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Chapter 23 The philosophy?

“I think,
Enlightenment therefore I am.” Rene
1.In 16th to 18th centuries,
6. The destinies of the
this was the intellectual
universe and man were
revolution, advances in
controlled by natural laws.
philosophy, science,
To change the physical
literature, and social
reality, one only had to
discover these natural laws.
Enlightenment Age
2. What is the age where
7. The 18th century thinkers
thinkers used science and
denied the value of religion
reason to change the
or the influence of God in
traditional authority and old
human affairs. The material
ideas about religion,
welfare, not the spiritual
politics, economics, and
life, of man had to be
promoted to make him happy.
Age of Enlightenment
3. What are the 5 causes of
8. What is this philosophy
Intellectual Revolution?
where man was by nature good
(1) Renaissance and
and could improve his life by
the application of human
(2) Increase of
wisdom and cooperation, has a
universities and schools
wonderful future and society
(3) Printed books and
will improve and progress.
(4) Increase of rich
9. What is this philosophy
(5) Rise of materialism
that government and society
must be reformed to serve the
4. What was the philosophy
common welfare, especially of
where reason was the only
the lower classes?
guide to truth, wisdom,
happiness, and the solution
to man’s problems?

5. Who was the father of

rationalism and modern
Philosophers of the and took 21 years to finish?
Enlightment They popularized the ideas of
the Enlightment.
10. Who was the English Lord Denis Diderot and Jean
Chancellor who introduced d’Alembert
“inductive reasoning” and the
use of experiment and 15. He introduced the
observation in his book Novum doctrine of the separation of
Organum? Francis Bacon government powers -
executive, legislative, and
11. Who championed the value judicial- to prevent tyranny
of human reason as the sole in his work The Spirit of the
guide that is a radical Laws and adopted by modern
departure from Middle Age democracies starting from the
Scholastic philosophy? He American government.
influenced modern Baron de Montesquie
philosophers that do not
include spiritual values in 16. Who was the French
their thinking. He wrote physician who led
Discourse on Method. Rene “physiocrats” and championed
Descartes the cause of laissez faire
that has been adopted by
12. Who champined the natural modern capitalist stated led
rights of man and the cause by the U.S.?
of limited government in Francois Quesnay
England? John Locke
17. What is the economic
13. His pen-name is Francois liberty of merchants or
Marie Arouet, famous for his government let business
witty saying paved the way alone? Laissez Faire
for the French Revolution
like “Holy Roman Empire, nor 18. Who is the “Father of
holy, nor Roman, nor Empire” Modern Economy and Political
and championed individual Economy” who wrote The Wealth
freedom? Voltaire of Nations and believed in
economic liberty and
14. Who are the Frech mercantilisim? He also
Encyclopaedists who compiled championed the cause of
the first Encyclopedia, a production and labor and
summation of existing international trade. Adam
knowledge? It has 28 volumes Smith
19. Who is the “Father of learning Tower of Pisa?
Modern Democracy” for his Galileo Galilei
idea or popular sovereignty?
He is the author of Social 25. Who invented the
Contract and believed in the telescope and confirmed the
theory of liberal education findings of Copernicus? His
for children. Jean- Jacques statements were controversial
Rousseau that the Catholic Church
forced him to recant. Galileo
20. Who is the “Father of Galilei
Romanticism” for his romantic
novel Emile? Jean - Jacques 26. Who are the “Fathers of
Rousseau Biology”? Carl Von Linnaeus
and Louis de Buffon
Scientific Discoveries and
Invention 27. Who gave scientific names
to biological specis and was
21. Who is the “Father of the first to classify
Modern Physics”? He animals? Carl Von Linnaeus
discovered law of gravity,
navigation tables, light 28. Who is an Irish noblemen
specturm analysis, and the who discovered the law of
calculus? Isaac Newton gases? Robert Boyle

22. He discovered sextant to 29. Who is the Prench chemist

measure the longitude and who discovered 23 basic
latitude and founded Royal elements and law of
Society in London. Isaac conversation of mass? He is
Newton the “Father of Modern
Chemisty.” Antoine Lavoiser
23. Who is a Catholic priest
who showed that the earth was 30. Who discovered a method
not the center of the of presenting the world on a
universe, instead, the earth flat map, which is still used
and other planets revolve today? Mercator
around the sun? Copernicus
31. In 1884, an international
24. Who is an Italian conference accepted
astronmer who dicovered the Greenwich, London as the site
law of motion by dropping of the world’s zero
different objects from the longitude, an invaluable aid
for navigation and 37. Who wrote Tom Jone, It
timekeeping. Who is the tells the story of the
British astronomer who foundling Tom and his journey
discovered “Halley’s comet” towards adulthood and
and set up the first marriage? Henry Fielding
telescope to observe the
passage of stars across the 38. Who is the American
Greenwich meridian? Founding Father, the
Edmund Halley principal author of the
Declaration of Independence
32. Who was the German (1776), and the 3rd President
physician who first used the of the United States
chemicals for medicine? (1801–1809), who accept deism
Paracelsus that belief in god who no
longer influences human
33. Who discovered the affairs? Thomas Jefferson.
circulation of human blood?
William Harvey
Resource: World History,
34. Who discovered Zaide. Pg 223-228
vaccination in 1796 and
greatly increased the life
span in Europe?
Edward Jnner

35. What are the 3 social

reforms in “The Age of
(1) Penal Reform
(2) Movement to abolish
(3) Improvement in
standard of living

36. What did Daniel Defoe

wrote that was about violent
side and moral decay of the
18th century? Molly Flanders

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