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How to use

Intelligence for
your Start-Up
or working
Company in

What is Arti1cial Intelligence? 21

Bene1ts of Arti1cial Intelligence for Start-Ups 24


Identifying AI Opportunities 26

Developing an AI Roadmap 28


Creating an AI Team 30

Building an AI Infrastructure 31

Choosing the Right AI Platform 32

Integrating New Technologies 33


Identifying Performance Metrics 35

Establishing Performance Goals 36


Establishing Clear Policies 38

Understanding Security Concerns 20

Best Arti1cial Intelligence Tools for any Start-up or current business 33

1- 33

First Arti1cial intelligence tool named 33

Cody 33

Meet Cody Your AI-Assistant for Business 33

What is Cody? 33

What can Cody do? 34

Instant Answers To Your Business Questions 34

Upload Any Document & Build Your Knowledge Base 34

Provide Sources For Every Answer 34

Boost Employee E a g e n cy 35

Provide Support & Troubleshoot Issues 35

Brainstorm Ideas & Give Suggestions 35

How It Works 35

Teach It What It Needs To Know 36

Customize Cody For Different Uses 37

Ask Cody 38

Frequently Asked Questions 38





The world's fastest website builder. 40

Launch a website in seconds. 40

Optimize your marketing copy 42

Professional images and icons 42


Join thousands of owners who started with Durable. 44

Ready to see what AI can do for your business? 44

- 44







How to create a spelling presentation 51

The nitty-gritty of creating a pitch deck 51

Conclusion 54

5- 55



G- 57




Get name ideas 58

Filter results 58

Save your names 59



7- 62


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Put Your Data to Work and Predict the Future. 73


Success Is More Predictable Than You Think 74

Predictive Intelligence 75

Real-Time Recommendations 76

Lookback Reports 77

Easy Setup & Integration 78

AI Tools that Drive Smarter, Faster Decisions 79


Optimized Labor 79

Optimized Purchasing 79








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Bars/Cafes 81

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ProductHunt 90

HackerNews 90

Reddit 91

Crunchbase 91

Betalist 92 92

Page 9
Other free sites to post your startup on!
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1. 94

2. 95

3. 95

4. 96

5. 97

G. 97





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CRM with automation at its core 115

One shareable deal link 115

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Money in the bank 118

Activate your investors and advisors 120

Share diligence documents with ease 120







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Academic research made practical. 131

Access research-backed ideas in minutes. 131

Scale your innovation process with ease. 132

I don9t even have an idea. But I want to start something. Help!? 134

When Starting, Look For Early Signals 135

I Have My Idea. Now What? 136

About Funding 136



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Follow your curiosity, broaden your horizons.. 143

No more un1nished (learning) business. Get inspired from the

world's experts in startups.technologybusiness 143

We didn9t stop there. We got language models and generative AI

to help you create your own private course, unique to your learning
style. 144

We have deep knowledge in machine learning and natural

language processing. 144

We are building new products that tailor the web of content to

your learning style, in the form of experience drops. 144

Learning through search 145

We have received immense love and appreciation for our products

to date. 146

Limited beta opening up in Jan 2023. 146

Don9t miss out on what learning done right could look like - sign
up to be noti1ed today! 146

19- 148

Arti1cial intelligence tool named 148

(Test & Start) 148

20- 150

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Summary of AI Strategies 167

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Final Thoughts 168

Page 19
Arti1cial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging 1eld of technology that enables machines to learn from

experience, adjust to new inputs, and make decisions without human intervention. As a startup,

understanding the basics of AI can help you develop the most eIective strategies for success.

AI is a broad 1eld that includes many diIerent sub1elds, such as machine learning, natural

language processing, computer vision, and robotics. At its core, AI is focused on teaching

machines to think like humans. AI systems can use data to identify patterns, solve problems, and

make decisions.

AI is already being used in many industries, such as 1nance, healthcare, and manufacturing. AI-

powered systems can automate processes, analyze data, and make decisions faster and more

accurately than humans. These systems could be used to automate customer service, predict

customer behavior, and optimize production processes.

Startups can also bene1t from AI in many ways. AI-powered systems can help them analyze

customer data, identify trends, and recommend strategies for success. AI can also be used to

create virtual assistants to help with customer service and marketing. Additionally, AI can be

used to automate mundane tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more important tasks.

When using AI, startups need to be aware of the potential risks associated with AI technologies,

such as data privacy and security. Startups should carefully consider the ethical implications of

AI-powered systems and be aware of the laws and regulations related to the use of AI.

Page 20
In conclusion, AI is rapidly becoming an important part of the modern economy and startups

should understand the basics of AI and its potential applications. AI can be used to automate

processes, analyze data, and make decisions more quickly and accurately than humans.

However, startups should be aware of the potential risks associated with AI, such as data privacy

and security. With the right strategy, AI can be a powerful tool for startups to drive success.

Page 21
Arti1cial Intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in the business world as a tool to help startups

achieve success. The use of AI within a business can bring many bene1ts, allowing startups to

gain a competitive edge and increase e ciency. This chapter discusses the bene1ts of AI for

startups and how they can use it to their advantage.

AI can provide startups with the ability to automate processes, saving them time and money.

Automation can free up employees to focus on more important tasks, such as developing new

products and services. AI can also help startups identify patterns in data and make predictions

about future market trends. This information can be used to drive strategic decisions and

improve business operations.

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AI can also help startups identify new opportunities. By analyzing customer data, AI can help

startups detect potential customers, recommend new products and services, and optimize

pricing. AI can also be used to target customers more selectively by understanding their

preferences and behaviors.

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AI can also help startups reduce costs and increase e ciency. By automating processes, startups

can reduce the need for additional personnel, freeing up resources to invest in other areas. AI

can also help startups increase their production capacity, allowing them to produce more

products with fewer resources.

Finally, AI can help startups develop new products and services. By leveraging machine learning

and natural language processing, startups can create innovative products that meet customer

needs and help diIerentiate them from their competitors.

In conclusion, AI can oIer many advantages to startups. By leveraging AI, startups can automate

processes, identify new opportunities, reduce costs, increase e ciency, and develop new

products and services. AI can help startups stay competitive and succeed in today9s marketplace.

Page 24
Identifying AI Opportunities

One of the most important steps in starting a successful Arti1cial Intelligence (AI) venture is

identifying opportunities. AI is a rapidly growing 1eld, and opportunities exist in every industry.

However, it can be di cult to determine where to focus your eIorts.

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The best place to start when identifying AI opportunities is to understand the current and

future needs of your industry. What problems can AI solve in your industry? What new

products or services can AI enable? What trends are emerging in your industry? Answering

these questions can help you identify potential AI applications.

Once you have a list of potential AI opportunities, it is important to do research to determine the

market potential. How much demand is there for each AI application? What is the competitive

landscape like? Are there any existing solutions to the problem? Evaluating the market potential

of potential AI opportunities will help you decide which ones to pursue.

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Another important factor to consider when identifying AI opportunities is the resources you

have available. What technology do you have access to? How much capital do you have to invest?

What expertise do you have on hand? Knowing the resources you have available will help you

determine which AI opportunities you can realistically pursue.

Finally, it is important to consider the ethical implications of AI. What are the potential risks and

implications of developing a particular AI application? What are the potential bene1ts? As you

evaluate AI opportunities, it is important to weigh the risks and bene1ts to ensure you are

creating a solution that will bene1t society and not cause any harm.

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In summary, identifying AI opportunities is key to starting a successful venture. Start by

understanding the current and future needs of your industry, then do research to evaluate the

market potential and resources you have available. Finally, consider the ethical implications of

the AI application to ensure it will bene1t society. With a thorough approach to identifying AI

opportunities, you can create a successful venture.

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Developing an AI Roadmap
Developing an AI Roadmap

Developing an AI roadmap is an important step in any business9 journey to success. An AI

roadmap is a plan that helps organizations identify and prioritize their AI-related goals and

objectives. A roadmap focuses on current and future AI initiatives, and helps businesses to

develop a clear path towards their desired outcomes.

When developing an AI roadmap, the 1rst step is to identify the organization9s AI-related goals.

This is done by evaluating the current state of the business, understanding the AI-related

challenges, and determining what the desired outcomes are. This will help to create a list of AI-

related initiatives that will move the business towards success.

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Once the goals have been identi1ed, the next step is to prioritize them. This is done by

considering the short-term and long-term objectives, the resources required to achieve each goal,

and the time frame in which the goals should be accomplished.

Once the goals have been identi1ed and prioritized, the next step is to create an AI roadmap.

This roadmap should include a timeline, tasks and milestones, and a budget. It should also

provide a clear overview of the organization9s AI-related objectives, and how they will be


Finally, the roadmap should be reviewed and revised as needed. As the organization9s AI

initiatives evolve and progress, the roadmap should be updated to reRect the new objectives and

timelines. This will ensure that the organization stays on track and is able to successfully achieve

its AI-related goals.

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Creating an AI roadmap is an important step in any organization9s journey to success. It helps to

identify and prioritize the organization9s AI-related goals, develop a timeline and budget, and

ensure the organization stays on track. By following these steps, organizations can ensure they are

able to successfully achieve their desired outcomes.

Creating an AI Team

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Building an AI team is essential for any startup business that is looking to succeed in the arti1cial

intelligence niche. Assembling the right individuals with the right skills and knowledge is key to

success. An AI team should include people with a range of skills and expertise, such as machine

learning engineers, data scientists, software developers, and product managers.

When forming your AI team, it is important to consider the team9s size, roles, and

responsibilities. Depending on the size of your company, you may need to hire a few people or an

entire team. As you build your team, consider the skills and experience of each team member

and how they 1t into the overall strategy of your business.

