Who Am I Response

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Who Am I?

Andrew Cruz
Name: ____________________

Go to www.16personalities.com. Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? ___________________________________

What is your code? ____ / ENTP-T
____ ____ ____

Letter Percentage

E 52%

I 54%

T 61&

P 37%

What do each of the letters mean?

_____ Extroverted
= _________________________________________________

_____ Intuitive
= _________________________________________________

_____ Thinking
= _________________________________________________

_____ Prospective
= _________________________________________________

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths Quick Thinkers - Debaters are quick thinkers who can transition between ideas
effortlessly, depending on their extensive knowledge to support their arguments
as the case may be

Original - Debaters with personalities are able to throw procedures

and existing systems and create separate, various ideas into single entity from
their vast body of information to create new revolutionary concepts.

Excenellent Brainstormers - For debaters, nothing is more enjoyable than

exploring all potential solutions to a subject. Debaters are crucial in brainstorming
meetings because they use their expertise and creativity to explore every facet of
the subject at hand, dismissing solutions that don't work without regret and
presenting ever more options.

Charismatic - Those with the Debater personality type have an engaging way with
words and wit. Their self-assurance, rapid thinking, and capacity to link dissimilar
topics in creative ways provide a communication style that is endearing, sometimes
even humorous, and educational all at once.
Weaknesses Extremely argumentative - Debaters love the cerebral workout of discussing an issue, and
nothing is sacred. Debater personalities vigorously attack the views and strategies of more
consensus-oriented personality types, which may cause a lot of conflict.

Intolerant - Debaters are inclined to disregard not only the ideas but the individuals
themselves unless they can support their positions in a round of mental combat. A
proposition is either worth considering or it cannot withstand reasonable examination.

May Have Trouble Concentrating - The same adaptability that enables debaters to come
up with such unique plans and ideas often causes them to readapt perfectly good ones
much too frequently, or even to discard them totally when the initial enthusiasm wears off
and other ideas come up. For Debaters, boredom creeps on far too quickly, and the only
way to combat it is with new, if occasionally unhelpful, ideas.

Dislike Practical Matters: Debaters are interested in notions that can be changed and
disputed, such as ideas and plans. Debater personalities lose interest in difficult details
and day-to-day implementation when an artistic flare is not only superfluous but often
counterproductive, which frequently results in their plans never being carried out. For the
first time,

Friendships Debater romantic connections (ENTP) Debaters' sense of enjoyment is frequently founded
& in self-improvement, and persons with this personality type pull their partners along for the
ride, both in the spirit of sharing and expectation.
While Debaters are more open-minded about other people's opinions than other Analyst
personality types, they are also more inclined to voice their dislike for things like emotional
sensitivity in cuttingly well-worded and plain language, easily hurting their partners'
feelings without realising it.

Career Paths A Sense of Independence Basically it all boils down to a feeling of personal freedom, for
Debaters to know that they are permitted to dedicate themselves fully to understanding and
addressing the problems that interest them, without becoming mired down by social politics
and trying to find out what makes other people "tick".

Routine, structure, and formal norms all feel like unneeded impediments to Debaters, and
their finest professions may potentially allow them to embrace their intellectual hobbies on
their own terms, as independent consultants or software engineers.
Workplace Strong believers in meritocracy, people with the Debater personality type expect their ideas
Habits to be heard by those above them, expect robust debate among their peers, and demand
that those they manage offer up new solutions and ideas regardless of their positions.

Debater Managers While not always their goal, management is often where Debaters are
most at home, allowing them the freedom to fiddle with different approaches and come up
with innovative ways to tackle new challenges without having to handle the tedious
step-by-step implementation of these plans.

1. Write a reflection using Word on TEAMS (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
• Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this

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