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MARCH, 2023


CIAT: Centro Internacional De Agricultural Tropical.
CIMMYT: Centro Internacional De Mesoramiento De Maiz Y Trigo

CSA: Central Statistical Agency.

EARO: Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization

EPPA: Ethiopian Pulses Profile Agency.

LSD: Least Significant Difference

MARC: Melkasa Agricultural Research Center
RCBD: Randomized Complete Block Design
Table: 1. Activities and time of their implementation
Table: 2. Per Diem Expenses and labor related costs
Table: 3. Stationery Cost and Experimental Supplies
Table: 4. Budget Summary
1.1. Background of the Study 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem 2
1.3. Significance of the Study 3
1.4. Objective 3
1.4.1. General Objective 3
1.4.2. Specific Objectives 3
2.1. Description of Common bean 4
2.2. Common bean Production and its Economic Importance in Ethiopia 4
2.3. Effects of NPS Fertilizers on Common bean Production 5
2.3.1. Effects of nitrogen on common bean 5
2.3.2. Effects of phosphorus on common bean 6
2.3.3. Effects of sulphur on common bean 6
3.1. Description of the Experimental Site 8
3.2. Description of the Experimental Material 8
3.3. Soil Sampling and Analysis 8
3.4. Treatments and Experimental Design 9
3.5. Experimental Procedure and Crop Management 9
3.6 Data to Be Collected 9
3.6.1. Phenological and Growth Parameters 9
3.6.2. Yield Components and Yield 10
3.7. Agronomic Efficiency 11
3.8. Data Analysis 11
3.9. Partial Budget Analysis 11
1.1. Background of the Study
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the world’s most important food legumes for direct
human consumption. The crop is also known by a number of other names such as dry, field,
French, snap, navy or kidney beans. The crop forms an integral part of the diet of the people
in many African and Latin American countries (Osorio‐Díaz et al., 2003). With over 25%
proteins in seeds, common bean is a major source of protein in cereal based diets of
smallholder farmers (Peters, 1993). Common bean is also one of the best non-meat sources of
iron, providing 23-30% of daily recommended levels from single serving (Schwartz et al.,
Worldwide, an estimated 23.1 million tons of common bean is produced annually on about
8.7 million hectares (FAO, 2014). The total common bean production in sub-Saharan Africa
is around 3.5 million tons with 62% of production in East African countries of Burundi,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, making
this the most important region for the crop within the African continent (Broughton et al.,
2003). Common bean is the second most important grain legume cultivated as cash crop in
Ethiopia next to faba bean and is mainly produced in the rift valley area of the country
characterized by high industrialization and urbanization (CSA, 2017). The national total area
of common bean production in Ethiopia is estimated at 306,186.59 ha of land and from which
about 520,979.33 tons was produced (CSA, 2018). The current national average yield of
common bean was 1.70 tons ha-1 (CSA, 2018). However, this yield is far less than the
attainable yield (2.5-3.6 tons ha-1) under good management conditions. The three major
common bean producing regions are Oromiya, Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s
Region (SNNPR) and Amhara accounting for 97.13% of the total production (CSA, 2018).
In Ethiopia, common bean is one of the most important cash crops and source of protein for
farmers in many lowlands and mid-altitude zones. The country’s export earnings from
common bean was estimated to be over 85% of export earnings from pulses, exceeding that
of 2 other pulses such as lentils, faba bean and chickpea (Negash, 2007). Common bean is a
principal food crop particularly in Southern and Eastern part of Ethiopia (EPPA, 2004). The
major health benefit of common bean is its rich source of cholesterol lowering fiber. In
addition to lowering cholesterol, the high fiber content of common bean prevents blood sugar
levels from rising too rapidly after meal, making the legume an especially good choice for
individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance, or hypoglycemia. The common beans’