When recruiting for your AI team, look for people with skills in mathematics, software

engineering, and data analytics. Additionally, consider the experience of the team members. It is

bene1cial to have team members with strong AI knowledge, as well as people with experience in

the 1eld of arti1cial intelligence.

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When it comes to roles and responsibilities, it is important to establish a clear division of labor. It

is important to ensure that each team member is accountable for their tasks and that they have

the resources they need to be successful. Additionally, it is important to ensure that team

members work together to reach the desired results.

Finally, when creating an AI team, it is important to ensure that all team members are on the

same page. Each team member should have a clear understanding of their role and the goals of

the company. Furthermore, team members should be able to communicate eIectively and

collaborate with one another.

Creating an AI team is an important step for any startup business. Assembling the right

individuals with the right skills and knowledge is essential for success. When forming your team,

consider the size, roles, and responsibilities of each team member. Additionally, look for people

with skills in mathematics, software engineering, and data analytics. Ensure that all team

members are on the same page and can work together eIectively. With the right team in place,

your AI startup business is sure to succeed.

Building an AI Infrastructure for Startups

Building an AI infrastructure for startups is a daunting task, but one that can be accomplished

with the right strategy. An AI infrastructure is the foundation for any success in AI, and startups

should be aware of the best practices for creating a robust and reliable AI system.

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The 1rst step to building an effective AI infrastructure is to identify the key components of an

AI system. This includes hardware, software, databases and algorithms. Additionally, it is

important to understand the various types of AI technologies available, such as machine

learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. Once this is done, the next

step is to determine the types of data that are necessary and relevant to the AI system9s scope of


The next step is to select the appropriate hardware and software for the AI infrastructure. This

includes selecting the appropriate processor, operating system, and storage type. Additionally, it

is important to consider the types of applications and services that the AI system will need to

access, such as databases and algorithms. With the right hardware and software in place, the AI

system will be able to process data and generate insights quickly and accurately.

Finally, the last step to building an AI infrastructure is to ensure that the system is secure and

reliable. This includes establishing proper authentication protocols to ensure that only

authorized individuals have access to the system, as well as setting up security measures to protect

the system from malicious attacks.

In conclusion, building an AI infrastructure is a complex process that requires careful planning

and consideration. However, with the right strategy and components in place, startups can

create a secure, reliable, and effective AI system that can generate insights and drive growth.

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Choosing the right AI platform is an important step for any startup looking to incorporate AI

into their operations. There are many different options available, ranging from general-purpose

AI platforms to specialized industry-speci1c solutions. To make the best decision, startups

should consider both the features and cost of each AI platform.

When comparing AI platforms, one of the 1rst things to consider is the features oIered. Most AI

platforms will have basic features such as data analytics, machine learning, and natural language

processing. However, some platforms may over other features such as image recognition, robotic

process automation, or automated decision-making. Startups should look for the features that

best match their speci1c use case.

Another factor to consider is the cost of each platform. AI platforms vary widely in terms of

pricing, from free open-source solutions to more expensive enterprise-level solutions. Startups

should consider both their current budget and their long-term plans when selecting an AI


Finally, startups should also consider the support and services offered by each AI platform.

Many platforms over tutorials, documentation, and even one-on-one technical support to help

users get the most out of their AI solutions. Startups should look for a platform that Is the

level of support they need.

When selecting an AI platform, it is important for startups to consider both the features and cost

of each option. Additionally, they should also factor in the support and services available, as this

can be critical to the success of their AI implementation. By taking the time to evaluate each

option, startups can ensure they are making the best decision for their AI needs.

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Integrating New Technologies

Integrating new technologies into a startup business is an essential step towards success. It is

important to understand the process and knowledge necessary to successfully integrate Arti1cial

Intelligence (AI) into a company's operations. This chapter will provide an overview of the

integration process and discuss strategies for success when integrating new technologies.

The process of integrating new technologies into a startup business involves a number of steps.

First, it is important to understand the AI technology and how it can be used to bene1t the

company. Research should be conducted to gain an understanding of the technology's

capabilities and how it can be applied to the business. Once the technology has been selected, it

is important to create a plan to integrate the technology into the company's operations. This plan

should include the necessary resources and personnel, an implementation timeline, and any

potential risks or roadblocks.

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Once the integration plan is in place, the next step is to develop a strategy for success. This

strategy should consider the company's goals, budget, and timeline. It should also include

methods for monitoring and measuring the success of the integration. A successful integration

strategy should include the following components:

- Clear understanding of the technology and its application to the business

- A comprehensive plan for integration and implementation

- Appropriate resources for successful integration

- Strategies for monitoring and measuring success

- A timeline for integration

In addition to the above, it is important to consider the potential risks and roadblocks associated

with the integration of new technologies. It is important to have a contingency plan in place in

case of any unexpected issues or delays. It is also important to consider potential legal

implications, security considerations, and the potential need for training.

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Finally, it is important to consider the bene1ts that the integration of new technologies can bring

to a startup business. These bene1ts can include improved e ciency, cost savings, improved

customer service, and improved decision making. It is important to consider the long-term

implications of integrating new technologies and how this can help a business to achieve its goals.

By following the steps outlined in this chapter, startup businesses and the niches of Arti1cial

Intelligence can successfully integrate new technologies and achieve success. With careful

planning, an understanding of the technology, and strategies for success in place, new

technologies can help a business reach its goals.

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Identifying Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are essential for any startup business. They provide a valuable insight into

the progress of a project and help to identify areas that need improvement. Arti1cial intelligence

(AI) startups are no different. In order to succeed, AI startups need to know how their

algorithms are performing and how well their AI solutions are working.

Identifying the right performance metrics for an AI startup is key to its success. It9s important to

select metrics that measure the progress and success of the AI system. This means that the metrics

should reflect the goals of the AI system and how it9s helping to achieve them.

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most common performance metrics for AI systems include accuracy, precision, recall, and F-

score. Accuracy tells us how often an AI system correctly predicts the correct outcome. Precision

measures how many times the AI system returns the correct result and recall measures how many

times the AI system correctly identi1es the correct outcome. F-score is the harmonic mean of

precision and recall and is usually the preferred metric when evaluating AI systems.

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Other performance metrics that are important for AI startups include training time, inference

time, model complexity, and computational resources. Training time measures how long the AI

system takes to be trained on a given dataset. Inference time measures how quickly the AI system

is able to make a prediction given a new dataset. Model complexity measures how complex the

AI system is, and computational resources measure the amount of processing power and

memory required to run the AI system.

These performance metrics will help AI startups measure their progress and identify areas that

need improvement. Knowing which metrics to focus on and how to interpret them will help AI

startups make informed decisions and develop successful AI solutions.

Establishing Performance Goals

Establishing performance goals for your Arti1cial Intelligence (AI) startup is essential for long-

term success. Performance goals are objectives that are measurable, achievable and focused on

the desired outcome. They should be determined in advance and then monitored to ensure that

your team is on track to meet them.

When setting performance goals, be sure to consider the following:

1. Start with the big picture. It9s important to begin by considering what success looks like for

your startup. What do you want to achieve? How will you measure success?

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2. Break it down. Once you have the big picture, break it down into smaller, more manageable

objectives. For example, if you want to increase your user base, create speci1c goals related to

user acquisition and retention.

3. Identify key performance indicators. To track progress towards your goals, identify key

performance indicators (KPIs). These are metrics that measure performance. For example, if

you want to increase user acquisition, you may choose to track the number of new users

acquired each month.

4. Set realistic and achievable goals. Setting unrealistic and unachievable goals can set your team

up for failure. Be sure to set goals that are realistic, achievable and have a timeline for


5. Monitor progress. Once you have set your performance goals, monitor progress regularly. This

will ensure that your team is on track to meet the objectives and help to identify any issues that

may arise.

By setting performance goals, you can ensure that your AI startup is staying on track towards

achieving its desired outcomes. Establishing and monitoring performance goals will help you stay

focused on success and take the right steps towards achieving it.

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Establishing Clear Policies

When it comes to Arti1cial Intelligence for Start-Ups, establishing clear policies is essential for

success. Policies provide a framework for setting expectations and ensuring that everyone

involved is on the same page. They also ensure that Arti1cial Intelligence is used in a responsible

and ethical manner.

When developing policies, it is important to consider the stakeholders and objectives of the

startup. This includes employees, customers, and investors. It is also important to consider the

implications of the technology on the startup9s brand and reputation.

It is important to create policies that are clear and concise. This will help ensure that everyone

understands the rules and expectations. Policies should be reviewed and updated regularly to

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ensure that they remain relevant and applicable.

When creating policies, it is important to consider the potential risks associated with Arti1cial

Intelligence. This includes the potential for data breaches and misuse of the technology. Policies

should address the security of data and the proper use of AI. This will help ensure that customer

data is protected and that the technology is used in an ethical manner.

It is also important to consider potential legal and regulatory implications of Arti1cial

Intelligence. Policies should be designed to ensure that the startup is compliant with all

applicable laws and regulations. This will help to protect the startup from potential lawsuits.

Finally, it is important to create policies that are easy to understand and follow. This will help

ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the technology is used in an ethical and

responsible manner.

Creating clear policies is essential for any startup using Arti1cial Intelligence. It is important to

consider the stakeholders and objectives of the startup, address potential risks, consider legal and

regulatory implications, and create policies that are easy to understand and follow. Doing so will

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help ensure that Arti1cial Intelligence is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Security concerns are an integral part of any business, especially in the 1eld of arti1cial

intelligence (AI). AI-based systems are increasingly being used by startups to manage and process

large amounts of data, to automate complex tasks, and for other business operations. Security

risks, however, can be high if proper measures are not taken to protect the data and systems from

potential attacks.

