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NUR C209
Section: 203N

Tuaño, Benilda
Adoptante, Daniella Charisse
Dicipulo, Janma Rey
Gecha, John Kenneth
Regidor, Shaine Joy
Salinas, Xyrel Ishy
Taoc, Christine

1. Create a digital storyline/ script about the assigned topic for your group.
2. The leader will submit a copy of your script via canvas as well as the peer evaluation report.

Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurses:

“Registered Nurses and Co-Workers”

Narrator: Benilda Tuaño
Newly assigned nurse: Shaine Joy Regidor
Doctor: John Kenneth Gecha
Head nurse: Christine Taoc
Co-workers: Daniella Charisse Adoptante, Janma Rey Dicipulo, Xyrel Ishy Salinas
Patient: Benilda Tuaño
BEGINNING: There was a girl named Shaine, she was newly assigned to be a working
nurse at Jose Rizal Hospital. She was hoping that her experience in the hospital setting would
be fun and hoping that she would create nice memories within her coworkers.

MIDDLE: But not until she encountered a difficult confrontation between her fellow coworkers.
Making things difficult for her in the new hospital. We'll see how Shaine handles challenges at
work and in her relationships with her coworkers.
END: Will she be able to avoid and establish a great relationship between them? or would it
result in more catastrophic incidents? Will this have an impact on their patient, and how will their
relationship as nurses impact their client?. TO BE CONTINUED…


/creaking sound/ /hospital noise/
Narrator: At around 2AM at Jose Rizal Hospital, rumors said that when you enter the girls
bathroom alone you will see a white dressed girl at the end of the last cubicle. The said cubicle
didn’t get any light from the restroom and you can hear a death rattle sound whenever you get
near it. Some witnesses said that they also heard cries of the girl because of how she died. But
a couple of nurses took the courage to see if the rumor was true or not.

Janma: Girl, I really need to use the restroom

Daniella: But the only available restroom at this time is the scary rumored restroom
Xyrel: /sigh/ I told you to pee earlier, it’s 2AM now and you’ll eventually see a ghost there
Janma: Can you atleast accompany me guys there so it would be less scary?
Daniella: if you insist
Xyrel: Alright as you wish

/footsteps/ /eerie sounds/

Narrator: The nurses shout as the door in the last cubicle is slowly opening. The shout was
getting loud, and one of them was crying because of fear as they heard the infamous death
rattle sound.
They saw the rumored girl in white dress, and her long hair as if it’s hiding its face. The girl
slowly approached the nurses, showing her face in the light.

/nurses screamed loudly

Janma: AH! Please don’t hurt us!
Daniella: AH! Not my face!
Xyrel: I don’t want to die single!

The mysterious girl happens to be a nurse at the hospital and just happened to use the last
cubicle of the restroom.

Janma: OH, it’s just a female nurse.

Daniella: uy, WOW, who are you?
Shaine: Ako ito tanga, si mommy gangster, just kidding
Xyrel: You scared the hell out of us!
Janma: I thought you were the rumored ghost
Shaine: My apologies, I would like to introduce myself properly. My name is Shaine Joy
Regidor, I’m the newly assigned nurse here.
Daniella: Oh I did get news from our other coworkers of a new nurse here, it was you all along.
Xyrel: I think we should continue our conversation outside now because it’s really creepy inside
this restroom

Narrator: As they leave the restroom, they encounter a doctor that happened to pass by them

Doctor: Oh, there you are! I've been looking for you for a while now. I thought you're still touring
around. Anyway, let me introduce you to your co-workers, come with me.
Shaine: Thank you doc, I’m very glad to meet them
Doctor: Come, let’s meet them in your nurses lounge, some of them must be having their

Walks with the doctor and while walking they have a little chit chat on their way.

Doctor: I heard the shouting earlier inside the comfort room. You already met her, am I right?
Anyway, I still want all of you to meet Shaine Regidor. She's the newly assigned nurse here in
our hospital. I know she fits here since she's an expert on her job and very advanced in her
skills. I know that she will be a good strength in this hospital and most especially a benefit to
some of you.
Shaine: (Smiles at the doctor and chuckles) Doc, that's a very warm compliment!
Hello guys! I would love to know you all and have a good bond with you guys. (and smiles)

Narrator: As the co-workers have their lunch break, some of them notice shaine, and whispers.