contribution to heart lies also in the significant amounts of antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin
B6 and magnesium (Messina, 1999).
1.2. Statement of the Problem
The low national mean yield observed for common bean could be attributed to various
constraints related to low adoption of improved agricultural technologies, drought, and lack
of improved varieties, poor cultural practices and disease, (Legese et al., 2006). Moreover,
low soil nitrogen and phosphorus and acid soil conditions are important limitations for bean
production in most of the bean grown areas (Graham et al., 2003).
Low soil fertility is one of the major factors affecting common bean production in the central
rift valley of Ethiopia. In general, the most critical production limiting nutrients in the low
moisture stress areas of Ethiopia are nitrogen and phosphorus (Girma, 2009).
Common bean has high nitrogen requirement for expressing their genetic potential and it is
considered as more responsive than other legumes to N fertilization due to its poor fixation of
atmospheric N when compared with other crop legumes (Graham, 1981). An increase in
common bean grain yield with the addition of 120-140 kg N ha -1 attributed to the increase of
pods per plant (Moreira et al., 2013). Next to nitrogen, phosphorus is the most important
element for adequate grain production (Brady and Weil, 2002). Legumes including common
bean have high P requirement due to the production of protein containing compounds, in
which N and P are important constituents, and P concentration in legumes is generally much
higher than that found in grasses. High seed production of legumes primarily depends on the
amount of P absorbed (Khan et al., 2003). The yield of common bean increased with P
application (Gedeno, 1990) and its nodulation was improved with the application of
phosphorus (Amare et al., 2014). Gifole et al. (2011) reported that lack of optimum fertilizer
rate is one of the several factors contributing to the low grain yield of the bean. Sulphur (S) is
also the other essential nutrients for plant growth and it accumulates 0.2 to 0.5% in plant
tissue on dry matter basis. It is required in similar amount as that of phosphorus (Ali et al,
2008). Sulphur plays a vital role in improving vegetative structure for nutrient absorption,
strong sink strength through development of reproductive structure and production of
assimilates to fill economically important sink. Nibret and Nigussie (2017) also reported that
the increase of sulphur rate from 0 kg ha-1 to 20 kg ha-1 increased 100 seed weight from 35.7
g to 36.8 g.

1.3. Significance of the Study
In the study area, the productivity of common bean is below the national average at farmer
level which is 1.5 ton ha-1and there is low volume of production. Due to this local farmers
use common bean for home consumption rather than as cash crop. Poor soil fertility is one of
the reasons for Low volume production of common bean in the study area is due to lack of
improved varieties, poor soil fertility, low adoption of improved agricultural technologies,
drought, erratic rainfall, and lack of pest control strategies. Moreover, there is a need to
introduce improved common bean varieties to the target area to come up with improved
productivity and production of common bean in the study area. However, the use of improved
high yielding varieties and other limiting factors such as fertilizer rates is not yet assessed in
the study area other than blanket recommendation (100 kg ha -1 DAP) for all existing
varieties . Moreover, the response of common bean to application of fertilizer varies with
varieties, soil moisture, soil types, agronomic practices etc.
1.4. Objective
1.4.1. General Objective
To develop location specific recommendation of NPS fertilizer rates to increase the
productivity of common bean to the areas.
1.4.2. Specific Objectives
• To assess the effects of NPS fertilizer rates on growth, yield components and yield of
common bean varieties; and
• To evaluate the cost-benefit of NPS fertilizer rates for production of common bean varieties
1.5. The scope of the study
This study will be conducted at cirri kebele, dello mana district, bale zone, south east
Ethiopia. It only focuses on the effects of nps fertilizer rates on growth, yield components and
yield of common bean.