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Startup businesses must be aware of the security risks associated with AI systems and take

proactive steps to protect their data, systems, and customers. This includes understanding the

different types of security threats that can act AI systems, such as malicious code, data

breaches, and data manipulation. AI systems can be vulnerable to the same security threats that

can act any other type of system, such as malware, hacking, and phishing. It is important to

have a thorough understanding of the security measures that can help protect AI-based systems

and the data they are responsible for.

In addition to knowing the types of security threats, startups must also understand the security

measures that can be implemented to protect their AI systems. These measures include

encryption, authentication, access control, and data protection. It is also essential to have an up-

to-date security plan in place that outlines the procedures for responding to potential security

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Startups must be aware that AI-based systems can be vulnerable to malicious actors who may try

to gain access to the system and its data. Properly monitoring and logging activities related to the

system can help detect any suspicious activity and alert security personnel to potential threats.

Finally, startups should keep their systems up to date with the latest security patches and

updates. This will help ensure that their AI systems remain safe and secure from potential


By understanding the security risks associated with AI systems and taking the necessary steps to

protect them, startups can ensure their data and systems are secure and protected from potential

threats. This will help startups to remain competitive and successful in the 1eld of AI.

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Startup companies & Arti1cial Intelligence

Startups have become synonymous with innovation and disruption, and for good reason. With

the rapid advancements in technology, it has become easier for entrepreneurs to bring their ideas

to life and create new industries. One of the most signi1cant technological developments in

recent years is Arti1cial Intelligence (AI), which has revolutionized the way startups operate. In

this book, we will explore how startup owners use AI to enhance their businesses and gain a

competitive edge.

What is Arti1cial Intelligence?

Arti1cial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are

programmed to think and act like humans. AI technologies include machine learning, natural

language processing, robotics, and computer vision. These technologies enable machines to

perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making

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decisions, and learning from experience.

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Why are Startups Using AI?

Startups are using AI for several reasons. Firstly, AI enables startups to automate repetitive tasks,

allowing them to focus on more critical areas of their business. For example, AI-powered

chatbots can handle customer service queries, freeing up human agents to handle more complex

issues. Secondly, AI helps startups to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences,

enabling them to provide personalized products and services. Thirdly, AI can help startups to

identify new business opportunities and create innovative products and services.

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How are Startups Using AI?

1. Customer Service

Startups are using AI-powered chatbots to provide round-the-clock customer service. These

chatbots can answer common queries and provide support for simple tasks, such as resetting

passwords. Startups can also use AI to analyze customer data to identify trends and preferences,

enabling them to provide personalized products and services.

1. Marketing

Startups are using AI to create targeted marketing campaigns. AI algorithms can analyze

customer data to identify the most effictive channels for reaching target audiences. Startups can

also use AI to create personalized content, such as email marketing campaigns and social media


1. Operations

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Startups are using AI to streamline their operations and improve e ciency. For example, AI

algorithms can analyze data from production processes to identify areas for improvement.

Startups can also use AI to optimize logistics and supply chain management, reducing costs and

improving delivery times.

1. Sales

Startups are using AI to enhance their sales processes. AI algorithms can analyze customer data

to identify potential leads and provide insights into customer behavior. Startups can also use AI-

powered sales tools to automate sales processes, such as lead scoring and pipeline management.

1. Product Development

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Startups are using AI to create innovative products and services. AI-powered tools can analyze

customer feedback and preferences to identify new product opportunities. Startups can also use

AI to enhance product features and improve user experience.

Challenges in Using AI for Startups

While AI oIers signi1cant bene1ts for startups, there are also several challenges that must be

addressed. Firstly, AI requires a signi1cant investment of time and resources to develop and

implement. Secondly, startups must have access to large amounts of data to train AI algorithms

eIectively. Thirdly, AI requires specialized skills and knowledge, which can be di cult for

startups to acquire. Finally, there are ethical and legal considerations that must be addressed

when using AI, such as data privacy and bias.


In conclusion, AI has become an essential tool for startups looking to gain a competitive edge. By

using AI to automate tasks, gain insights into customer behavior, and create innovative products

and services, startups can enhance their operations and grow their businesses. However, startups

must be aware of the challenges of using AI and ensure that they have the resources and

expertise required to implement AI eIectively. With the right approach, AI can help startups to

succeed in a rapidly evolving business environment.

Let's dive deeper into the speci1c ways that startups are using AI to enhance their businesses.

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

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Startups are using NLP to improve their customer service processes. NLP enables machines to

understand human language, making it possible for startups to create AI-powered chatbots that

can communicate with customers in a natural way. These chatbots can handle customer

inquiries, provide support, and oIer personalized recommendations. NLP can also be used to

analyze customer feedback, reviews, and social media posts to gain insights into customer

preferences and sentiment.

1. Predictive Analytics

Startups are using predictive analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and predict future

trends. Predictive analytics uses data mining, machine learning, and statistical algorithms to

analyze customer data and identify patterns. Startups can use this information to make data-

driven decisions, such as which products to develop or which marketing channels to target.

1. Computer Vision

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Startups are using computer vision to enhance their product development processes. Computer

vision enables machines to recognize and understand visual data, such as images and videos.

Startups can use this technology to create products that incorporate augmented reality or virtual

reality, providing customers with an immersive experience. Computer vision can also be used in

quality control processes to detect defects in products or to automate tasks, such as sorting and

counting items.

1. Fraud Detection

Startups are using AI to detect and prevent fraud. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of

data to identify suspicious patterns or anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity. Startups

can use this technology to monitor 1nancial transactions, detect identity theft, and prevent


1. Sentiment Analysis

Startups are using sentiment analysis to gain insights into customer sentiment and preferences.

Sentiment analysis uses machine learning algorithms to analyze customer feedback, such as social

media posts and product reviews, to determine whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or

neutral. Startups can use this information to improve their products, services, and marketing


1. Personalization

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Startups are using AI to personalize their products and services. Personalization involves tailoring

products and services to individual customer preferences and behavior. AI algorithms can

analyze customer data, such as search history and purchase behavior, to provide personalized

recommendations and offers. Startups can use this technology to create a more personalized

experience for customers and increase customer loyalty.

1. Autonomous Systems

Startups are using autonomous systems, such as drones and robots, to automate tasks and

improve e agency. Autonomous systems use AI algorithms to navigate and make decisions based

on their environment. Startups can use this technology to automate tasks such as delivery,

inventory management, and manufacturing.

1. Human Resource Management

Startups are using AI to improve their human resource management processes. AI algorithms

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can analyze job descriptions, resumes, and interview responses to identify the best candidates for

a job. Startups can also use AI-powered tools to automate HR tasks, such as onboarding and

performance evaluation.

1. Supply Chain Management

Startups are using AI to optimize their supply chain management processes. AI algorithms can

analyze data from suppliers, logistics, and production processes to identify areas for

improvement. Startups can use this technology to reduce costs, improve delivery times, and

ensure quality control.

1. Cybersecurity

Startups are using AI to improve their cybersecurity processes. AI algorithms can analyze

network tra c and identify potential threats, such as malware and cyberattacks. Startups can

use this technology to prevent data breaches and protect sensitive information.

In conclusion, AI is an essential tool for startups looking to enhance their businesses and gain a

competitive edge. By using AI to automate tasks, gain insights into customer behavior, and create

innovative products and services, startups can improve their operations and grow their

businesses. While there are challenges to using AI, such as the need for specialized skills and data

privacy concerns, the bene1ts

of using AI outweigh the risks. As AI technology continues to evolve and become more

accessible, startups that are early adopters of AI are likely to have a signi1cant advantage over

their competitors.

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However, it is important for startups to approach the use of AI in a thoughtful and responsible

way. AI should be used to enhance human capabilities, not replace them. Startups should also

be transparent about how they are using AI and ensure that their use of AI aligns with ethical

and legal standards.

Moreover, startups need to consider the ethical implications of using AI. For example, facial

recognition technology has been criticized for its potential to infringe on privacy and

discriminate against certain groups of people. Startups should consider the potential social and

ethical implications of their use of AI and take steps to mitigate any negative consequences.

Finally, startups need to be prepared for the challenges of implementing AI. AI requires a

signi1cant amount of data, expertise, and resources to be eIective. Startups need to invest in the

necessary infrastructure, hire skilled AI professionals, and ensure that they have access to high-

quality data.

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In conclusion, AI is a powerful tool that can help startups to enhance their businesses in a variety

of ways. By leveraging the capabilities of AI, startups can improve customer service, gain insights

into customer behavior, automate tasks, and create innovative products and services. However,

startups must approach the use of AI thoughtfully and responsibly, considering the ethical and

social implications of their use of AI, and investing in the necessary resources to implement AI


To further elaborate on the use of AI in startups, it's important to note that AI technology can be

applied to almost any aspect of a startup, from marketing and sales to product development and

customer service. Let's explore some speci1c examples of how startups are using AI in diIerent

areas of their businesses.

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Marketing and Sales: Startups can use AI to improve their marketing and sales eIorts by

analyzing customer data to create more targeted campaigns. AI algorithms can help identify

customer behavior patterns, preferences, and trends, which can be used to tailor marketing

messages and oIers. AI can also be used to automate lead generation and lead nurturing, freeing

up time for sales reps to focus on closing deals.

Product Development: Startups can use AI to create innovative products and services that meet

the needs and preferences of their customers. By using machine learning algorithms, startups can

analyze customer feedback and usage data to identify areas for improvement and create more

personalized products. AI can also be used to simulate and test product designs before they are

produced, reducing the time and cost of product development.

