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The Fibonacci sequence basically means each number is equal to the sum of
the preceding two numbers. It starts from and 1 usually and then 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
21, and so on and so forth. However, what makes Fibonacci more interesting and
relevant is that it is far more than these sequence of numbers, it’s fascinating
how it can seen everywhere more especially in nature, however, we unaware of
it. So these are some examples of Fibonacci sequence in nature.
1. The first example of Fibonacci sequence is an egg, we can notice that the
shape of an egg or its shell is an example of Fibonacci sequence since it
follows the golden ratio as the spiral offers a path of lease resistance. We
can see it in both sides of the egg.

2. The
second example also illustrates Fibonacci numbers in nature. This flower
form two spirals which referred to as parastichies, one set eminating from
the center in a clockwise direction, while the second set is in a counter
clockwise direction. The number of clockwise spirals and the number of
counter clockwise spirals follows the pattern of Fibonacci sequence.
3. Fibonacci sequence can be applied mostly in flowers. The following images
illustrates how different kinds of flowers have numbers of petals which are
included in Fibonacci sequence.

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