2.1. Description of Common bean
Among the five cultivated species of the genus Phaseolus, including P. acutifolius A. Gray
(tepary bean), P. coccineus L. (scarlet runner bean), P. lunatus L. (lima, butter or madagascar
bean), P. polyanthus Green man (year-long bean), and P. vulgaris L. (common bean), the
latter is economically the most important one (Debouck, 1999). While common bean, in
terms of its global harvested area, is the third most economically important grain legume after
soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), in terms of its role in
direct human consumption, is the most important grain legume (Broughton et al., 2003).
Common bean is generally harvested as dry bean, harvested as dried and matured seeds, shell
beans, harvested at physiological maturity before seeds are dry and green pods. Common
bean belongs to order Rosales, family Fabaceae subfamily Papilionideae, tribe Phaseolinae
(CIAT, 1986).
2.2. Common bean Production and its Economic Importance in Ethiopia
Pulse crops provide an economic advantage to small scale farmers as an alternative source of
protein, cash income, and food security. Accordingly Common bean is an important pulse
crop in Ethiopia (Ferris and Kaganzi, 2008). Common bean is a principal food crop
particularly in southern and eastern part of Ethiopia. The most commercial varieties are pure
red and pure white coloured beans and these are becoming the most commonly grown types
with increasing market demand (Ferris and Kaganzi, 2008).
The crop ranks second next to faba bean in the country in area of production (CSA, 2018).
The major common bean producing regions are Oromia, Southern Nations Nationalities and
Peoples Region (SNNPR) and Amhara. Their share to the national common bean production
is 44.45% for Oromia, 31.01% for SNNPR and 21.67% for Amhara (CSA, 2018). Common
bean is also one of the most important cash crops and source of protein for farmers in many
lowlands and mid-altitude zones. The country’s export earnings is estimated to be over 85%
of export earnings from pulses, exceeding that of other pulses such as lentils, faba bean and
chickpea (Fissha and Yayis, 2015). National average yield of common bean in Ethiopia was
1.70 tons ha-1 and totally 520,979.33 tons yield was produced from 306,186.59 ha of land in
2017/18 cropping season (CSA, 2018).
There is a wide range of common bean types grown in Ethiopia including mottled, red, white
and black varieties (Ali et al., 2006). The most commercial varieties are pure red and pure
white colored beans and they are becoming the most commonly grown types with increasing

market demand (Ferris and Kaganzi, 2008). With regard to economic importance of common
bean, it is used as source of foreign currency, food crop, means of employment, source of
cash, and plays great role in the farming system (CSA, 2017). According to EPPA (2004) in
the year 2000, 2001 and 2002 Ethiopia exported 23994.4, 32932.7 and 42127.0 tons and
earned 8.2, 9.98 and 13.2 million USD, respectively.
The main destination markets were Pakistan, Germany, Yemen, United Kingdom (UK),
South Africa, India, and Mexico having 12.5, 7.8, 6.9, 5.79, 4, 4, and 4% share, respectively
(EPPA, 2004). The country's exports of common bean has increased over the last few years,
from 58,126 metric tons in 2005 to 78,271 metric tons in 2007 and Ethiopia got 63 million
USD from common bean market in 2005 (Legese et al., 2006).
Common bean production is very heterogeneous in terms of ecology, cropping system and
yield. It predominantly grows from low land (300-1100 masl) to mid highland areas (1400-
2000 masl) of the country. White beans from the northern Rift Valley were sold into export
markets and red beans were exported from the southern Rift Valley areas to supply drought
affected areas in northern Kenya (Ferris and Kaganzi, 2008).
2.3. Effects of NPS Fertilizers on Common bean Production
2.3.1. Effects of nitrogen on common bean
Application of fertilizer in a recommended amount is essential for high yield and quality of
grains (Morgado and Willey, 2003). Due to this the use of fertilizer is considered to be one of
the most important factors to increase crop yield per unit area; however, the response to the
type of fertilizer and rate of application vary widely with location, climate and soil type
(Marschner, 1995). Most Ethiopian soils are deficit in nutrients, especially nitrogen and
phosphorus and fertilizer application has significantly increased yields of crops (Tekalign et
al., 1991).
It has been reported that there was increased yield responses of pulse for nitrogen fertilizer
(Morgado and Willey, 2003). Beside this, common bean is considered to be a poor fixer of
atmospheric N when compared with other crop legumes (Graham, 1981). Nitrogen
application linearly increased grain yield in common bean production up to the highest
applied nitrogen of 100 kg ha-1 (Dwivedi et al., 1994). Similarly, Moreira et al. (2013)
reported an increase in common bean grain yield with the addition of 120-140 kg N ha-1 and
attributed this effect to the increase in number of pods per plant. The highest grain yield
(2238 kg ha-1) of common bean was also reported from the application of 45 kg N ha-1 while
1907 kg ha-1 was reported from 18 kg N ha-1 (Fissha and Yayis, 2015).