Customer Service: Startups can use AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to improve their

customer service processes. These tools can handle routine customer inquiries and provide

support 24/7, freeing up human customer service reps to handle more complex issues. Chatbots

can also provide personalized recommendations and oIers based on customer preferences and


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Operations: Startups can use AI to optimize their operations by analyzing data from various

sources and identifying areas for improvement. For example, AI algorithms can analyze

manufacturing data to identify ine ciencies and improve production processes. AI can also be

used to optimize supply chain management by predicting demand and identifying the most

e cient shipping routes.

Finance: Startups can use AI to improve 1nancial management by automating routine

accounting and 1nancial analysis tasks. AI algorithms can analyze 1nancial data to identify

trends and patterns, helping startups make data-driven decisions about budgeting, forecasting,

and investments.

In addition to these speci1c examples, startups can also use AI to improve their overall decision-

making processes. By using machine learning algorithms to analyze data and identify patterns,

startups can make more informed decisions about everything from product development to

marketing and sales strategies.

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However, it's important to note that the use of AI in startups is not without its challenges. One of

the biggest challenges is the need for high-quality data. AI algorithms require a signi1cant

amount of data to be eIective, and startups may not have access to the necessary data or may

struggle to collect and manage it eIectively.

Another challenge is the need for skilled professionals who can develop and implement AI

solutions. Startups may struggle to 1nd quali1ed AI professionals or may not have the resources

to invest in the necessary training and development.

Finally, startups need to be aware of the potential ethical and social implications of their use of

AI. As AI technology continues to advance, it's important for startups to consider the potential

impact of their use of AI on society and take steps to ensure that their use of AI aligns with

ethical and legal standards.

In conclusion, the use of AI is becoming increasingly important for startups looking to enhance

their businesses and gain a competitive edge. By leveraging the capabilities of AI, startups can

improve customer service, product development, operations, 1nance, and more. However,

startups must approach the use of AI thoughtfully and responsibly, addressing challenges such as

the need for high-quality data and skilled professionals, and ensuring that their use of AI aligns

with ethical and legal standards.

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One emerging area where AI is being applied in startups is in the realm of predictive analytics.

Predictive analytics involves using AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze large sets of

data and identify patterns and trends that can be used to make predictions about future events

or outcomes.

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Startups can use predictive analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, identify potential

market trends, and make data-driven decisions about product development, marketing

strategies, and more. For example, a startup in the e-commerce industry might use predictive

analytics to analyze customer data and identify which products are most likely to sell well,

helping them make

better decisions about inventory management and product development.

Another area where startups are using AI is in the realm of natural language processing (NLP).

NLP involves teaching computers to understand and interpret human language, allowing them

to analyze text data and extract valuable insights.

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Startups can use NLP to analyze customer feedback and social media posts to gain insights into

customer sentiment and preferences. NLP can also be used to automate tasks such as email triage

and customer support, improving efficiency and reducing response times.

Startups are also using AI to improve cybersecurity. AI-powered cybersecurity tools can analyze

network and identify potential threats, helping startups to protect their systems and data from


One example of a startup using AI for cybersecurity is Darktrace, a cybersecurity company that

uses machine learning algorithms to detect and respond to cyber threats in real-time. Darktrace's

AI-powered platform can identify and respond to threats that traditional cybersecurity tools

might miss, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber


Finally, startups are using AI to improve their hiring and talent management processes. AI-

powered tools can analyze resumes and job applications to identify the best candidates for a

given role, reducing the time and cost of the hiring process. AI can also be used to analyze

employee data and identify areas for improvement in training and development programs.

One example of a startup using AI for talent management is, a talent management

platform that uses AI to analyze candidate data and identify the best candidates for a given role.'s AI-powered platform can also analyze employee data and provide personalized

recommendations for training and development programs, helping businesses to improve

employee retention and productivity.

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In conclusion, startups are using AI in a variety of ways to enhance their businesses and gain a

competitive edge. By leveraging the capabilities of AI in areas such as predictive analytics, NLP,

cybersecurity, and talent management, startups can improve e ciency, reduce costs, and make

data-driven decisions. However, startups must also be aware of the potential ethical and social

implications of their use of AI and take steps to ensure that their use of AI aligns with ethical and

legal standards.

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What is Cody?
Cody is an intelligent AI assistant like ChatGPT 3 with the added bene1t of being able to train it

on your business, your team, your processes, and your clients with your own knowledge base.

Use Cody to support your team, answer questions, help with creative work, troubleshoot issues,

and brainstorm ideas.

Cody is our solution to the limitations of ChatGPT. While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, we

needed an AI to work a little bit more like an employee - with the ability to be trained on your

speci1c business, industry, and processes. Upload any document as source material

Automate tasks to boost productivity See which sources were used for every answer Use

it for tech support or employee training Ask it to brainstorm & give ideas.

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No keyword searches

No regurgitated answers

No need to give context every time

What can Cody do ?

Instant Answers To Your Business Questions

No need to track down manuals or sift through endless documents. Cody analyzes all

accumulated documents and acts as an expert on all your company processes to provide the

answer you need in seconds.

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Securely upload anything from PowerPoints to PDFs to instantly integrate information and

customize Cody for your company. Cody will search the database you provide and use it to craft

an intelligent answer.

For added peace of mind, you can check Cody9s work. Whether it9s from one source or multiple

sources, Cody provides the sources used to come up with every answer.

With instant answers, ideas, and ready-made work, your team can work smarter, not harder.

Use Cody to complete tasks faster, like writing professional emails, translating documents, or

creating marketing materials.

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Not making full use of your digital tools? Can9t get the sound to work on Zoom? Cody uses

support documentation to help your team quickly troubleshoot any issues and discover hidden


If you9re not sure where to start, you can use Cody to bring new perspectives and insights to the

table. Because Cody remembers conversations and contextual history, it can give ideas and


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Upload the documents you want Cody to rely on and control which sources it has access to in

every chat.

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Create a custom Cody chat for diIerent purposes, like Marketing, HR, or Support. Then,

control what source documents it uses in every chat.

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Ask all your questions, train your team, and use Cody to get work done to save time AND


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What is Cody?
Cody is an AI-powered virtual employee that can assist your business in various tasks, such as

answering questions, completing tasks, onboarding new hires, providing support and

troubleshooting, and bringing new ideas and insights.

How does Cody work?

Cody searches all of your accumulated company data, including articles, PowerPoints, and

PDFs, and sources the top 10 most relevant documents to create an answer to your question in


Yes, you can upload various types of documents to Cody, such as Word, PowerPoint, and PDFs,

and Cody will instantly learn all that information and use it to provide answers to your


Yes, you can train Cody on your speci1c business processes, such as support documentation,

allowing your team to quickly troubleshoot any issues.

No, Cody is not a replacement for human employees. Instead, it is designed to assist and

augment your team, allowing them to focus on more important tasks and work more e ciently.

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AI Website Generator

Get your business online in 30 seconds. The AI-powered platform for solo business owners.

Generate a website, automate your marketing, and manage your 1nances.. Save hours of work

and let Durable AI create a revenue-ready website in 30 seconds.

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AI Copywriter

Need a diIerent headline or new Facebook ad? In one click Durable AI instantly generates

smart copy for you.

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Photo + Icon Library

Populate your site with professional photography and icons. Let AI pick images or select your

own from a massive library.

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More than a website builder, Durable gives you all the tools you need to grow your business

under one simple login. From SEO to invoicing, we've got you covered.

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Durable User

Small Business Owner

Durable User

Small Business Owner

Reddit User

Small Business Owner

Build a website in 30 seconds using arti1cial intelligence The AI website builder that generates

an entire website with images and copy in seconds - AI business name generator - Write copy for

Google Ads in seconds with AI.

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Bring your business idea to life. All-in-one business planning software that helps you turn your

great idea into a successful business..

Design a business model on a single page

If your idea is in its early stages, and you need to quickly visualize and structure your business

model, Idea Plan is the ideal starting point for you.

Use editable templates.

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Collaborate with others

Share and export to PDF or Word


Brainstorm ideas together with your team

The online whiteboard will help you to quickly visualize and sketch your ideas, collaborate with

other team members and save sketches, images, and notes.

Visualize your idea or prototype

Insert images and videos

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Keep all the information in one place

Business Guide

Develop your business idea, step-by-step

Sketch out your concept, research your market, determine your setup costs, and make 1nancial

forecasts4from lightbulb to launch, 1gure out everything you need to start your business oI on

the right foot.

Follow step-by-step guides for your industry

Easy to get started with pre-built templates

Get a 3G0-degree view of your idea

Financial Plan
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Make 1nancial projections with ease

If you are clueless when it comes to running the numbers, don9t worry. We9ll help you build

your 1nancial plan, forecast your cash Row, and accurately calculate your pro1t and loss

projections (P&L).

Monthly/quarterly/yearly summary

Create 1nancial reports

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Idea Validation

Take the test to score your idea

Don9t invest in an unpro1table venture, wasting time and money. The Idea Score enables you to

check your idea9s viability after you9ve developed it so you can pinpoint areas you need to


Evaluate the feasibility of your idea

Challenge your assumptions

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Identify areas for improvement

Business Plan

Get a modern business plan with a click

IdeaBuddy builds your business plan as you go 4 complete the steps in the Business Guide, and

your business plan will automatically 1ll out. Simply choose what sections you want to include,

make your 1nal edits, and export your lender-ready document.

