitoring in DevOps
 Introduction to Grafana
 Monitoring with Grafana
 Introduction
 Integrations
 Infrastructure
 Host Map
 Events
 Dashboards
 Assigning Tags
 Using Tags
 Datadog Graphing
 What is ELK stack?
 Various ELK tools
 Components of ELK
 ELK Flow
 Features of ELK
 Installation
 Demo.

 What is Web Server?
 Installation
 Managing Service
 Main Configuration File
 What is IIS and how it works?
 Installation
 Web Platform Installer Tool?
 Hosting Website.
 What are bindings?
 What are application pools?
 What is Nginx?
 Nginx Architecture
 Why should we use Nginx?
 How to Install Nginx?
 Hands-On: Deploying a Web Application on Nginx

Case studies for DevOps implemented Projects

 Monolithic vs Micro-Services Architecture
 Deployment Models
 Case Study for Monolithic App.
 Case study for Containerized Application
 Case Study for the Architecture managed through IaC.
 Case Study for a completely managed Deployment Model through CI/CD

Total Number of Lectures: 57

Days: Saturday / Sunday
Duration of Lecture: 3-hrs
Timing: 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Corvit Systems
11A, D1, Ghalib Road Gulberg III, Lahore-Pakistan Tel: (042) 5762401-2, email:

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