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Gyro Compass.

Compass is an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north
and bearings from it. Basically, there are two types of compasses, Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass.
There are two types of Magnetic Compasses which consists of Dry card compass and liquid compass. It
functions as a pointer to Magnetic North, the local magnetic meridian, because the magnetized needle
acts as a heart aligns itself with the horizontal component of the earths magnetic field and it is fitted
above the bridge on the Monkey Island at the center line of the Ship Whereas, Gyro Compass is a
navigational compass containing gyroscope motor that registers the direction of true north along the
surface of the earth and it does not depend on magnetism, it is often found on the bridge near the
navigational charts, enabling the navigator to easily access the instrument.

Gyro Compass also comes with its own advantages and some of it is being mentioned: Gyro Compass
always shows true north, The gyro will have several repeaters, does not use earths magnetic field for
reference and it will not be deflected by any external force such as magnet, iron etc. Disadvantages are
when Gyro Compass stops for any reason, it will take some time to settle, depends on where the axle
was when the Gyro was started, and Gyro runs with electricity, so when electricity fails Gyro also fails.

Moving On there are two Types of Gyro Compass Theory which is North-seeking Gyroscope (Gyroscopic
Inertia, Gravity and Precession) and Two gimbals Electronically stabilized. Some Gyro Applications are
Firstly, Shipboard use- two Gyros placed deep in the ship on the centerline, Secondly, Primary (Master
Gyro)- oriented to North or South, used for Navigation and Shiphandling, Thirdly, Auxiliary (Back up
Gyro)- oriented West or East, used for combat systems, Fourthly, Bridge- Gyro repeaters are located on
the bride wings, navigation table, captains chairs and center line which is referred to as ‘Centerline
pelorus’, CIC- Command and Control Systems and Lastly Weapons- Gyro inputs are used by fire control
computers. In Addition, Gyro Error Navigation is when a Gyro Compass is an electronic or mechanical
device with inherent error, the key is knowing the error and adjusting for it, some causes of Errors are
Friction, Ships motion, Electronic malfunction and Power fluctuations. There are also Gyro Error in
Navigation which is Visual Range (the most accurate), Adjusting three LOP’s (triangulation), Comparing a
“PGC” bearing with a known true bearing, Celestial Azimuths and Amplitudes and Comparison with a
Gyro of known error. Gyro Error is the difference between the Gyro reading and the true bearing. We
can have a West or East Gyro Error, if Gyro is Least than the Error is East. If Gyro is Best the Error is
West. Gyro Bearing + Easterly Error = True Bearing. To Conclude a Gyro Compass is one of the most
important instrument for navigation and determining locations of the vessel

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