Xyrel: Finally it’s our lunch break, I’m starving to death doing all the task
Janma: Totally, I packed some lunches for us to eat
Daniella: Hey, I heard that there’s a very handsome patient from the upper floor~
Xyrel: Really? I think he was from somewhere far away? it's starts from the letter C
Janma: Canada? Cambodia? Let me see a pic if you have one
Xyrel: Sure, here’s the picture
/shows caloocan boy spotted/ /queue “eh paano kung~”

Daniella: Anyway, did you catch Dr. John complimenting Shaine? He never did anything like
that to any of us.
Janma: I know right! As if that girl knows everything (roll her eyes)
Xyrel: Are they in a relationship or something? What’s the need of complimenting her that much

Narrator: The head nurse had overheard the 3 talking and intervened.
Christine: Maybe she is more skilled than all of you and I heard she has a good image in the
past hospital she worked in.
Daniella: Ma’am are you going to let her steal your position then?
Janma: We worked our ass off everyday and we worked for how many years now, why should a
short term nurse receive that kind of treatment then?
Xyrel: Let us not let that happen! She must experience every difficulty we encounter.
Christine: Just do all your work. Let me handle her.

Narrator: As Shaine, fix the bedding of the patient. The patient recognizes that Shaine is very
kind and very attentive at caring. She experiences therapeutic care from Shaine and wants to
compliment her for appreciation.

Benilda: Nurse Shaine, I’ve noticed that you are very good at your job. I appreciate you very
much, you are one of the nurses here that I am very comfortable with. You have helped me so
much that my stay here makes it easier and delicate.
Shaine: Thank you Miss Benilda! It is my responsibility to do so. And a big thanks for
cooperating with me. Now, I will call Doc John to check on you. I will be right back, just press
this button when you need something, okay?

Narrator: Doctor John enters the room

John: Hi Benilda, how are you? Are you doing well as before?
Benilda: Hi doc, I am a bit fine now, and the pain I feel is not as painful as yesterday. Maybe
thanks to nurse Shaine for making me feel better and making my days feel easier.
John: Shaine is one of the best nurses I met back then.
Benilda: Oh that explains why, I really recommend her so much!
(And both of them chuckles..)

Narrator: As the days passed by, the co-workers noticed that many complimented Shaine.
They’ve noticed some great feedback about her and now, their anger got deeper.

Janma: That girl must go now!

Daniella: All of our patients had already rated her as if they were staying at a hotel!
Xyrel: We must do something about it and about her!

Narrator: The head nurse, Christine, noticed them and was very intimidated by Shaine, now
she has a plan to really make Nurse Shaine from 100 to 0.

Narrator: Christine, the head nurse, gathers the co-workers to discuss her plan for the downfall
of Shaine.

Christine: I have something planned to make that newly assigned nurse, Shaine, to stop taking
the spotlight.
Xyrel: Ugh, Finally a plan!!
Janma: Whatever the idea is, I’m in!!!
Daniella: So, what’s the plan?

Narrator: Christine starts to tell her plan and explain it to the co-workers.
Christine: Here’s the plan, I’m going to change the dosage of the patient’s medication and one
of you will go and administer it.
Janma: Are you sure we’re not going to get caught by this act?
Xyrel: Yeah, I mean our jobs are at stake here as well and eventually we’ll get in big trouble
Daniella: Fine by me because that girl deserve to know her place
Christine: See, Daniella agreed to my plan and I’m the head nurse so I have high hopes that no
one would be suspicious of me

Narrator: And later on the head nurse and the coworkers did a scheme to ruin the reputation of
the newly assigned nurse.

Narrator: Nurse Shaine administered the dosage to a patient at the cancer ward alone, but later
on, the patient began to seizure. Nurse Shaine was wondering what happened as she
immediately tried to use her skills. She pushed the button for blue code as she began to
resuscitate the patient.

Shaine: Why are they taking so long?

Narrator: After a few minutes, the doctor, the other nurses, and the head nurse came but they
saw Shaine finished administering another intravenous injection to stop any complication that

Christine: What happened? What did you do?!

Shaine: Oh! (exhausted sigh) There you are. Don’t worry, the patient’s fine now.
Christine: Didn’t you hear me? I asked you what happ—
Doc John: Enough. (calmly said) How many doses did you administer, Nurse Shaine?
Shaine: I just did what was written on the MAR, Doc. 2 dosages, isn't it?
Doc John: What?! The patient should receive only 1 medicine. Who told you to give her 2?

Narrator: The doctor is furious from what has just happened, as the nurses and of course, the
head nurse, are smirking secretly behind the doctor. The worry in Nurse Shaine’s face is very
Christine: I told you to come with one of the nurses, but your pride didn’t let you so. Now, look
at what just happened.
Shaine: But I just only follow your order. What did I do? 2 medicines were written in the MAR. I
am sure of that.
Doc John: You sure? Then let’s check it on the computer.
Shaine: Sure, Doc.

Narrator: They follow the Doctor to the counter where the computer is and the details of the
patient that she was attended to earlier. They checked it only to find out that the dosage was

Christine: So, what now? Who told you about the medicines?
Doc John: Did I misidentify your character, Nurse Shaine? Are you still worthy of being called a

Narrator: The head nurse, as well as the other nurses are being cocky, while Nurse Shaine is
confused. But after a few seconds, Nurse Shaine remembered something.

