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Even though it is not officially, many Vietnamese people accepted that water buffalo is the

national animal of Vietnam. Buffalo play an important role in Vietnam's agrarian economy
and history; They have become a powerful symbol in Vietnamese culture. 
For thousands of years, the water buffalo has helped farmers with the most physically
demanding tasks like, tilling the land and hauling the harvest. The proverbs “con trau la dau
co nghiep”, “Tau trau, lay vo, lam nha” expressed the position and importance of the water
buffalo in farmers’ lives. Just as the animal runs deep in Vietnamese culture, so do related
festivals like, “Le hoi dam trau” (buffalo-stabbing festival) and “le hoi choi trau” (buffalo-
fighting festival) that are celebrated across the country.
The water buffalo also appears in the treasure of Vietnamese folklore including proverbs,
puzzles, fairy tales and legends.The animal has come to represent the rustic Vietnamese
nature and the country’s entire culture.
In conclusion, because of their valuable contributions to Vietnamese lives and culture, I
believe water buffalo remains the most important animal of our nation until now and in many
years following.

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