2.3.2. Effects of phosphorus on common bean
Phosphorus is a critical nutrient element for plant growth, since it is involved in cellular
energy transfer, respiration and photosynthesis. P is also a structural component of the
nucleic acids of genes and chromosomes and of many coenzymes, phospho proteins and
phospho lipids. Plants need P throughout their life cycle but most importantly during early
growth stages for cell division (Beaton, 1999). Application of fertilizers in a recommended
amount is essential for high yield and quality of grains. Low phosphorus in the soil often
limits production of common bean (Singh et al., 2006).
Phosphorus deficiency is globally a major constraint to bean production on agricultural soils,
and of greater importance in tropical soils because their generally high capacity to fix P in
plant unavailable forms. An estimated 60% of beans in Latin America are grown on severely
P-deficient soils (CIAT, 1987). According to Amare et al. (2014) Beans respond to the
application of phosphorus and production increase proportionally with increase of
phosphorus. The authors also reported that 2326 kg ha-1 yield from the rate of 20 kg P2O5
ha-1 and 1922 kg ha-1 from the control treatment for each variety.
Many researchs indicated that phosphorus availability in the soil is a great limitation for bean
production in tropics (Morgado and Willey, 2003). According to Kathju et al. (1987); and
Frizzone (1982), P is among the principal nutrient elements needed for growth of many
legumes in arid and semi-arid agriculture regions due to low available P in the soils and
advantageous effects of P.
2.3.3. Effects of sulphur on common bean
Sulphur is one of the crucial plant elements recorded as secondary nutrient. It is necessary for
all plants and is vital for the growth and metabolism (Irwin et al., 2002). The application of
sulphur at the rate of 40 kg ha-1 enhanced plant height, branches, pods per plant and hundred
seed weight in chickpea (Hanesklaus and Schnug, 1992). Total number of nodules and active
nodules significantly increased with application of S up to 20 kg S ha-1 for Soybean crop
(Ganeshamurthy and Sammi Reddy, 2000). It is required in similar amount as that of
phosphorus. Organic sulphur is present as a heterogeneous mixture forms, partly included in
microbial biomass and partly in the soil organic matter, and very little is known about the
chemical identity of the specific sulphur containing molecules. Sulphur is associated with
production of crops of superior nutritional and market quality (Ali et al., 2008).
Sulphur deficiency symptoms are like those of nitrogen. However, nitrogen deficiency
symptoms first appear in the older leaves; generally, sulphur deficiency symptoms first
appear in the younger leaves because sulphur does not easily translocate in the plant. Sulphur
deficient plants lack vigour, are stunted, pale green to yellow in colour, and have elongated
thin stems. Sulphur deficiency may delay maturity in grain crops. Interveinal chlorosis may
occur. Root development is restricted, and shoot to root ratios usually decrease for plants
grown under sulphur deficiency. Sulphur deficiency can be adjusted easily by application of
chemical fertilizers containing sulphur (Bennett, 1993). Mahmoodi et al. (2013) also
indicated that the application of different values of sulphur fertilizer had a significant effect
on the height and seed number of soybean. And also reported increase in the height of
soybean in consequence with the application of sulphur fertilizer may derive from increase in
the metabolic activity in plant, and development of leaf area. Application of 40 kg ha-1 of S
had the highest number of seed per plant of soybean. According to Endrias (2017) Sulphur
plays a great role combined with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. He showed that the
increase of NPS rate from 0 kg NPS ha-1 to 100 kg NPS ha-1 increased the number of days
required to reach 50% flowering from 39.61 days to 44.11 days and number of days required
to reach physiological maturity from 73.56 days to 76.72 days of common bean.

