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(don’t need to read everything, check what is on the ppt and explain

a little)
3.3.1.Product and service solutions make up
* Room arrangement must be changed for room service in order to give
the space a fresh vibe. In particular, materials like blankets, sheets,
cushions, mattresses, and drapes can have their patterns changed.
- The hotel must have a strategy in place to replace the furniture and
equipment in the bedroom, which must include the room's salon tables
and chairs, nightlights, table lamps, and other items that are all
comparatively dated. replace.
* For the food service, Monarque Hotel must conduct research, modify
the morning Buffer menu, and develop a series of menus for several days
—possibly seven days—that include Asian and European menus to
accommodate every customer.
It's important to pay attention to how the dishes have been embellished in
order to make them look more opulent and appealing. Additionally, the
kitchen department should do study and create a richer, more varied
* Increase product usability and diversify product offerings:
To identify and satisfy client wants and to raise the standard of their own
services, hotels must vary their offerings of goods and services.
3.3.2. Price solution
Discount policies are used to draw customers, but they have a "double-
edged sword" quality because it is challenging to persuade people at
cheap costs when they are accustomed to low pricing. + The development
of pricing policies for travel companies must be based on the need to
generate sales.
+ With regard to the price policy for the OTAs (Online Travel Agents -
Online Room Sales Agent) sales channel, the hotel should also think
about providing price solutions to encourage this sales channel.
3.3.3. Distribution solution.
Promoting and growing sales through channels like: Airport booking of
goods and services, taxi services, connecting with flight ticket agents in
major cities by providing promotional offers. The aforementioned topics
are appropriate for Commission policy.
Create a marketing department or give the task of creating distribution
channels to a salesperson with marketing expertise.
3.3.4. A marketing approach (promotion).
- Advertisement:
Stick promotional decals on the automobiles of the aforementioned taxi
companies, along with Mai Linh Taxi and other taxi companies like Sun
Taxi, in places like the triangle glass on the back door of the taxi, the
back door of the taxi, the door, and so on.
Additionally, along the main thoroughfares in the city center, banners
promoting promotions can be posted.
Large service-related billboards are located directly outside the hotel.
It is necessary to use the Internet to market.
- Promotion.
VIP cards are given out to clients who make large transactions, while
point cards are given out to everyone who uses the hotel's services. The
golden hour rate program is only available to clients who make online
reservations during off-peak times, at highly appealing prices, and in
small numbers.
Promotions must be altered in order to attract customers, and they
shouldn't be used for an extended period of time.
- Public and customer relations:
The hotel can collaborate with the hosting business to take part in
community events and seek to cultivate a positive reputation among the
general public.
Every year, when planning a customer appreciation conference, it's
important to invite not only current and close customers from the
province but also future consumers, customers from other provinces,
travel agents, and tour operators.
Regular customer care must be provided before, during, and after the
service is complete.
3.3.5. Human Resource problem
- Recruitment and training: The hiring needs for the departments that
deal with clients directly must guarantee the knowledge, professionalism,
and appearance criteria. A strategy must be created each year for
employee training, with a focus on professionalism, attitude, customer
service, communication skills, and the ability to answer phones, send
emails, and form contracts. To attract teachers from schools or centers
with a reputation for teaching, it is required to endure greater training
The hotel must arrange an annual skills test to rank and evaluate the
workers in order to maintain the caliber of the workforce.
– Performance reviews.
The hotel needs to thoroughly apply the evaluation of emulation and
reward at the end of the year, which must also be based on the degree of
job completion and the degree of monthly evaluation to serve as the basis
for evaluating the competition in a fair and impartial manner. The hotel
should rebuild the evaluation criteria to be more realistic.
- Compensation plan:
The hotel should take into account and suggest to the company measures
to assure material life for employees while also encouraging them to
work, particularly in light of the current trend of rising daily rates.
Increase in employee pay.
3.3.6. Service process solutions.
- Process improvement: Every year or whenever there are changes, the
hotel must examine, add to, and modify its processes.
- Monitoring of implementation: The already-established controls need to
be enhanced and more rigorously observed.
The hotel's internal information systems and management software
should be coordinated with the adoption of paper procedures in order to
make it easier.
3.3.7. Infrastructure solutions.
To develop a distinctive highlight for the hotel that leaves a lasting
impact on guests, the layout style of the hotel needs to undergo a
complete overhaul.
Invest in the upkeep and repair of certain areas, such as the lobby, gym,
swimming pool, and restaurant, and hire professionals to complete design
and construction rather than doing it yourself patchwork-style as is the
case today.

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