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Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Identifying Major Points
and Key Themes

English – Grade 2
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 - Module 4: Identifying Major Points and Key Themes
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: John Paul C. Paje EdD
Editors: Ramil G. Ilustre PhD
Gina R. Borje
Reviewers: Garry M. Achacoso
Jeffrey Delfin
Graphic Artist: Jay-R F. Castillo
Layout Artists: Jerson Rod A. Acosta

Management Team:
Nicolas T. Capulong PhD, CESO V
Librada M. Rubio PhD
Ma. Editha R. Caparas EdD
Nestor P. Nuesca EdD
Manolito B. Basilio EdD
Garry M. Achacoso
Rachelle C. Diviva

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Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Identifying Major Points
and Key Themes
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our
dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home.
Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are
carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall
guide you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson
prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on
lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on
completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or
your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.
At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to
self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the
Teacher are also provided to our facilitators and parents for
strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on your
home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary
marks on any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in
answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your
teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know

You learn in school. This happens with the help of

teachers who assist you in realizing your potentials. To get
your attention, teachers commonly use stories, poems,
songs, and movies. These teaching materials serve as a
springboard for the main lesson. Thus, for effective
learning to happen, it is necessary for you to practice your
skills in identifying and discussing the major points and key
themes of the stories you read, the poems you recite, the
songs you sing, and the movies you watch.
This module provides you with activities that will
improve your skills in identifying major points and key
themes in the texts. (EN2OL-IIIa-b-3.3)
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. note important details in a selection read
or listened to;
2. differentiate a major point from a key theme in a
text read or listened to; and
3. talk about texts identifying a major point and
a key theme.

Notes to the Teacher/Facilitator

Inculcate in the learner the value of
courtesy when speaking. Tell the learner to
observe appropriate intonations, pauses,
and stops when he/she is answering orally.

1 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
What I Know

Directions: Identify the major point or key theme in each

passage. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
paper. Then, read it aloud.

1. Sing the song Happy Birthday twice,

I promise it will make you wise.
Put your hands together and rub it slowly,
make them the cleanest part of your body.
a. proper hygiene
b. courage
c. creativity
d. excitement

2. I don’t catch butterflies, I let it be free.

I don’t even know what to feed to it or how to take
care of its body. I just let it fly in the meadow
and oh, what a beautiful sight to see!
I don’t catch butterflies, I let it be free.
a. giving foods to butterflies
b. letting the butterflies be free
c. differentiating insects in the garden
d. catching butterflies

2 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
3. Parents will do everything for their child. Their love is
very strong, not mild. They work hard every day just to
provide everything you need in life.
a. annoying babies
b. parents’ love
c. how to make a baby sleep
d. care for baby to earn money

4. Last Monday, Ria and Lito saw a wallet left in their

classroom. They opened it and they found a 100-peso
bill inside. They remembered what their teachers taught
them. “Be honest. You should return to the owner any
lost item you found.” They immediately gave the wallet
to their teacher because they did not want to spend
the money that is not theirs.
a. earning and spending money easily
b. cleaning of the classroom
c. giving is better than receiving
d. returning any lost item you found

5. We laugh, we run, we play under the sun.

Playing native games is really more fun.
It is part of our culture, speaks of who we are.
It should never be forgotten even if you’re afar.
a. remembering native games as part of our culture
b. laughing and playing under the sun is more fun
c. laughing, running, and playing make us healthy
d. speaking of who we are as part of our culture

3 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
Identifying Major Points
1 and Key Themes
This module provides you with learning experiences
that will enhance your understanding about major points
and key themes. It will also enhance your conversational
skills which are very useful in your everyday life.

What’s In

Before starting with the activities in this module,

answer the questions below to assess your skills in
identifying major points and key themes in the texts.

What is your favorite story?

Who are the characters in the story?
Where did the story happen?
When did the story happen?
What is the message of the story?
Can you retell your favorite story by answering the
following questions?