3.1. Description of the Experimental Site
The experiment will be conducted from November 16, 2018 to February 26, 2019 at Gewane
ATVET College demonstration site, Afar Regional State. It is located in Gewane District at
10°10’ North latitude and 40°32’ East longitude, 356 km North East from Addis Ababa. The
altitude of the site is about 626 meters above sea level (masl) (ESRDF, 2003). Gewane
District is characterized by high temperature that ranges from 22.5 ºC to 39 ºC, with an
average temperature of 30 ºC and receives an average annual rainfall of 400 mm (Farm
Africa. 2015). The rainfall is erratic and unreliable due to this rain-fed crop production is
not possible in the area. The area is in the flood plain of the Awash River (Yirgalem, 2001).
The main geo-morphological unit of the experimental area is alluvial which resulted from the
Awash River basin (Yirgalem, 2001). The soil texture of the experimental field was clay with
pH of 8.07. The major land uses of the area are pastoral and agro-pastoral farming system.
Crops such as cotton, sesame, maize, common bean, groundnut, mung bean, broom corn,
onion, tomato, pepper, date palm, citrus and mango mainly characterize the land use pattern
of the study area (Bane et al, 2007).
3.2. Description of the Experimental Material
Common bean varieties namely Awash-1, will be used as planting material and the fertilizer
material used will be NPS (19% N, 38% P2O5 and 7% S).
3.3. Soil Sampling and Analysis
Before sowing of the seed, soil sample will be taken from ten spots of a depth of 0 – 30 cm
by zigzag method and one composite sample will be formed. From composite sample, soil
physical and chemical properties will be analyzed at Hawasa Agricultural Research
Centres. The soil texture, pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available
S, cation exchangeable capacity and electrical conductivity were analyzed.
Texture of the soil will be determined by the sedimentation method. Soil pH will be measured
potentiometericaly in 1:2.5 soil: water suspensions with standard glass electrode pH meter
(Van Reewuijk, 1992). The Walkley and Black (1934) method will be used to determine
organic matter content of the soil.
Total nitrogen in the soil will be determined by Modified Kjeldahl method with sulphuric
acid (Dewis and Freitas, 1970). Available soil phosphorus will be determined using the Olsen
extraction method as described by Olsen et al. (1954). Available S will be analyzed by turbid
metric method (McGrath et al, 2003). Cations Exchange Capacity (CEC) will be determined

by titrimetrically by distillation of ammonia that will be displaced by Na (Sahlemedhin and
Taye, 2000). Finally electric conductivity (EC) will be determined by using Eshani and
Sulliva (2006) method.
3.4. Treatments and Experimental Design
The treatment consisted of one varieties of common bean (Awash-1) and five levels of NPS
fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kg ha -1). The experiment will be laid out as randomized
complete block design (RCBD) arrangement with three replications. The gross plot area will
be 2.8 m×3.0 m (8.4 m2) consisting of 7 rows of 3 m length. The spacing between plots and
between blocks was 0.5 m and 1 m, respectively. The one outer most row from each side and
one plant from both ends of each row will be considered as a border and five rows will be
used for data sampling to determine all parameters data. Thus, the net plot size was 1.6 m x
2.8 m (4.48 m2) with 4 net rows.
3.5. Experimental Procedure and Crop Management
The experimental field will be plowed three times and harrowed once with a tractor to a depth
of 25-30 cm and the plots will be leveled and ridges will be made manually. Treatments will
be assigned to each plot randomly. The spacing between rows and plants were 40 cm and 10
cm, respectively. Two seeds per hill at the specified spacing will be sown at a depth of about
2-5 cm to ensure adequate emergence in the month of November, 2018. NPS fertilizer will be
hand drilled in rows at the time of sowing. The plants will be thinned to one plant per hill 10
days after emergence. Weeding and cultivation will be done as per the recommendation for
the crop. Harvesting will be done when the bottom of the common bean pods started to dry
(EARO, 2006).
3.6 Data to Be Collected
3.6.1. Phenological and Growth Parameters
Days to 50% flowering: This will be determined by counting the number of days from
planting to the time when first flowers appeared in 50% of the plants in a plot by counting the
number of plants.
Days to physiological maturity: It will be determined as the number of days from planting
to the time when 90% of the plants in each net plot showed yellowing of pods. This will be
done by counting the number of plants.
Leaf area (cm2) and leaf area index: It will be recorded by taking a destructive sample of
five plants from the destructive sampling row. Leaf area will be measured just before

