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Personal Growth Group Inventory

Please mark your answers to the following statements in the space provided. Be as honest as possible. The goal is to
determine where to spend our time during our group meetings and to give a baseline reading of your feelings to
compare with results at the end of our time meeting as a group. Answer all statements on a scale of 1 (strongly
disagree) to 9 (strongly agree).

1. I am mentally resilient and have control over my own thoughts.

2. I have healthy living habits and do things for my physical health (exercise,
eating healthy, etc.) regularly.
3. I am in control of my emotions, and I seek out help when I need assistance
with my emotional state.
4. I spend time regularly developing a better connection with my spirit to gain a
better understanding of myself and find peace with who I am.
5. I reach out to my friends or relatives and cultivate meaningful relationships
with them.
6. I can effectively balance the different areas of my life and spend adequate
time in each of them.
7. I hold myself in high regard.
8. I have value and worth.
9. I have skills and talents, and I am a competent individual.
10. I am aware of the areas of my life where I need growth and seek out ways to
attain that growth.

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