Customize the look of your plan

Decide what you want to include

Share and export to PDF or Word

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PitchGrade uses state-of-the-art AI to provide you with real-time feedback on your pitch deck

presentation. By doing this, you won't have to wait for your peer's feedback or send a pitch deck

to an investor without review. Our tool helps entrepreneurs improve their pitch so that

fundraising is the least of their concerns.

Get instant feedback on your pitch deck, so fundraising becomes the least of your concerns..

As we've seen in previous articles, a pitch deck is the visual representation of a company's story

with a strong narrative. The main objective is to present it to investors to raise money for your

project. It should include information about the business, the market opportunity, the team, the

1nancials, and the business model.

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When creating a pitch deck, it can help to start with a blank template. Usually entrepreneurs

will start with a template from a competitor and that can lead to a lot of assumptions. You want

to create a pitch deck that is unique to your business and tells your singular story.

Remember to keep it simple. Your deck should be no longer than 10-17 slides and each slide

should take no longer than 3 minutes to present.

Finally, remember to include a call-to-action at the end of your pitch deck. This is where you ask

for the investors' commitment and it should be included on every slide.

Basically, the three keys to powerful pitch decks that get funded are:

Clear and concise


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As mentioned before, a pitch deck is a slide deck with a strong narrative. It includes all the

information investors may need to make an informed decision. It is a good idea to build the pitch

deck with investors in mind, as they will be the ones reviewing the slides. That being said, it is still

important to cater to a broad audience, as the document might also be seen by potential

employees, partners and vendors.

A pitch deck can include information about the company's history, business model, growth,

competitive advantage, and metrics. Keep in mind that the pitch deck is only a summary of the

business plan, so keep it to the point. Investors will download the full version of the business plan

when investing.

If you are looking for inspiration, there are plenty of pitch deck templates online. In this article,

we will be going over some tips and best practices that can help you create a good pitch deck.

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Here you have 9 points that we recommend to include in your pitch deck.

1. Your target
2. The problem you solve
3. The solution you provide
4. Market /Product
5. Traction
G. Your team
7. Competition
8. Financials
9. Contact

Below are essentially the 9 slides that you want to include inside your presentation, let's check

more extensively on each one:

The 1rst thing you should do is to 1gure out who your audience is. There is no point creating the

best pitch deck in the world if it's not going to get in front of the right people. To maximize your

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ROI, you will want to make sure that your pitch deck is seen by investors, potential employees,

partners, and vendors. To do this, you will want to make sure that your pitch deck is not only

visually appealing and well-designed but also covers the most important aspects of your

company. The best way to do this is by using one pitch deck and breaking it down into sections.

The slide for the problem should be a way to explain what gap you are solving for the market.

Much better if it is something painful that people can identify with. Remember to show the one

problem you are solving with your idea, not two or three. You need to come across as someone

that is focused and expert in that particular area.

3- Solution

The solution must be concise and clear. Moreover, it may be a good idea to outline why it makes

sense now. Timing is money in business and being at the right time in history is the key. Try to

avoid statements showing you being the only one doing this. There may be at least 100 people

that have come up with the same idea before you and other companies may be tackling it with a

diIerent outlook.

If you have an idea, the 1rst thing you need to do is to make sure that there is a market need for

the product that you are trying to build. That is to say, you should do a good amount of research

to understand if there is a real need for that product, whether there is a competitor in the space

and whether people would be willing to pay for it.

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Show on this slide a graph that outlines the market growth, both past and future, so that

investors can quantify the upside and potential ROI on their investment. Make sure you include

sources from your research. Concerning the product: this slide is all about showing screenshots

of your idea in action. You can add descriptions about the product itself and, if you already have

them, some quotes from your happiest clients talking about how much they love your product.

This slide should show the time-period growth of the business, for example month by month.

This is the slide where you would include what investors want to see on every pitch deck they

review. To give you an idea, accelerator programs like Y Combiner expect at least 15% month

over month growth.

The team is probably one of the most important slides in any pitch deck. Investors will want to

know who is driving the project and what makes them so special to perform the mission and

vision you've properly explained in the 1rst slides. As we saw, there are at least 100 other heads

going around your same idea. For that reason the idea is 10% and 90% is the way you are

proposing to take action. Fill in the team slide describing the members of the leadership team

(ideally co founders). List in bullet points what have been the two or three achievements from

every member.

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One thing to keep in mind is that it is not enough to understand if there is a need for the product

that you are trying to build and if there is a direct competitor. You also have to understand if

there is an indirect competitor, which would be a company that is not in the same vertical as you,

but that is in the same industry. This is important because if there is an indirect competitor that is

doing really, really well, then you have a good basis to think that you will also be successful.

A diagram would be enough to show the investor the competitors you have. How you compare

to them and where you land with your value proposition. You need to diIerentiate yourself

from the rest so that the person reviewing the slide gets what makes your company so original

and diIerent.

Another basic would be the numbers. You will need to have ready your 1nancials in an Excel

format as investors surely will want to see after reviewing your pitch deck. There's no need to go

into much detail on the deck. All you need is to provide a summary. If anyone asks for more that

would be a good sign the pitch is working.

Believe it or not, many founders forget to include in their pitch deck their contact information.

If you have a large history on social media you should include the links on the cover slide. As you

can imagine, interested investors will most likely look you up and will also reach out to people

included in the project to ask for references.

If you're serious about your pitch deck, it may be a good idea to ask someone with a high-level

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understanding of sales psychology to look at it. If you make a few small changes to images, text,

and placement, you can make a bigger impact on your pitch deck success.

Creating a pitch deck for your business can be a lot of work, but it can also be a great way to

share your story with potential investors. If you have any questions about creating a pitch deck,

please let us know in the comments below!

If you like this article please feel free to share and comment. Thanks!

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Enjoy the bene1ts of our AI domain name generator with one simple, no-tricks pricing plan.

Name wizard allows you to come up with an AI-generated name for your idea/project/startup.

You can also browse available domains based on the names generated.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Unlimited domain name suggestions

Unlimited domain availability checks

Advanced search filters (coming soon)

Domain name suggestions history (coming soon)

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company


Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Namelix generates short, catchy names with a state of the art language model

Decide whether you prioritize a shorter name, having a speci1c keyword or domain extension

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Save your
Our algorithm learns from the names you like, giving you better recommendations over time

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

For new businesses, naming options can seem quite limited. Short domains are very expensive,

yet longer multi-word names don9t inspire con1dence.

In 2023 many startups are choosing a short, branded name - a name that9s unique, memorable

and affordable.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Most business name generators combine dictionary words to make longer names.

Namelix generates short, branded names that are relevant to your business idea. When you save

a name, the algorithm learns your preferences and gives you better recommendations over time.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company


Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Naming Magic - Use AI to name your company name and 1nd a perfect domain.

brought to you by

Feed the AI a product description

And a few keywords that resonate

Naming Magic Free Let GPT-3 brainstorm names for your company or product and 1nd

available domain names..


This tool was built by Swift Ventures to demonstrate GPT-3 natural language technology. We are

former entrepreneurs who have spent hours debating, brainstorming and domain searching

company names. And, we really should have had a tool like this when we named our former

company TubeMogul (<Huh? Did you say T-Mobile?=).

Naming Magic - Use AI to name your company name and 1nd a perfect domain.

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Naming Magic - Use AI to name your company name and 1nd a perfect domain.

Today we invest in AI and data-1rst businesses at the early stages. Have a great idea? Tell us about

it in the box below.

Naming Magic - Use AI to name your company name and 1nd a perfect domain.

Page 112
How toArti1cial
Know When Products Ask
YC Use business
yourstart-up AI : YC Startup
company Library


Ask YC

Ask YC

Ask YC
Page 113
How to Know When Products Actually Use AI : YC Startup Library
Get answers from YC's content library using semantic search. Great for aspiring and curious


Arti1cial Intelligence helps people by automating tasks that would otherwise require a lot of

time and resources to complete. It can also help solve problems that are too complex for humans

to solve on their own. Examples include optimizing the power usage of a data center or

providing personalized recommendations based on user data.

Arti1cial Intelligence has become a buzzword. People use it in sales pitches all the time and you

often see it in ad copy for new gadgets and apps. It also happens to be the most important tool in

the cybersecurity 1eld.

Here you will learn how to distinguish between a service provider that is truly using arti1cial

intelligence in their product - and has enough big data that it helps them form such technology -

from those that are simply using the allure of the term AI to attract new customers. This could

also help investors understand the real state of AI at the vendor/startup side.

Below are 1ve questions to ask when evaluating an AI product.

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How to Know When Products Actually Use AI : YC Startup Library
1. Can the company give you a stand-alone demo? To avoid someone manipulating your data in

the cloud, ask for a stand-alone demo so you can be sure it's actually software that's processing

your data. If the vendor can only process data in the cloud, you should evaluate the product

with a massive amount of data to be sure that it9s impossible to process by analysts.

2. Can you use your own data? When vendors provide demos using their own data, their system

tends to work very well. That doesn9t mean that the same system will work perfectly with your

data. My recommendation is to test the system in real time using your data to make sure that it

would work in a real life scenario.

3. What are their data sources and sizes? AI can9t become real AI without big data; this would be

like a human surviving without oxygen. For eIective work and development, there should be

real, big data provided and the vendor should provide the exact numbers, parameters, and

available capacity. It9s really important to know and proof data sources.

How to Know When Products Actually Use AI : YC Startup Library

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How to Know When Products Actually Use AI : YC Startup Library

Common sources: In most cases vendors are using public sources such as stocks history,

government data, or open source collections. The brilliant resources here are:

4. What are the details of the algorithm? Ask the vendor for the details of the implemented

approach (algorithm). What exactly (what data) is encoded and decoded. For example, 1nd out

how a recurrent neural network is implemented in the product. Approaches aren't a trade

secret so your vendor will be able to discuss them. If the vendor won't discuss implemented

technological approaches, it's a red Rag.

