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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research locale, descriptions of your research

concerns, sampling procedure, research instrument, administration of the

instrument, the scoring procedure and the statistical treatment of data.

The research locale

This study is conducted at Norala National High School, Division of

South Cotabato school year 2022-2023.

South Cotabato is the province where the municipality of Norala found,

that Norala National High School located. The municipality of Norala are

surrounded by different municipalities those are Santo Niño, South Cotabato

(S11°E), Isulan, Sultan Kudarat (N28°E), Surallah, South Cotabato (S32°E),

Banga, South Cotbato (S51°E), Tantangan, South Cotabato (N43°E),

Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat (N7°E). In addition, the school of Norala National

High surrounded by san miguel national high school, sergio legayada national

high school, lapuz national high school, fbiola villa gasis national high school,

san jose national high school.

The Norala South Cotabato is popularly known as “The Rice Bowl of the

South” that contribute the whole province.

Figure 1: Locale of the study
Description of research concern

This study focused on knowing the academic performance in English of STEM and

HUMSS students of Norala National High School, during pandemic and now in new normal

classes. How can they managed to adopt the new normal classes, especially on answering

those activities in English and in every subject that involves the use of English language. Is it

hard for them or easy to understand? Is it manageable or difficult to do? Those are some of

the questions this study wants to answer, because COVID-19 pandemic really brings a big

deference to every student on how they react or response on their school activities.

To further focus on the academic performance of every student the Norala National

High School change the way or process of teaching of the teachers. The principal is stricter on

them on how they make their lesson plans and how they conduct it or teach to the student.

Because of that, the teacher’s effectivity is tested on how effective they are in teaching. In

results of that the student is also doing their best to their class and for their academic


This study aims to help students determine the deference of learning independently

at home and learning in school. It will also help them to know or determine their strengths in

doing activities in English or using English language during COVID-19 pandemic and now in

face-to-face or new normal classes. Every student has different strengths in dealing with their

academic activities, some are good at this subject and some are not but that doesn't mean

they are not good in other subjects. Some students are still adjusting on this new normal

classis, and we can help them by giving them encouragement and helping them develop their


Most students learned how to work independently and some are the opposite. During

the covid-19 pandemic and when classes around the country started to suspend and was later
on substituted by online and blended learning, some students are just relying on the internet

on doing their school works (mostly on the subjects that requires a student to use English), in

result some are having troubles on doing their school works without the aid of the internet.

As said in the title, the main goal or purpose of this research is to know how or did the

academic performance of senior high school students was affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

Also, to know the difference on the academic performance of the target participants during

the pandemic were face to face was still prohibited, and after the pandemic or during these

face-to-face classes. Lastly, to determine the total number of students who are having

difficulties or those whose academic performance on English that was greatly affected by the

covid-19 pandemic.

Year after year, an increasing number of pupils enroll in and graduate from high

schools. Admissions counselors want to know that students have a solid enough foundation

to undertake hard courses at their institution, so they consider all aspects of a student's

application, not just grades and test results. Because English is one of the most widely used

languages in the world, whether in casual conversation or in complex debates, we, the

researchers, are not claiming a new study in light of these claims; rather, we are simply

highlighting the drawbacks of having a low literacy/knowledge level in English. Because of

this, it is crucial for future research to have this kind of information to aid others. If this trend

continues, a student may be turned down for admission to colleges or universities, subjected

to bullying as a result, or even fail to graduate from secondary school due to a lack of literacy

or knowledge in that particular area.

The subject respondents

The senior high school HUMSS and STEM academic strands of the

Norala national high school where the subject of the study. The school has a

400 Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) students and 350 Science,

Technology, Engineer, and Mathematics (STEM) students for the grade 12

school year 2022-2023.

The students involve in this study as in range of 17-18 years of age,

that speaking Hiligaynon dialect.

The sampling procedure

The sampling design employed was a systematic random sampling with

proportionate allocation. From the two academic tracks, students are served

as the sample size representing each academic strand that chosen. The total

number of senior high school students in the two academic tracks were added

and it equal to (893) students. Using Slovin’s formula at 0.05% error of

tolerance, the total of sample size is 276. table 1 shown the distribution of the


Table 1.

The distribution of respondents and sample size of the senior high school

HUMSS and STEM students of Norala National High School for the SY:2022-

Academic strands Number of students Sample size

HUMSS 532 158

STEM 361 118

total 893 276

Random sampling was used to choose the respondents in a methodical

manner. The student survey was printed on uniform-sized sheets of paper.

The respondents were picked at random using the sample interval until the

desired size was reached. This was done to ensure that all pupils had an equal

chance of being chosen as research participants.

Research Instruments

The research instruments used were the survey questionnaire for grade

12 senior high students HUMSS and STEM.

The survey questionnaire or check list is contained 10 items for every

questionnaire. Each item was responded to using five-point scale with

Strongly agree (5), Agree (4), undecided (3), Disagree (2), and strongly disagree

(1). Numbers 5,4,3,2 and 1 are used to respond in every statement indicated.

And to identify the researcher will use mean and standard deviation to found

the outcome and to get the accurate data.

Administration of the research instruments

The research conducted the study during the school year 2022-2023.

the motivation questionnaire is not already distributed after the research

The researcher, was ask for permission from the Principal of the Norala

national High School to conduct this study. And also, we ask for guidance in

subject teacher to guide the researcher to their task

The researchers’ instruments were personally to the resplendent that

will be identify, based on sampling procedure. The researcher had explained

to the respondents the purpose of this study. The students were requested to

accomplish the questionnaires carefully and not to leave unanswered item.

The respondents’ answers were assured that their responses are keep


Scoring procedure

The following scale and limits were used in analyzing the data for the

affections of covid-19 in their academic performance. The basis of the

commencement of the limit were patterned from the scoring instruments that

utilize by Ortiz (1997)

scale limits Response Qualitative description for affections

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Highly affected


4 3.50-4.49 agree affected

3 2.50-3.49 uncertain Neither affected nor not affected

2 1.50-2.49 disagree Not affected

1 0.50-1.49 Strongly Highly not affected

The said instrument have no right or wrong answers. The only correct

respondents are those that are true students that firmly affected their

academic performance due to pandemic outbreak.

For the interpretation of the affected academic performance in English

of the senior high school students of Norala National High School. The

following scale were considered basis from the Dep-ed order no.33, s. 2004.

Score Proficiency Qualitative qualifying statement

Range index (%) Descriptions

25-30 95-100 outstanding very highly competent in the

knowledge and skills in English

19-24 87-94 very good highly competent in the

knowledge and skills in English

13-18 81-86 satisfactory moderately competent in the

knowledge and skills in English

7-12 75-80 fair slightly competent in the

knowledge and skills in English

0-6 74-below poor not competent in the knowledge

and skills in English

Treatment of Data

The idea was organized into succeeds. For this study, the data were

statistically treated and. interpreted using mean and standard deviation

To described the affected of covid-19 on the academic performance in

English of senior high students were given a clear reasons and outcome. By

mean and standard deviation.

To ascertain the academic performance level of senior high school

HUMSS and STEM students, the problem were interpreted and adjudication.

The data were analyzed qualitatively their statistically response and

scholarly their insights and taught to the descriptive analysis on the effect of

covid-19 to the academic performance in English of senior high school


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