The answers to the questions above are pieces of

information called story details. Noting the important
details of the text read or listened to will help you get the
major point and key theme.

4 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
What’s New

You are doing great! This time, listen attentively as your

facilitator reads the poem aloud. Take note of the
important details that will help you give the major point or
key theme of the poem.

I Miss Our School

My summer is really fun,
I run and play under the sun.
But I miss my classmates and friends,
Too excited to see them soon.
We always wear our smiles,
To our teacher who always inspires.
Interesting lessons she always shares,
With all her pupils she really cares.

I miss the library where we read,

In learning, we grow like a seed.
I can’t wait to go to school,
To fill with wisdom our minds so full.

What is the main idea of the poem?

a. It is fun to play all day.
b. Running under the sun makes you strong.
c. Learning in school is enjoyable.
d. Teachers care for the pupils.

Excellent! The correct answer is letter c. You have

correctly identified the main idea or the major point of the
5 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
What is It

The main idea in the poem that you have just read is
that learning in school is enjoyable. The main idea is also
called a major point. It is usually a statement that tells the
readers what a selection is mostly all about. It can also be
considered as the summary of the selection. On the other
hand, a key theme is the overall message or values
expressed in the selection. It is usually expressed in the
traits shown by the characters.
The following are some examples of a major point
and a key theme.
Major Point Key Theme
returning to the owner any lost item honesty
you found
promoting and using different native patriotism
You can easily identify the major point or key theme
of the text through its supporting details. Supporting details
are words or phrases that give clues in identifying the
major point or the key theme within the text.
Here are the supporting details that support the idea
in the poem “I Miss Our School.”
• school library where we read
• lessons she always shares
• excitement to see them soon
Great! You are now ready for the following enjoyable
activities. Let’s go!
6 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
What’s More
A. Directions: The underlined words below are the words
that you will find in the story you are about to read.
Choose their correct meaning from the given choices.
Write only the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. The house is dilapidated. 2. COVID-19 disease is a

It is in poor state. pandemic. It has affected
a. bad condition most of the countries in the
b. very beautiful world.
c. well painted a. useful tool
d. very clean b. disease outbreak
c. healthful food
d. enjoyable event

Your facilitator will read to you the selection aloud.

Then, orally answer the following questions.

A Day to Remember
One Sunday morning, Ram
Ram, an eight-year-old boy,
was awakened by the noise
coming from their kitchen. He
went to the kitchen and saw his
mother dividing the sack of rice
into one-kilo packs.

7 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
“What are you doing mother?” Ram Ram asked.
“Oh! I am glad you are here. Please help me divide
this sack of rice into packs,” his mother said.
Ram Ram’s lips pouted when he remembered that
they only had two sacks of rice left, yet his mother was
trying to give it away. His mother noticed this and asked
Ram Ram to sit beside her.
As he was seated irritably, his mother began to talk to
him gently.
“Our neighbor, Mang Intong, was unable to work at
the construction site due to the community quarantine,”
his mother said as she was pointing at a dilapidated
house just in front of their house.
“Aling Nita was unable to sell vegetables because
people were locked up in their houses to keep them
away from the COVID-19 disease,” his mother continued.
Ram Ram suddenly remembered that they were in a
pandemic and everyone needed help.
“We are lucky to be able to share with others what
we have,” mother explained.
Ram Ram felt ashamed and said, “Yes mother,
sharing is caring.”
Ram Ram smiled as he jumped out of the chair and
helped his mother pack the sack of rice.

Answer the following questions orally.

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Why was Ram Ram irritated when he saw her mother
packing kilos of rice?

8 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
3. If you were Ram Ram, what would you do to help
other people in times of calamities or pandemic?
4. Fill in the missing letters to form the key theme of the
story. (h_lpf_ln_ _s)
5. Identify the major point of the story “A Day to
Remember” using the following supporting details.
• Mother shares rice with others. Everyone needs help.
• We are lucky to share what we have.

a. Sharing is caring. b. Greed is good.