5. Do they have reference customers? Talk to people already using the product and 1nd out how

they're using it. For example, for security there is a huge diIerence between a blocking mode

and just monitoring. Only a blocking mode could aIect the business in case of a false positive

event. Try to 1nd customers with needs that are similar to yours.

A company that's actually using AI and has a high standard of quality should be able to easily

answer each of these questions.

We're still in the early stages of AI development and I can't wait to see how things unfold.

Good luck!

How to Know When Products Actually Use AI : YC Startup Library

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company



Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

5-Out is on a mission to maximize the pro1tability of every restaurant, using machine learning,

arti1cial intelligence and predictive analysis to automate smarter, better decisions.

In just 5 minutes, 5-Out integrates a wide range of systems you already use, such as Point of Sale,

labor scheduling, purchasing and inventory, weather, social media, ordering, news and events.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

5-Out predicts what you9re going to sell and when you9re going to sell it to optimize labor and


Our suite of powerful features levels the playing 1eld, so you can easily set goals and meet them.

5-Out automatically ingests data from internal (POS, labor scheduling, reservations, events) and

external (weather, tra c, events) sources and uses next-gen machine learning to accurately

predict upcoming sales (revenue, covers/guests, items), and provides guidance on labor

scheduling and purchasing budgets..

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Improve your bottom line without relying on guesswork. Next-gen machine learning and

arti1cial intelligence analyzes your data in real-time, predicting what your business will sell and

when you will sell it up to 21 days in advance, with as high as 98% con1dence.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Based on our predictions, 5-Out recommends real-time sta ng and purchasing actions you can

take to increase pro1tability.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Tracks weekly and daily performance over time, both on your business and on the accuracy of

our projections, empowering you to make more con1dent decisions.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Automatically integrates data from the systems you already use, in just 5 minutes. Even though 5-

Out uses cutting-edge technology, there is no onboarding or employee setup needed, no trouble

integrating with your current suite of tools, and no software to replace.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Real- Insights
5- Out monitors and displays your integrated data in real-time, making predictions and notifying

you when we identify opportunities to optimize.

Optimized Labor
Generate the optimal labor schedule for your business 1-2 weeks in advance and monitor your

labor data in real-time to uncover actionable opportunities. 5-Out lets you maximize your labor

e ciency while minimizing cost.

Optimized Purchasing
Predictive analysis helps you forecast what you will sell in 1-hour increments, up to 21 days in

advance, generating recommendations based on your budget and external factors as those

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income
factors change in real-time.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros

elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros

elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros

elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros

elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros

elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.


Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

"5-Out is the only tool I trust when it comes to helping my franchisees maintain 1nancial control

and maximum pro1tability at their stores."

Mijo & Pam Ananis, Owners

Beyond Juice

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

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Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

<Setup was a breeze, and the insights that 5-Out sends are easy to follow and have saved us

$2,000 per store in the 1rst month alone.=

Gus Malliaras, Owner

Detroit Wing Company

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Page 129
Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

"5-Out saves me 4-G hours every week, that I can dedicate to our team and our guests."

Tim Shea, General Manager

Walnut Street Cafe

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Page 130
Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Automate your bottom line in just 5 minutes and

see how 5-Out can maximize your profitability.

Out | Automated restaurant forecasting to optimize your net income

Page 131
Arti1cial Domain Generator that's actually
yourstart-up good.
business company



I'm always starting projects. That's where the idea for this website came from. As soon as I think

of a new project, I start daydreaming about it's name, a website, etc... But most domain names

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.
are taken! Or at least it always seems to me that way. Good domain names Ry.

So why not, I thought I'd take a shot at it and try to make a solution myself.

So here is Namy: an AI domain generator that's actually good. (hopefully you agree )

And if you don't, I'd love to get your feedback at!

If you're reading the about section of a website I'd 1gure you'll be interested in knowing how it

works. So here's a brief overview:

I scrape a large number of websites (~10 million) for their domain name + their contents and

some other high level features.

From here on there's lots of cleaning and data processing to create a good dataset (probably the

part that took me the longest).

I then train a reasonably big PyTorch model on this dataset, with the aim of generating new,

never before seen domains. The model is mostly composed of LSTM layers, and training takes

roughly 20 hours on a GPU.

EDIT: Instead of LSTM layers, it's now a customized transformer architecture. Works much
better! (and training takes much longer)

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

After training comes the fun part: generating new domain names! Generation is slightly

complex, as there are a few parameters I tune and rules I add, but in essence it's asking the model

to predict new sequences.

These AI generated domains are checked for availability using the namecheap API (and a few

others if I hit the quota limits).

Finally, they're temporarily stored in a database (PostgreSQL), from which the Bootstrap

frontend pulls every ~1 second, until the results are ready and can be displayed.

Domain name generation is currently at what I'd consider an acceptable level, but I have many

ideas to improve it.

f Bigger, better model taking into account high level website features (Alexa ranking,
category, description, etc...)
f Interactive model: I want users to be able to generate new domains by prompting with
seed phrases or categories (that's what the greyed out button at the top is for) DONE!
f Scoring of generated domain names: I can generate thousands of new domain names,
but how do I know which ones are the best, to then show users? Complex problem, but
I've got a few ideas how to approach this!
f A twitter bot! Already registered
. Idea here is that people in the twitter sphere can use it, and thus generate some random
virality. Would be cool!

You might ask yourself why I've gone all the eIort of building this. Well, partly it's because I enjoy

Rexing my builder muscle, and creating something of my own gives me a great sense of pride. I

used to be addicted to videogames, because videogames make you feel a sense of progression and

accomplishment. I've since (mostly) replaced this with a love for building, which hits the same
The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.
buttons and is a much more productive endeavour.

So, in part, it's for fun. But, you might have guessed, it's also for pro1t. The way

generates revenue is very simple: a liate links. Whenever a user registers a domain through one

of the a liate links I provide at checkout, I get a 10% commission. Not a lot, but with enough

tra c it should be enough to at the very least keep the site up.

I think this is a good business model: namy only pro1ts if a user buys a particular domain, which

only happens if the recommendations are any good. This way, business and customer interests

are aligned (customer wants good domain names, business earns more pro1ts if it delivers good

domain names).

In general, I consider the "best" businesses those that have incentives to be good. An example of

the opposite would be dating apps, and the Match Group in particular: by matching users, they

lose them (a happy couple means two lost users for them). That's why dating apps are so bad and

exploitative is pretty obvious.

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

I've made some other things too4you can 1nd a list of all my live projects on my blog

Occasionally, I write a blogpost there. Or a poem, if I'm feeling really fancy. But most often I just

have ideas and procrastinate on actually writing them4I think perfectionism and the fear of my

writing not measuring up with what's in my mind poses a big obstacle. However, I have gotten

better. Proof is this very website: it's far from perfect, and yet it's shipped . Ship things.

The place where I'm most active is Twitter. I'd be really happy to connect there, especially if

you've read this far!

If you enjoy my work, I'd always appreciate a supportive message; you can send me an e-mail, or

a Twitter mention @uwwgo, or even a dm. Thanks in advance!

If you want to go even further beyond and support me 1nancially, I won't (yet) say no. Here's a

link for that too:

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

So you've built something: a startup, a side project, anything. But the old adage of "build it and

they will come" is not really true anymore. You need to market your work!

There's tons of places on the internet where you can post your startup or project and get loads of

tra c. Here is a comprehensive list of the best, free sites and places to promote your work.

Additionally, each new site you submit on is one new juicy backlink for SEO.

These are the behemoths. You probably know them already, but if you don't, de1nitely plan

launching on them.

Probably the biggest name in the game when it comes to launching. Getting viral here can make

your business.


Another must-launch for any startup. The HN audience is picky, but if you manage to show

them something they like then be prepared for a huge explosion in tra c. The HN-hug of death

is nothing to joke about, and there's nothing worse than having your website down at a crucial

moment like that.

³ HackerNews

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

Talking about hugs of death, there is rarely a website that does this more often than Reddit. The

daily active userbase is in the millions, and getting viral here could mean a huge step for your


That said, 1nding the right subreddit to post on is not the easiest task. It will depend on what

you're building, and what the audience is looking for.

Still, there are generic subreddits that should work for most cases. Just be respectful of the local


1. r/Entrepreneur
2. r/startups
3. r/imadethis
4. r/Saas
5. r/roastmystartup
G. r/smallbusiness
7. r/indiebiz
8. r/InternetIsBeautiful (this one is HUGE, but you'll have to get lucky)

You should also try submitting in speci1c subreddits, but those depend on your niche. For

example, since namy is a domain generator, I posted it on r/domains. If your website is about

gardening or gardening tools, consider submitting on r/gardening.

Doesn't take long to add your startup, and it's a big name in the industry. De1nitely worth

posting on (even if it won't bring you that much tra c)

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.
³ Crunchbase

Same as above. Fast, free, important. Do it.


You probably have competitors; is a great place to steal users from them. Also a

great directory for getting keyword speci1c backlink juice for that ever-important SEO.


Most of these sites don't have a lot of tra c, but I've curated all the ones that are free and fast. It might take you an
hour to post on all, but I highly recommend it. Boosts your backlinks like nothing else, and it's an okay source of
those initial users.

