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of Culture

Cultures are learned, not innate

We think and act as Filipinos because our

parents brought us up this way. We acquired
complete knowledge and understanding of our
cultural norm from our parents, teachers,
relatives and friends.
Cultures are shared

We act as members of our own cultural group, not as

individuals, because belonging to a culture means
following the norms of the group.
Cultures are multifaceted

We are surrounded by cultural norms that affect

language, religion, basic world view, education,
technology, social organization, politics, and law,
all interacting with one another.
Cultures are dynamic.

Cultures are constantly change as cultural

contact increases, new technologies emerge, and
economic conditions vary.
Cultural identities are overlapping

We belong to multiple, overlapping cultures as we

interact with one another. Some of these cultures work
together while others clash.
to new
Is a form of cultural
exchange in which one
group assumes the
beliefs, practices, and
rituals of another INTEGRATION
group without
sacrificing the
characteristics of its
own culture.
Occurs when
members of one
cultural group adopt
the language,
practices, and beliefs CULTURAL
of another group,
often losing aspects
of their traditional
culture in the process.
Cultural diversity is
encouraged and valued as
beneficial to society. It is
the belief that cultures,
races, and ethnicities,
particularly those of MULTICULTURALISM
minority groups, should be
accorded special
acknowledgement of their
differences within a
dominant political culture.
Refers to the process
by which individuals may
take on values and
beliefs of the host
culture and CULTURAL
accommodate them in
the public sphere while
maintaining the parent
culture in the private
The nature
of common

The key characteristics on

leadership is power or ● These are the leaders
influence-the right to who are often called
manipulate the outcome of dictator, chief,
health, welfare, and critical patriarch, minister, or
desicions of protection. In a judge.
high-power group ● Husband-wife
leadership, the few in power ● Boss-employer
formulate policy and ● Group
activity of the many. leader-participant

Masculine culture (work

environment) Feminine culture
-gives primary
-aggressive or assertive
consideration to modesty,
quality of life, tenderness;
- union symbolizes high rewards are given for work
salaries, large output, and satisfaction and salaries are
major impact. determined based on need
not on production.
Task Commitment
Week 4 Activity
The activity will be post in your class
fb group.
Go online and search for Filipinos who
you believe have “restructure culture”.
Get one example together with it’s
name and picture.
In what way this person done
this culture restructuring?
Comment your example and it’s
picture to the activity post.
Week 4 Reflection
How would you describe the work environment
of your home or family- masculine, feminine, or
both? Explain.

Week 4 Assignment
1. What is intercultural communication?
2. What are the advantages of intercultural

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