B. Directions: Listen attentively as your facilitator reads

another story aloud. Then, answer the following
questions orally.
Azhley and Johnmar
Azhley and Johnmar are Grade 2
pupils enrolled at Naugsol Integrated
School. When they were in Grade 1,
Azhley received the highest honors
while Johnmar just made it to Grade 2.
Johnmar became eager
to perform better in school. He balanced his
time to play and study. On the other hand,
Azhley played games using her mobile
phone and she failed to review her lessons.
When the recognition came, Johnmar was awarded
the highest honors in Grade 2 while Azhley fell at the
bottom of the class. Azhley promised to work hard next
school year as she learned that hard work beats talent.

9 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3.Why did Azhley not perform well in the class?
4. How did Johnmar attain the highest honors?

Copy the paragraph below on a separate sheet of

paper. Complete it by filling in the major point, key
theme, and supporting details of the story “Johnmar and
Azhley.” Choose your answers from the group of words in
the box. Then, read your paragraph aloud with correct
pronunciation and intonation.

• made it to Grade 2
• wash the dishes after meal
• hard work
• superstar status
• hard work beats talent
• highest honors
• he worked hard
• fell to the bottom of the class

The major point of the story is (1.) _____________. The

key theme is (2.) ____________________. At first, Johnmar
just barely made it to Grade 2. He was able to receive the
(3.) ______________ because (4.) ____________. On the
other hand, from being the best in the class, Azhley
(5.) _________________ because she was hooked to
gadgets and did not review her lessons.

10 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
C. Directions: Follow your facilitator as he/she sings the
song. Then, arrange the words in the cloud to identify
the major point and key theme of the poem. Look for
supporting details in the box that support the major
point and key theme. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

Major Point
• gives me strength

• exercises, runs, and foods nutritious

and exercise
make healthy you
• watches television all
Key Theme
• eats healthy food
is health wealth
• does not brush teeth

I am a Healthy Kid
To the tune of “Johny Johny, Yes Papa”

I am always a healthy kid,

Eating nutritious food I need.
It gives me strength everyday,
It makes me happy hey, hey, hey!
Fruits and vegetables I do eat,
I also add a little meat.
I exercise, run, and play
Health is wealth hey, hey, hey!

11 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
D. Directions: Arrange the words or letters in the box to
identify the major point and the key theme of the song
below. Then, look for supporting details that support
the major point and key theme. Choose your answers
in the cloud. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

• clean the room altogether

• use rags, wipes, and brooms

• eat together

• help our teachers

Cleaning Together working makes easier

To the tune of things together
“Happy Birthday to You”
Altogether clean the room
Using rags, wipes, and brooms.
Our classroom, our classroom
Needs cooperation.
It is easier if we work together,
With your father, with your mother
Helping all the teachers.

12 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
E. Directions: Read the story below. Then, answer the
questions that follow.

I Was Wrong
One Thursday afternoon,
cousins Ana and Lito were talking
about skipping class for the next
day. Lito insisted that they should not
do it because their quarterly
examinations would be next week.
“You will regret it,” Lito said to Ana.
Ana simply smiled as if she did not care at all. Friday
came and Ana was absent all day. Lito was worried for
Ana because the lessons that day were really hard.
After a week, Ana and Lito took their third quarterly
examinations in English. Lito was very confident because
the questions were taken from the lessons discussed last
Friday. On the other hand, Ana had a hard time
answering the questions because most of the questions
were discussed when she was absent.
After the examination, Ana was silent and was very
sure that she would fail the examination. She was left to
think what her cousin said, “Regret is always at the end.”

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. When did the story happen?
3. Why did Ana find it hard to answer the examination?

13 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
Copy the whole paragraph on a separate sheet of
paper. Fill in each blank with the right words/group of
words from the flower below. Then, read it aloud with
correct pronunciation and intonation.

the class regret
eat during
she will fail
regret is the
always at
the end miss important
she was
it is easy smiling

The major point of the story is (1) ________________.

