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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program: Course: Engineering Entrepreneurship,

BSc Mechanical Engineering ME-273L
Assignment: Lab Assignment 1 Session: 2021
Maximum Marks: 10 Year: 2023, Spring Semester
Time Allowed: Submission Date: You next lab session

 You can do the assignments in a group of maximum three students. The

group members must be from the same section
 If you cannot find a group, you would have to submit the assignment
 The title page of your report must have the name and registration number
of the group members
 The submission is in hard copy, and you must bring your report on the day
of submission

Problem Brief

Researching targeted literature content is a regular feature of planning

entrepreneurial practices. To start the lab course you are expected to investigate the
literature and submit a comprehensive report on following three concepts with are
at the core of entrepreneurial planning. Following are the topics:

(a) What is a legitimate business idea and methods to develop legitimate

business ideas
(b) What is an effective business plan. The purpose and standard format (table
of contents) of an effective business plan
(c) What is an effective business model. The purpose an effective business

Key Deliverables

a. Detailed report elaborating the definition of business idea (referenced), and

elements that qualify a business idea to be a legitimate business idea
b. Detailed report elaborating the definition of a business plan (referenced),
and elements that qualify a business plan to be an effective business plan
including the standard table of contents recommended by experts
c. Detailed report elaborating the definition of a business model (referenced),
and elements that qualify a business plan to be an effective business model
for a given business venture by experts (referenced)

Reporting format
 While doing items (a-d), ensure that all the relevant referencing of
the books, research papers and standard online forums is made
available in the report

 Referencing should follow Chicago format available at

References must be added in the document using


Grading Rubric

A legitimate An effective An effective Referencing (in text

business idea business plan business and bibliography)

(3 points) (3 points) (3 points)

(1 points)
Definition is Definition is Definition is Intext and
accurate accurate accurate bibliography
Methods Elements Elements referencing is
identified are identified are identified are accurate
correct correct correct

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