Shaine: I remember that I have my proof here. I took a picture of the details earlier before
following the order. Shall I show it to you?

Narrator: Nurse Shaine took off her phone and let the doctor see it. The fear was evident to the
head nurse’s and the nurses’ faces as they realized what was happening.

Doc John: Oh, it is different…
Daniella: Doc, I think it is just a glitch.
Janma: Doc, I am not included in that.
Christine: I don’t know what happened, Doc.
Doc John: Are you sure, Miss Christine? Should I request for cctv footage? Janma already
spilled it just now. What’s with “not included”, huh?
Christine: Doc…

Narrator: Doctor John requests for cctv footage to find the evidence for all the issues that are
happening. The nurses, especially the head nurse, are on edge as the fear and nervousness fill
their body when the guard shows them the footage of the head nurse and the nurses talking
while doing something on the computer.

Doc John: So, what can you all say about this?
Christine: Doc, I can explain.
Doc John: Of course you can. Xyrel, Daniella, Janma, especially you, Nurse Christine. All of
you, we need to talk after my appointment, but make sure to prepare your license, as I will make
sure that you can’t come back here.

Narrator: Dr. John gathered the 4 nurses who were involved in the incident. Fear and shame
was what the 4 nurses felt as they entered Dr. John’s office.

Dr. John: I can’t believe you’ll do such a thing to a patient, Christine. You are the head nurse,
you should be responsible for leading your co-workers in effective and high-quality care for the
Christine: Dr. John, I’m sorry we were just—-
Dr. John: Why did you do this? What’s gotten into you?? I need to know the reason behind this
incident. What were you guys thinking??

Narrator: Out of Shame, Christine tells Dr. John the reason why they did such a thing .

Christine: Dr. John, the truth is Shaine was receiving tons of compliments and so we planned
something to take Nurse Shaine down.
Xyrel: Me and Janma were totally out of this. When we heard that a patient will be involved, we
decided not to get involved.
Janma: It’s true Dr. John. We know it’s part of our jobs to take care of the patients and not harm
them. We even tried telling them about it.
Dr. John: Well, how about you Nurse Daniella?
Daniella: I agreed and helped Christine, Dr John.
Christine: We should’ve listened to Xyrel and Janma.

Dr. John: Did you ever think about what could literally happen to the patient, she might not
survive of what imprudence and jealousy you have. Thanks to nurse Shaine for her immediate
response.If not done so, you will be in a very big trouble and i will personally put all of you in jail
and also, i will permanently terminate your licenses.
Christine: We were very sorry doc for what we have done. I should take the blame for the
reason that I was the one who planned the whole thing.
Daniella: Sorry doc, We are not going to do it again.
Janna: Same with us doc, we will not be going to redo this particular mistake.

Dr. John: (Angrily said) Point taken, you will never do it again because all of you are
terminated, not just for your job but also for your licenses. You must learn from your mistakes
and you will regret what you have just done. You will live your life with intimate guilt and shame.
Narrator: After their reprehensible conversation, The nurses cry with blameworthy and ask for
another chance. And with that, Dr. John ends up making an inexcusable mistake and finally
terminates the 4 nurses from their jobs and licenses.

Dr. John: Before the 4 of you leave my office, you must first listen to me. It’s not just peer
advice but also a friendly message to all of you. Before you initiate things, situations or
atrocities, you must know what the results would be.Your jealousy and imprudence could kill
someone. That innocent patient you just included in your grievous behavior has a family too. No
one enjoys feeling jealous. Yet, jealousy is an inevitable emotion that pretty much every one of
us will experience. The problem with jealousy isn’t that it comes up from time to time, but what it
does to us when we don’t get a hold on it. For the last time, please be always aware of the
circumstances of everything. Learn from your mistakes and always put God first in your hearts.

MORAL: The moral of the story is that nurses should always put the patient's needs first.
Coworkers and nurses must work together in a cooperative manner, and professionalism must
be upheld at all times. Personal matters must not be discussed in a professional setting, such
as a hospital. It's important to remember the fundamental ideals and ethical standards. As
nurses, we must change this kind of conduct and assess our own moral character with the
primary goal of showing compassion and care for others, including our coworkers. The working
atmosphere for coworkers is quite toxic, as is the way they think.Negative attitudes must be
changed since they will have detrimental effects, including harming the patient in the video we
provided. Respect (full) calls on each and every one of us to respect the inherent dignity of
every person. We must constantly respect one another. We must not wait to let a "crab mindset"
drag us down and render our diligent study efforts useless. In order for us to advance, we must
be motivated by the success of others and develop the ability to solicit assistance.

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