flowering using pictorial method. Then the leaf area index will be calculated as the ratio of
total leaf area of the five plants to the respective ground area occupied by the crop.
Number of total nodules per plant: bulk of the roots of 5 randomly taken plants from
destructive rows in each plot will be carefully exposed at 50% flowering and uprooted for
nodulation study. Roots will be carefully washed using tap water on a sieve and nodules will
be separated and counted.
Effective nodules per plant: For determination of effective number of nodules, the inside
color of nodules will be observed by cutting each nodule with the help of sharp blade and the
pink colored nodules are considered as effective nodules, while green colored nodules will be
considered as non-effective.
Plant height: it will be measured as the height of 10 randomly taken plants from the ground
level to the apex of each plant at the time of physiological maturity from the net plot area.
Number of primary branches per plant: it will be determined by counting the total number
of branches on randomly pre-tagged ten plants in the net plot at physiological maturity and
averaged on per plant basis.
3.6.2. Yield Components and Yield
Crop stand count: the initial plant stand count will be recorded by counting the total number
of plants per net plot area immediately after thinning and final plant stand count will be taken
at harvesting.
Number of pods per plant: It will be recorded based on10 pre-tagged plants in each net plot
area at harvest and the average will be taken as number of pods per plant.
Number of seeds per pod: the total number of seeds in the pods of 10 plants will be counted
and divided by the total number of pods to find the number of seeds per pod.
Hundred seeds weight (g): The weight of 100 seeds will be determined for each plot using a
sensitive balance. The weight will be adjusted to a moisture content of 10%.
Total aboveground dry biomass (kg ha-1): At physiological maturity, 10 plants will be
randomly taken from the destructive rows of each net plot and are used to determine
aboveground dry biomass yield, which will be measured after sun drying till a constant
weight. The dry biomass per plant will be then multiplied by the total number of plants per
net plot and will be converted into kg ha -1. This value will be used to calculate the harvest
index as well.
Seed yield (kg ha-1): It will be determined after threshing the seeds harvested from each net
plot. The seed yield will be adjusted to 10% moisture level and will be converted to kg ha-1.

