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Dialog 1

Seth: hey Joe, I don’t see you around these days, where have you been?

Joe: yeah, I just come back from my holiday

Seth: really?? Where did you go?

Joe: I go to Raja Ampat

Seth: cool, I’ve never been there before. How did you feel about Raja Ampat?

Joe: I think it’s wonderful, it’s very beautiful and recommended. You’ll be amazed

Seth: I can’t wait to visit that place on my next holiday

Dialog 2

Lucy: do you like our school library?

Tina: yes, I do. By the way, I like “The English Corner” in particular. What about you?

Lucy: “The English Corner” is not bad. I don’t like some writings on it because they have a
lot mistakes. But I really like the information on some English learning materials from the
internet. So I usually go to some of the websites to get some more materials for learning
English. I love them very much.

Tina: great! Well, I also like some children’s stories from the internet. The libraries are good
too and they are very helpful.

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