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Zombie Kill Team

The basic idea is that run of the mill zombies are fairly weak, and their chances of threatening elite Kill Team special forces are pretty low. Should they attack in numbers, however, their attentions can slow down any soldier trying to fight his way through them and, in a mission all about the clock and with some super-Zombies running loose, that should prove just as dangerous in its own way. Normal Zombies essentially stick to a non-Zombie, and are dragged along with it until killed, each one slowing the Kill Team members movement. You can stop to kill them all, or you can press on and hope your teammates shoot them off you. Either way, you got to:Get To Da Choppa! Special Kill Team Mission Play using Kill Team rules:

1. 200 pt max; 2. 0-1 Elites; 3. 0-2 Troops; 4. 0-1 Fast Attack; 5. No transports; 6. No jump infantry, bikes, jetbikes, jetpack infantry, beasts or cavalry; 7. Specialist Troopers: may gave up to three different USRs to models, only one USR per model; 8. Ignore the Kill Team leadership tests rule; 9. If a model has to Fall Back, it will do so into the nearest cover and stay there, rallying automatically.

Mission The city has become overrun by a virulent Necron nano-plague that attacks dead flesh even the twisted simulation of flesh worn by creatures from the Warp, turning the body into a mindless meat puppet controlled by the hidden Necron Lord. Your elite units are scattered throughout the city and must reach the extraction point, where the last shuttle off the planet is leaving. Be on it, or be (un)dead. Table Set Up 44 table with loads of Cities of Death terrain. Place a landing pad in the middle of the table. Crates and barrels and piles of debris can be placed on the landing pad, but nothing that will prevent the Valkyrie from touching down. Deployment Zombies deploy before the players do, and may be placed anywhere on the table that is more then 12 from the centre of the table. The Zombie player receives 2D6 Zombies per non-Zombie player. Place one Super Boss Zombie on the Landing Pad. Non-zombie players roll a D6 and take it in turns to place models on the table, starting with the player who rolled highest, each player placing one model at a time. No model may be placed within 4 of any other, including your own, or within 12 of the centre of the table. If there is no space remaining on the table, models may be deployed in contact with any table edge. Once the last player has deployed, the Zombie player converts D3 regular zombies into Boss Zombies. Mission Special Rules Ride of the Valkyrie: The Valkyrie will arrive at the beginning of Turn 4, landing in the centre of the landing pad. Any model(s) under the Valkyrie when it lands are pushed the shortest possible distance out of the way, taking a S6 AP- hit in the process. Any model (other than a vehicle or any zombie) may board the Valkyrie by moving within 2 of an access point. Once on-board, a model may not return to the game. The Valkyrie departs at the end of the game (roll after Turn 5 as normal, adding +1 to the dice if any non-Zombie models are on the landing pad at the time, and -1 for each Boss Zombie or Super Boss Zombie on the landing pad). The Valkyrie may not be targeted, assaulted or damaged in any way. Its guns are non-functional. Zombies!!!: Zombies are relatively harmless to the elite, well-armoured and

highly trained special forces the players are fielding, but they can still cause problems. The following are all classed as Zombie models: WS Zombie BS 2 S 0 0 T x 4 0 W 4 6 I 3 6 A 1 2 4 Ld 2 4 Sv 10 10 4 4 10 3+/

Boss Zombie3

Super Boss Zombie 4 4++

Unit Type: Infantry (Zombie and Boss Zombie), Monstrous Creature (Super Boss Zombie) Weapons and wargear: Crumbling teeth and withered hands (Zombie), Rending Claws (Boss Zombie and Super Boss Zombie), Stolen Armour (Boss Zombie), Hardened Exoskeleton(Super Boss Zombie) Special Rules: Fearless, Feel No Pain (Boss Zombie and Super Boss Zombie), Eternal Warrior(Boss Zombie and Super Boss Zombie), Fleet of Stump (Boss Zombie and Super Boss Zombie) and Furious Charge (Super Boss Zombie) Basic Zombie rules (do not apply to Boss Zombies or the Super Boss Zombie):

* Braaaains! Each Zombie will move towards and attempt to charge the nearest non-Zombie model in line of sight. * Zombies move 4 in the Movement Phase regardless of terrain, cannot Run, but can charge up to 4, again regardless of terrain. They gain no additional attacks for charging. * Zombies are killed by any attack that hits them. They have no T and no save. * When a Zombie is in base contact with any non-Zombie model, that model moves at -1 per Phase. This is cumulative per Zombie, to a minimum of 1 per Phase. * During movement, a non-Zombie model may move through a Zombie or Zombies, ignoring the rule that prevents models coming within 1, but the Zombie is then treated as being in base contact, reducing the total move. * Zombies that are in base contact with a non-Zombie model cease moving independently, and move in base contact with the model until either they or the model die.

* All Zombies in base to base contact attack as one. They make a single attack in the Assault phase, with S = the number of Zombies in base contact. * Zombies and the non-Zombie models they are in base contact with never count as being locked in combat.

Boss Zombie and Super Boss Zombie rules:

* When a Boss or Super Boss Zombie charges, they automatically destroy all Zombies between them and their target. This enables them to get into base contact with non-Zombie models who are being mobbed by Zombies.

Super Boss Zombie rules:

* May not leave the landing pad.

Get Off Of Me!: Any non-Zombie model with one or more Zombies in base contact may choose to launch a flurry of attacks on them, and will automatically kill all Zombies within 2. A player may only choose to do this at the start of the Assault phase where (a) the model has not moved at all that Turn and (b) the model is not locked in combat. Metal in The Blood: Any non-Zombie model that dies will arise as a Zombie on a 4+ at the end of the Phase in which it died. If the Zombie player rolls a 6, a Boss Zombie arises instead. If the Zombie player rolls a 6 and the Super Boss Zombie is dead at the time, a Super Boss Zombie will arise! Soulless Howl: Once per game the Super Boss Zombie may issue a Soulless Howl during the Shooting Phase, counting as a Shooting attack. He takes D3 Wounds, but all Zombies and Boss Zombies on the table gain Fleet of Stump that Turn and automatically move the full 6. City Wide Contagion: The Zombie player receives 2D6 extra Zombies per Turn, which he may place anywhere on the table >4 from any non-Zombie model and >4 from the landing pad. This is done before the start of the Movement Phase. The Zombies do not scatter. Score

At the end of the game add up the points value of the models who made it onto the Valkyrie. The player with the highest points value wins. If no player gets more than 50% of their points total into the Valkyrie, the Zombie player wins.

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