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good. - big (and nice) community - pretty big. Kind of like reddit for developers. - big newcomer - also important.
startupTracker - not a lot of tra c, but fast to do and nice community

Looking for more info? Some other great resources:

Building in Public Cheatsheet by CH Daniel

Collaborative GitHub with links to post your startup (some of them outdated or costly)

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

How do you 1nd the best name for your new business? You can use a brand name generator, but

not all name generators are good. Here is a list of the best, with pros and cons for each.







Of course, we're biased. But Namy is the newest entry in the market, and boasts of the best AI

algorithm by far. Namy runs a 5 GB, state-of-the-art Machine Learning model that has been

trained on more than TEN MILLION examples, and the results speak for themselves.

Suggested domains are so creative that they rival even those suggested by human domain experts!

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

domains are checked for availability Instant

BEST domain
suggestions by domain checker
far No ads or annoying popups

Because the AI model is big, suggestions can take ~10 seconds to generate
No way to customize generation (yet. This is coming in the future!)

The only other domain generator that actually has a decent AI behind their recommendations.

Whilst not very creative, the suggested domains from Domain wheel are useful and good to

check in bulk. Unfortunately, they tend to be somewhat long.

good enough AI
fast results
no ads


no 1lters and not many options to generate

long domain suggestions

Namelix is another quality domain generator, that has been in the market for a long time.

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

Their AI model is not that good, but they compensate by combining each domain with a pretty

logo, and by oIering a large amount of generation options.


OK domain generation
They oIer logos bundled together with the domains
Many customization options


Suggestions are not very good

Domains aren't checked for availability

A cute domain generator that is better than many others on this list. The team behind it is funny

and principled, which is a big plus for them. They won't steal your domains.

Unfortunately, their AI algorithm is not very advanced, but they oIer a lot of diIerent

interesting options. Dropping letters, backwards spelling, merging words, etc...

Many Options you don't have in other domain generators

No ads
Good Team behind it

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

Not very good AI generation

BusinessNameGenerator is an established player that has a few advantages.


They oIer logos bundled together with the domains

Customization options and 1lters
a lot of suggestions


mediocre domain generation

a LOT of annoying ads
Domains aren't checked for availability immediately

Nameboy has a decent AI generation algorithm, but it is very literal. Do not expect any creative

solutions you couldn't have thought of yourself here. Also, they spam you with ads.


Many Suggestions
Domains Checked for availability

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

Very uncreative and literal domain generation

tons of ads

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

Choosing the right domain is not always easy, here's ten tips to help you 1nd the best domain for

your new business!

1. If you can, get a .com! There's a reason they're popular.

2. Keep it short. Under four syllables is good, and two is perfect.
3. If you can't get a good .com, don't worry. Get a short domain on an alternative TLD, and
then buy the .com when your business is bigger and ready for it.
4. Including keywords can work great for SEO. E.g. if you sell shoes, try to have "shoe" in
your name.
5. Hyphens are a bother to type. Think twice about using them.
G. It's also okay to use an alternative tld if it's appropriate for your business: .io and .so for
tech startups, .org for non-pro1ts, .ai for AI focused startups, .me or .blog for personal
7. Use a name generator tool (like to 1nd good alternatives if your 1rst idea is taken.
8. Make sure it's easy to pronounce. Even if you can get a short .com, you should not choose it
if your customers can barely pronounce it. (e.g.
9. Check if there is an existing brand with a similar name. You don't want to confuse your
10. If you've 1nally decided to buy a domain, make sure to do it through a reputable registrar!

³back to the blog

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

How do you 1nd the best domain name for your business? With of course!

However, Namy is a very powerful tool (we employ a 5GB custom AI model), and it might not

be obvious how to use it to its fullest extent.

To get the best possible suggestions, you should enter a prompt that the model can understand.

Don't just use keywords! Think of talking to Namy's model as if you were talking to another

human. Describe your business in detail: What does it do? How does it do it?

The best results come when you describe your business accurately (imagine you're writing an

advert! That's exactly what you should be aiming for.) Here's a few examples:

BAD Prompts:
1. "JavaScript tutorial"
2. "house + roo1ng"
3. "crypto, NFT, decentralized"

GOOD Prompts:

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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The Domain Generator that's actually good.

1. "A website where you can learn JavaScript with our multitude of high quality JavaScript
2. "we are a San Diego based roo1ng company that mainly operates with traditional roo1ng
3. "we are a startup that operates in the cryptocurrency space and oIers exclusive
decentralized NFT drops"

These prompts are much more descriptive, and our intelligent model will give you much better

suggestions in turn!

Hope you have fun playing with the AI model and 1nding great domain names!

The Domain Generator that's actually good.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company


Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company


Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company


Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company


Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Page 1G1
Finta For Fundraising


Power your fundraise with just one tool that does it all. Finta is your fundraising copilot.

Automating your workRow end to end, so you can get back to growing your business..

The world's 1rst GPT-3 powered CRM, built explicitly for creating meaningful investor

interactions and automatically driving your funnel forward with AI-personalized email scripts.


Share your link to privately allow investors to commit and send funds.

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G2
Finta For Fundraising

Finta A.I. automatically uses your deal information to prospect the best investors for your

company's oIering.

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G3
Finta For Fundraising

Investor Database

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G4
Finta For Fundraising



Investment Processing

Securely accept investment fund transfers in your deal room through a simple ACH, check, or


Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G5
Finta For Fundraising

Make Investment

Wayne Enterprises

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1GG
Finta For Fundraising


Equity Management

Cap table management including support for multiple classes of shares, employee stock option

pool, convertibles, warrants, and more.

Shares Issued

78% of Authorized Shares

Virtual Data Room

Securely share your documents through your deal room, with real-time noti1cations, security

permissions and insights such as time spent in deal room.

Due Diligence

Wayne Enterprises

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G7
Finta For Fundraising

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G8
Finta For Fundraising

Get started with Finta for free!

Finta For Fundraising

Page 1G9
Arti1cial craft engaging
intelligencewith release notes
yourstart-up with GPT-3
business company



EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Page 10
EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Release Notes Simpli1ed with GPT-3. Just list down your features & updates, and let the AI

write your 1rst draft. It even lets you write your release notes in the speech style of Yoda,

Sherlock holmes, Eminem and more.

Share details about your new release


Features shipped

You can add a maximum of 10 features/updates for the release note.

New Feature


Bug Fix

Your features will be added here

EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Page 11
EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Choose your style

YodaJedi Master

ShakespeareEnglish playwright, poet and actor

SherlockFictional detective character


CasualInformal and relaxed


EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Page 12
EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Share details about your new release


Features shipped

You can add a maximum of 10 features/updates for the release note.

New Feature


Bug Fix

Your features will be added here

Choose your style

EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

Page 13
EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

ShakespeareEnglish playwright, poet and actor

SherlockFictional detective character


CasualInformal and relaxed


EIortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3

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Paperade AI | Academic Insights for Commercial Innovation

Paperade is uniquely designed to make your job easier by giving you a head start on identifying

the best commercial applications for existing research and (coming soon) any data you create and


Paperade is the 1rst AI-powered tool that generates commercial use cases and company ideas

from over 100 million academic papers and research studies. It's like having a PhD in startup


Paperade AI | Academic Insights for Commercial Innovation

Page 177
Paperade AI | Academic Insights for Commercial Innovation

See what ideas are worth exploring in your niche and make informed decisions about which

opportunities to pursue. Gain a competitive edge by being the 1rst to bring new products and

services to market.

Paperade helps by generating ideas for new companies or product innovation, evaluating

potential new markets to enter, getting a better understanding of cutting-edge technological

advancements and their commercial applications, plus scoping out competitive landscapes and

market insights.

"As an academic researcher, I'm always interested in the practical applications of work in my

1eld. Paperade has been an amazing tool for me to identify new areas of interest and explore

potential startup ideas. The implementation strategies provided by Paperade have helped me

think more strategically about how to bring my own research to market. I'd recommend

Paperade to any researcher looking to make a tangible impact outside of academia."

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

"I was struggling to come up with new business ideas that were both innovative and marketable.

I was invited to Paperade's beta and it has been a game-changer for me. Within a few clicks, I was

able to access a wide range of research-backed ideas that aligned perfectly with my interests and

skillset. The platform also provided valuable insights which gave me the con1dence to move

forward with my chosen idea.=

Paperade AI | Academic Insights for Commercial Innovation

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Paperade AI | Academic Insights for Commercial Innovation

"I work in a corporate innovation team and we're always on the lookout for ways to stay ahead of

the curve. Paperade AI has the potential to become an invaluable resource for us. The platform

presents us with cutting-edge research and insights that we wouldn't otherwise have access to.

The scalability and risk assessments are particularly helpful for us as we work to evaluate new


Paperade AI | Academic Insights for Commercial Innovation

Page 179 3 Arti1cial
Instant help and feedbackyourstart-up
intelligencewith with our startup validator
business tools for entrepreneurs

16- 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Page 180 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

You9re here because it seems everyone has cool ideas and are pursuing interesting things. But,

you don9t even have an idea.Do you feel lost? Let me help, quickly. First, the best thing you can

do is get involved in a market. ANY market.What do you spend your free time on? What type of

content do

AI business validator for any idea. Validate and receive constructive feedback on any startup

idea, powered by AI. It 1rst lists out potential struggles you may encounter when running the

business and then gives it's overall feedback about your business idea.. 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Page 181 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

When Starting, Look For Early Signals

4 years ago, I was pursuing an idea with the backing and help of a successful
venture capitalist. Our idea was to create NFTs for entertainers, which would
enable them to connect with (and reward) their fans in unique ways. This idea
isn9t revolutionary today, but 4 years ago, it was well ahead of the & When
Starting, Look For Early Signals Read 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Page 182 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Hopefully we9ve helped you think through your idea a little. Our AI possibly has
given you feedback about market opportunity, legal issues and potential
customers. You9re all set and ready to begin. Right? Now what? First, you need
to make sure your intuition is correct. AI is helpful, but AI doesn9t know your
potential customers & I Have My Idea. Now What?