The key theme is (2) ________________. Ana, skipping in the
class, made her (3) ________________. Due to this, she was
sure (4) ________________ in English. On the other hand, Lito
was (5) ________________ when he was taking the
examination because he knew the answers as he was
present the day the lessons were taught.

14 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
F. Directions: Copy the paragraph below on a separate
sheet of paper. Then, fill in the blanks with appropriate
word/words that support the major point and key
theme. Choose your answers in the box provided
below. Read your answers aloud with correct
pronunciation and intonation.

the right thing will pass present

because she understood what Lito wanted to say
also smiling because she recalled the lessons
from last Friday.

Do What Is Right
One Thursday afternoon, Lito and his cousin Ana
were talking about skipping class for the next day. Lito
insisted that they should not do it because their quarterly
examinations would be the next week after.
“You will regret it,” Lito said. Ana simply smiled
(1) _________________________. Friday came and Ana was
(2) ________________________ all day. Lito and Ana enjoyed
the lessons. After a week, Ana and Lito took their third
quarterly examinations in English. Lito was very confident
because the questions were taken from the lessons
discussed last Friday. On the other hand, Ana was
(3) ________________________.
After the examination, Ana was silent and was very
sure that she (4) ___________________ the examination. She
was left to think she would have regretted it if she skipped
the class. Fortunately, she did (5) _______________________.

15 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
G. Directions: Tell the major point or key theme expressed
by each picture and sentence. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a sheet of paper.

1. Dominador always assists other people

who need help.
a. helpfulness c. creativity
b. patriotism d. patience

2. Ericka does not forget to feed and give

her pet what it needs.
a. Ericka loves animals. c. Ericka drinks.
b. Ericka eats fast. d. Ericka runs.

3. The grade two pupils always conduct

tree planting to lessen air pollution.
a. creativity c. politeness
b. kindness d. love for nature

4. Mico easily gets along with anyone. He

is close to his classmates and friends.
a. Mico is friendly. c. Mico is thoughtful.
b. Mico is brave. d. Mico is happy.

5. Lina always asks guidance from God.

a. faith in God c. humility
b. respect d. kindness

16 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
H. Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct
word in the parentheses that describes the picture on
the left. Then, give the major point or key theme it
expresses. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

1. The pupils______ (help, fight) their

teacher before going home.
a. The pupils are brave.
b. The pupils are industrious.
c. The pupils are calm.
d. The pupils are lazy.

2. The pupils ____ (create, destroy)

flower vase from junk materials.
a. The pupils are creative.
b. The pupils are afraid.
c. The pupils are lazy.
d. The pupils are tired.

3. Mrs. Fernandez, our canteen

teacher, always prepares
_______ (healthful, harmful) foods.

a. anger c. nutrition
b. guilt d. boredom

4. Victor and Jannah ____ (read,

tear) books every vacant period.
a. love for reading c. tardiness

17 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
b. sharing d. faithfulness
5. The grade two pupils always ______
(separate, mix) candy wrappers
and plastics from dried leaves.
a. waste segregation c. unity
b. cooperation d. brotherhood

What I Have Learned

Directions: Supply the blanks with the right word/words to

complete the sentence. Choose your answers in the box.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

• supporting details author key theme

• major point settings characters

1. A statement that tells the readers what a selection is

mostly all about is called a ________________.

2. The message or moral of the text which is usually the

trait shown by the characters is called a

3. To determine the major point or key theme of the

selection, one needs to identify the ________________.

18 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
What I Can Do

Directions: Compose a song about the frontliners. Choose

the lyrics in the box that support the title provided below.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Then,
sing the song to the tune of your most favorite song.

• Frontliners keep us safe during this pandemic.

• They make our lives miserable.
• They fight the enemy they cannot see.
• They sleep all day.
• They sacrifice their time for their family for our
• For you, I will stay home and keep my body
• Thank you for your hard work, loyalty, and bravery.
• We pray for your victory against our enemy.