Harvest Index (HI): Harvest index will be calculated by dividing grain yield per plot by the
total aboveground dry biomass yield per plot multiplied by 100.
HI (%) = Grain Yield × 100
Aboveground dry biomass
3.7. Agronomic Efficiency
The NPS fertilizer agronomic efficiency will be calculated using the procedure described by
Craswell and Godwin (1984) as: 𝑨𝑬 (𝑲𝒈𝒌𝒈)=𝑮𝒇(𝒌𝒈)−𝑮𝒖 (𝒌𝒈)𝑵𝒂 (𝒌𝒈), where; AE stands
for agronomic efficiency, Gf and Gu for grain yield in fertilized and unfertilized plots,
respectively, and Na for quantity of NPS fertilizer applied.
3.8. Data Analysis
Data collected will be subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) appropriate to factorial
experiment in RCBD according to the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS
version 9.0 (SAS Institute, 2004) and interpretations Will be made following the procedure
described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). Whenever the effects of the treatments will be found
significant, the means will be compared using the Least Significance Difference (LSD) test at
5% level of significance.
3.9. Partial Budget Analysis
An economic analysis will be done using partial budget procedure described by CIMMYT
(1988). The cost of NPS and labor cost involved in the application of the fertilizer will be
considered as variable costs. The net benefits /returns/ and other economic analysis will be
calculated based on the formula developed by CIMMYT (1988) and given as follows:
Adjusted grain yield (AGY) (kg ha-1): is the average yield adjusted downwards by a 10%
to reflect the difference between the experimental yield and yield of farmers.
Gross field benefit (GFB) (ETB ha-1): It will be computed by multiplying field/farm gate
price that farmers receive (18 ETB kg-1) for the crop when they sell it as adjusted yield.
GFB = AGY × field/farm gate price for the crop.
Total variable cost (TVC) (ETB ha-1): It will be calculated by summing up the costs that
vary, including the cost of NPS (14.00 ETB kg-1) fertilizers at the time of planting
(November 16, 2018) and according to Gewane, farm daily payment of labor cost for
application of NPS (3 person’s ha -1, each 50 ETB day-1). The costs of other inputs and
production practices such as labor cost for land preparation, planting, weeding, harvesting
and threshing will be considered the same for all treatments or plots.
Net benefit (NB) (ETB ha-1): It will be calculated by subtracting the total variable costs
(TVC) from gross field benefits (GFB) for each treatment as: NB = GFB – TVC.

Dominance Analysis (identification and elimination of inferior treatments): It will be
carried out by first listing all the treatments in their order of increasing costs that vary (TVC)
and their net benefits (NB) are then put aside. Any treatment that has higher TVC but net
benefits that are less than or equal to the preceding treatment (with lower TVC but higher net
benefits) is dominated treatment (marked as “D”).
Marginal rate of return (MRR) (%): It will be calculated by dividing change in net benefit
(ΔNB) by change in total variable cost (ΔTVC). MRR=ΔNBΔTVC × 100
Finally, among the non-dominated treatments, the treatment which gave the highest net return
and a marginal rate of return greater than the minimum considered acceptable to farmers
(100%) will be considered for recommendation.

Table: 1. Activities and time of their implementation

No Activities Period/Duration

1 Land preparation and site selection July, 2023

2 Seed and other material preparation, layout and sowing July, 2023
3 Field management and data collection July- December, 2023
4 Harvest and postharvest activities December, 2023
5 Data processing and statistical analysis January, 2023
6 Data interpretation and Research report writing February, 2023

Table: 2. Per Diem Expenses and labor related costs
No Item No of No days Unit price Total cost
1 Investigator 1 10 300.00 3,000.00
2 3,000.0
Data collector 1 10 300.00
3 Land preparation and leveling 4 3 100 1,200
4 Sowing 8 1 100 800
5 field management 3 20 100 6000
6 Harvesting 10 1 100 1000
Threshing, clearing and
7 4 10 100 4000
Sub-total 18,000

Table: 3. Stationery Cost and Experimental Supplies

NO Items Unit Quantity Unit cost Total cost
1 Printing paper Ream 3 200 600.00
2 Pen Piece 10 20 200.00
3 Note book Piece 1 200 200.00
4 Sack no 15 20.00 300.00
5 Paper bag no 15 5.0 75.00
6 NPS Kg 2 25 50
7 Common bean seed Kg 2 20.00 60.00
Sub – total 1,485.00

Table: 4. Budget Summary

No Description Sub-total cost (Birr)
1 Per Diem Expenses and Labor cost 18000
2 Stationery Cost and Experimental Supplies 1485
Total budget 20485:00

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