View All Articles

About Funding 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Page 183 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Remember, when exploring a new idea, don9t count on investor money for help. Learn to

bootstrap and launch your project on a budget. Be sure to get a lot of feedback from potential

customers and you might be able to get buyer interest before building anything.

About Getting Started Remember, nothing is more valuable than early conversations with

potential customers. Find out where they hang out and engage with them. Ask them their

biggest problems that need to be solved and start a discussion of how you plan to help!

About Motivation Remember, asking yourself WHY is very helpful. WHY do you want to start

this? What is your reason behind undertaking this project? WHY does this problem need to be

solved? WHY hasn9t anyone solved this problem yet? Best of luck!

About Early SignalsRemember, early on, you should be receiving positive early signals from the

market you are looking to improve. Potential customers should be excited about what you are

working on. If you can9t 1nd a small group that is excited about your solution (at this early stage)

you might not be solving a big enough problem 3 or you might not be solving their problem


About a Pitch DeckRemember, you don9t need a pitch deck right now. Your time is best spent

talking with potential customers and discovering what their problems are. Informal talks on

forums, social media, reddit and in person are all that9s needed while you are in the idea stage.

Don9t waste time and money on a pitch deck. Just be yourself and start talking with people.

Good luck!! 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

Page 184 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

About Being TechnicalRemember, if you have an idea and you are NOT technical, that9s ok. It9s

super early in the startup process and you don9t need tech help right now. There9s nothing

wrong with talking to tech friends about your ideas, but you don9t need an elaborate website or

app right now. The most important thing you can do right now is to make sure you9re solving a

problem that people would pay for. Good luck! 3 Instant help and feedback with our startup validator tools for entrepreneurs

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Revive | Analyse with AI


Try many. Build one.

Embrace your creativity with unlimited Market Analysis.

Go Public or Go Private

Get feedback from the community. Or invite your friends to ideate together. Or create by


Get your Market Analysis

Free forever

Instantly get Insights, Market Trends, SWOT, Competition and Customers analyses.

Discover the Insights

Beta users get 30% oI forever

Receive latest news & trends AI-tailored to your Startup Ideas real-time.

Coming Spring 2023.

Build & Learn

Revive | Analyse with AI

Page 187
Revive | Analyse with AI
Prepare to raising capital and building your team with AI Startup Simulator.

Coming Summer 2023.

One idea can change the world

Revive | Analyse with AI

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Generative learning for an audience of one: You.

Self-paced learning doesn9t cut it anymore.

Cohort-based learning is expensive and does not personalize it enough.

So we dreamt of a world where learning is done just right for you.

Generative learning for an audience of one: You.

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Our 1rst drop was our broadn mobile app, followed by the AI-in-the-middle newsletter.

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Our newest upcoming experience drop is to show how topical searches would look like, in this

case, learning about product management through expert opinions from Lenny Rachitsky and

his guests.

These are the possibilities we have built into the learning experience.

1nd out what Lenny's guests have to say about a topic

get the core ideas 1rst via a summary, then dive into the arguments
play the conversation from where it matters to you

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Start learning today with these curated knowledge collections.

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NameSnack - Test
Business Name Generator
and Start

Everyday you generate new business ideas, but have no way to immediately validate them, until


Everyday you generate new business ideas, but have no way to immediately validate them, until

now. Submit an idea and receive: Score out of 100 Product Market Fit Ideas Recommended

Tech Stack for an MVP

Everyday you generate new business ideas, but have no way to immediately validate them, until

now using test and start..

Submit an idea and receive:

NameSnack - Business Name Generator

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NameSnack - Business Name Generator


NameSnack - Business Name Generator

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NameSnack - Business Name Generator

Yes, NameSnack is 100% free. We make money from advertisers on the site and if you register

your domain through one of our partners we receive a small commission.

How does NameSnack work?

We combine various techniques that include machine learning, keyword combining and other

proprietary techniques, combined with instant domain search technology that allows us to

create unique names incredibly fast.

Can I trademark a name generated by NameSnack?

While NameSnack does a domain name search, we don't check against trademark databases.

You should do that yourself or hire a lawyer if you intend to trademark the business name.

Can I register domains with my own registrar?

While we would appreciate if you registered a domain through one of our domain partners (we

receive a tiny but useful commission) you are free to use whatever

NameSnack - Business Name Generator

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NameSnack - Business Name Generator

What domain extensions does NameSnack support?

NameSnack is both a name generator and domain name generator in one. The names generated

will always be available to register as a .com domain.

NameSnack - Business Name Generator

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

What can I name using NameSnack?

NameSnack lets you generate names for whatever you're naming. It combines multiple

techniques to try and 1nd a relevant name for your industry including but not limited to naming

your website, startup, app, shop, store, restaurant, podcast, product, brand, Etsy shop, Shopify

store, blog, and more.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith
FounderAssist :Brainstomer, yourstart-up
Social Media Posts businessCampaigns,
Write, Product company Speeches, Email

FounderAssist :Brainstomer, Social Media Posts Write, Product Campaigns, Speeches, Email

providing founders with the guidance and insights they need to

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

navigate the complexities of business modelling and market

analysis for their startups.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith
ChatGPT but for yourstart-up business company
Product Research

100 Must-Read Books for Product Managers in 2023

Over 200 Product Managers responded to our CEO's call for books to read . It's an epic

collection, so get ready to take notes and thank us later

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Kraftful helps you understand what users need to quickly get to product-market 1t, scale your

user base, and grow revenue. Save hundreds of hours analyzing feedback with our GPT-3

powered solution to uncover user needs. Track how users perceive your product to measure the

real impact of your iterations over time. Learn about user needs from your competitors9 users to

stay one step ahead of the industry.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by

OpenAI, designed to engage in natural language

conversations with users. It uses deep learning algorithms

to understand and generate human-like responses to

queries and statements. ChatGPT is trained on a massive

dataset of text from the internet, allowing it to draw on a
wide range of knowledge and information to answer

questions and hold conversations.

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In Arti1cial Intelligence for Start-Ups: Strategies for Success, the authors provide a

comprehensive overview of AI strategies for startup businesses. This book is designed to help

startup entrepreneurs make informed decisions about their AI strategy and use AI technology to

their advantage.

The book begins by introducing AI technology and how it can help start-up businesses. It then

looks at the diIerent types of AI technology and how they can be used to bene1t a startup

business. It also provides information on the development process for AI projects and the steps

involved in deploying them.

The book then moves on to discuss the importance of understanding the legal and ethical

implications of AI technology. It looks at the potential risks associated with AI and provides

guidance on how to manage those risks. Finally, the book covers the diIerent ways in which AI

technology can be used to bene1t a startup business.

The Summary of AI Strategies chapter provides an overview of the key topics discussed in the

book. It outlines the diIerent types of AI technology and how they can be used to bene1t a

startup business. It also explains the development process for AI projects and the steps involved

in deploying them. Additionally, the chapter provides an overview of the legal and ethical

implications of AI technology and discusses the potential risks associated with AI.

Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

The Summary of AI Strategies chapter also reviews the diIerent ways in which AI technology

can be used to bene1t a startup business. It looks at how AI can help businesses in areas such as

customer service, data analysis, and automation. Finally, the chapter provides an overview of the

diIerent AI strategies that startups can use to gain a competitive edge.

Overall, the Summary of AI Strategies chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the key

topics discussed in the book. It provides startup entrepreneurs with the necessary information to

make informed decisions about their AI strategy and use AI technology to their advantage.

Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts

As you can see, Arti1cial Intelligence is a powerful tool that can help startups achieve success.

With the right strategy and the right tools, AI can be an incredible asset to any startup. However,

it's important to remember that AI is not a one-size-1ts-all solution. Each startup has its own

unique needs, and AI can be tailored to meet those needs. It's important to take the time to

research what AI can do for your particular startup, and to develop a strategy for how to use it


In addition, AI is not a "set it and forget it" technology. AI requires constant monitoring and

maintenance to ensure that it is working properly and delivering the results you want. It's also

important to keep up with the latest developments in AI, as the technology is constantly evolving

and becoming more sophisticated.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Finally, it's important to remember that AI is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to

succeeding as a startup. It's important to have a well-rounded strategy that combines AI with

other technologies, such as analytics, marketing, and customer service. With the right

combination of tools and strategies, any startup can succeed in today's competitive market.

These are just a few of the things to consider when it comes to using AI for your startup. With

the right strategy and the right tools, AI can be a powerful asset to any startup. Keep these tips in

mind as you explore how to use AI to succeed.

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Arti1cial intelligencewith yourstart-up business company

Page 222
Arti1cial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing 1eld of technology
that involves the development of intelligent machines that can
perform tasks that typically require human cognition, such as
learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI is based on
the idea that machines can be programmed to simulate human
intelligence, and the technology has already been applied in a
wide range of industries, from healthcare to 1nance to
transportation. The potential applications of AI are virtually
limitless, and as the technology continues to advance, it is likely to
transform many aspects of our daily lives. However, AI also raises
important ethical and social questions, such as the impact of
automation on jobs and the need to ensure that AI systems are
designed and used in a way that aligns with ethical and legal
standards. As AI continues to evolve, it is important for
individuals and organizations to stay informed about its potential
bene1ts and risks, and to work towards developing responsible
and ethical approaches to its development and deployment.

Author / M.Sayed

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