“Frontliners, Our Modern-Day Heroes”


19 CO_Q3_English2_Module4

Directions: Read the poem below, then do the activity

that follows.

Parents’ Treasure
Always be courteous,
Po and opo should be used.
It turns the feeling lighter,
It makes your parents prouder.

You will be everyone’s love,

Like a gift from up above.
Kind words are sickness’ cure,
Courteous child is a parents’ treasure.

Complete the paragraph below by filling in the major

point and key theme of the poem “Parents’ Treasure.”
Then, read your paragraph aloud with correct
pronunciation and intonation.

• courtesy or politeness people get angry

• become prouder feeling lighter
• a treasure sickness’ cure
• courteous child is parents’ treasure

The poem’s
-courtesy major point is (1) _____________.
or politeness - people getThe key
theme of the poem is (2) _____________. When a child is
- prouderit turns the (3) _____________. With this,
- feeling parents
(4) _____________.
- courteous child By being courteous,
is a parents’ you are like a
treasure because kind words are (5) -_____________.
- a treasure sickness cure
20 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
Additional Activities
Directions: Match each item in Column A with the key
theme or major point it expresses in Column B. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B

1. Technology brings
us closer. We can
communicate to a. sportsmanship
our loved ones
2. Games are not about b. thriftiness
winning or losing. It’s
about acceptance
and humility.
c. creativity
3. Babies make the
parents happy. They
are the bundle of joy
in the family.
d. helpfulness and generosity

4. Lino always gives help

to the needy. He
does it using his extra
e. The baby is a source of joy.

5. It is wise for us to save

money. It gives you
something to spend f. Technology makes
during emergency. communication easier.
21 CO_Q3_English2_Module4
CO_Q3_English2_Module4 22
What I Know
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. a
What’s New
1. c.
What’s More
Unlocking 1. a 2. b
1. Ram Ram and his mother 2. His mother tries to give away rice 3. Answers may vary
4. helpfulness 5. A
1. hard work beats talent 2. hard work 3. highest honors award
4. he worked hard 5. fell to the bottom
key theme: health is wealth 2. gives me strength 3. eats healthful foods
Major point: eating nutritious foods 4. exercises, runs and pl
and exercise make you healthy
(For 2-4, answers may come in any order.)
Major point: worjing together makes things easier 2. clean the room altogether
Key Theme: Cooperation 3. Let us help our Teachers 4. use rags, wipes and brooms
(For 2-5, answers may come in any order)
1. Regret is always at the end 2. regret 3. miss important lessons
4. she will fail the in the examination 5. very confident
1. because she understood what Lito wanted to say 2. present
3. also smiling because she recalled the lessons from last Friday 4. will pass
5. the right thing
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. a
1. b, help 2. a, create 3. b, healthful 4. a, read
5. a, separate
What I Have Learned
1. major point 2. key theme 3. supporting details
What I can Do
- Frontliners keep as safe during this pandemic
- as they battle the enemy they cannot see.
- They sacrifice their time for their family for our safety.
- For you, I will stay home and keep my body healthy.
- Thank you for your hard work, loyalty and bravery.
- We pray for your victory against our enemy.
1. courteous child is a parents’ treasure
2. courtesy or politeness
3. feeling lighter
4. prouder
5. are sickness’ cure
Additional Activities
1. f 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. b
Answer Key
Danahy, Kaitlyn. "What is Theme in Literature? - Definition & Examples".
Study.Com, 2019.

Morphez, Jenylyn. "K to 12 Curriculum Guide ENGLISH". Academia.Edu, 2019.

Porta, Ana. 2019. "The Difference Between Main Idea and Theme - Working in
The Schools". Working in the Schools.

Roell, Kelly. "How to Find the Main Idea of A Reading Passage". Thoughtco,

Sedillo, Andrew. "How to Explain the Main Point Through Supporting Details".
Study.Com, 2018.

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