Soal Us.b.inggris - Xii.2023

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SK. Menteri Hukum dan HAM
Nomor : AHU-591/AH/01/04/th/2009 Tanggal 24 Februari 2009
Dsn. Ceah. RT.025/RW.008. Ds.Pasirjaya. Kec. Cilamaya Kulon.
Karawang 41384


TAHUN AJARAN 2022-2023

Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris

Hari / Tgl : ………….
Waktu : ………….
Kelas / Prodi : XII / DKV

1. The following sentence is the expression to offer(menawarkan) a help ...

A. No, Thanks
B. May i help you ?
C. Yes , Please
D. Thank you very much

Jawaban: B

2. a cup of coffee?

A. Should i
B. Do i
C. Can i
D. Would you

Jawaban: B

5. If Budi had asked me, I _____ emailed the documents.

A. Will have
B. Has
C. Will
D. Would have

Jawaban: D

6. If I.....a lot money, I london(Type 1)

A.Has - Go
B. Have - Go
C. Have - Goes
D. Has - Goes

Jawaban: B

7. Extended Family in indonesia is .....

A. Keluarga bahagia
B. Keluarga kecil
C. Keluarga besar
D. Keluarga diperpanjang

Jawaban: C

8. Tanggal jatuh tempo in english is ...

A. Date
B. Due month
C. Dated
D. Due dates

Jawaban: D

9. " can I help you . Miss ? " The underlined sentence is the expression of .........
A. Asking for a helping
B. Offering service /help
C. Offering a thing
D. Giving opinion

Jawaban: B

10. If I had …. you were coming, I would have prepared a delicious meal.

A. Know
B. Known
C. Knew
D. Knowed

Jawaban: B

11. Soal untuk nomer 11 sampai 15

Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, original name Raden Mas (Lord) Suwardi Surjaningrat (born May 2, 1889, Yogyakarta,
Javadied April 26, 1959, Yogyakarta), founder of the Taman Siswa school system, an influential and
widespread network of schools that encouraged modernization but also promoted indigenous Indonesian

Dewantoro was born into a noble family of Yogyakarta and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but
failed to complete the course. Active in the nationalist cause, he belonged to a faction favouring direct action
and the use of Western methods to destroy the power of the Dutch. He was also a member of the Bandung
chapter of Sarekat Islām (“Islamic Association”) and a founder of the Socialist Indische Partij (“Indies Party”).
An article he wrote during this period, “If I Were a Netherlander,” published in the Indische Partij‟s De
Express, led to his exile to the Netherlands between 1913 and 1918.
In the Netherlands he became converted to the idea of using Indonesian cultural traditions to cope with the
problems posed by Dutch colonial rule. He felt that education was the best means to strengthen Indonesians,
and he was deeply influenced by the progressive theories of the Italian educational reformer Maria Montessori
and by the Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore.
The first Taman Siswa schools were established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, carried on informally,
emphasized traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly music and dance. Western subjects were
taught, too, in order to help students cope with the demands of modern life. Overcoming initial official
hostility, the Taman Siswa schools had spread throughout the archipelago and were by the late 1930s
subsidized by the Dutch colonial government. Based on traditional Javanese concepts, the Taman Siswa
schools appealed primarily to those segments of Indonesian society termed abangan, in which the Islamic faith
is less deeply entrenched. Dewantoro continued his leadership of Taman Siswa after the war and upon his
death was acclaimed a national hero.

11.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Dewantoro‟s background
B. Dewantoro‟s royal family
C. Dewantoro‟s birth
D. Dewantoro‟s education

Jawaban: D

12. What is the purpose of Taman Siswa?

A. To fight Dutch colonial rule
B. To strengthen Indonesian
C. To promote Indonesian culture
D. To emphasize traditional skills

Jawaban: A

13. Why was Ki Hadjar Dewantoro exiled to the Netherlands?

A. Because of his article in the Indische Partij‟s De Express

B. Due to his activities in the socialist Indische Partij
C. Because he was a member of Sarekat Islam
D. Because he was born into a noble family

Jawaban: A

14. What IS NOT TRUE about Taman Siswa?

A. Ki Hajar Dewantoro was founder of Taman Siswa

B. The 1st Taman Siswa was established in 1922
C. In 1930 the Dutch colonial government subsidized Taman Siswa
D. Western subject was prohibited for Taman Siswa

Jawaban: D

15. Dewantoro continued his leadership of Taman Siswa after the war and upon his death was acclaimed a
national hero. The underlined word 'Acclaimed' has the closest meaning with ...

A. Praised
B. Criticized
C. Announced
D. Declared
Jawaban: D

16. The correct sentence to express a suggestion is . . . . .

A. If you want to be healthy, consume enough vitamin.

B. If you want to be a better person, you have to have a positive attitude.
C. If you want a better view, why don't you get to the rooftop.
D. If I have a lot of money, I will move to Switzerland.

Jawaban: A

17. The sentence above is the form of . . . . . .

A. If clause + suggestion
B. If clause + general truth
C. If clause + imperative
D. If clause + reminder

Jawaban : A

18. Mr. Win : Hello, Miss Wilis. Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm just making some.
Miss Wilis : Oh, yes please. That would be lovely.

The underlined 'Oh, yes please. That would be lovely' expression expresses ...

A. Offering something
B. Offering help
C. Refusing an offer
D. Accepting an offer

Jawaban: D

19. Choose the following sentences with expression of hope…..

A. I need a nice house

B. I would like to have a nice house
C. Hopefully I have nice house
D. I like a new house

Jawaban: C

20. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph of procedure text.

1. Add the coconut milk, stir, continue simmer to enhance flavor.

2. Fry the grinded spices with 2 spoons of vegetable oil.

3. Serve your white chicken curry while hot.

4. Boil chicken. Allow 2 cups of broth to remain in the pot.

5. Add the spices into the boiled chicken; turn to low heat until it is tender.

Choose the correct answer:

A. 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3
B. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3
C. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3
D. 2 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3

Jawaban: C

The following text is for number 21 to 25

May, 28th 2015

Personnel Director
PT. Angin Semilir
Jl. Cinta No.2

Dear Personel Director

I am a graduate student in Computer Science at Bina Nusantara University, and I will be awarded an
M.S. degree in June 2011. I am currently looking for a position related to Databes/Graphics Pakage Design in
the research and development department of a major company.
Before coming to Bina Nusantara University, I designed, supervised, and completed a CAD system. The
fuction vector, character and curve generation, windowing, shading, and transportmations.

At Bina Nusantara, my researce work involves Compilation of Relational Queries into Network DML.
To enhance my blackground, I have taken some courses in computer graphics and database, and I have
experience in and an understanding of the design of database. With this strong blackground, I certainly belive
that I am competent to meet challenging tasks and can make a good contribution to your company.
Enclosed is my resume, which indicates in some detail my training and experience. I sincerely hope that
my qualifications are of interest to you and that an interview might be arranged at your convienience.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

21. The writer of the letter is….

a. Nanik
b. PT. Angin Semillir
c. Jl. Cinta No.2
d. Jakarta
e. Personnel Manager

Answer : a
22. Where did the writer study?
a. Binus
b. UNS
c. UGM
e. UI

Answer : a

23. What course was attended by the writer?

a. English
b. Computer graphic
c. Literature
d. Accountancy
e. Communication

Answer : b

24. What kind of text is it?

a. Announcement
b. Application letter
c. Promation letter
d. Apologize letter
e. Offer letter

Answer : b

25. When did the writer receive her M.S?

a. 2010
b. 2011
c. 2012
d. 2013
e. 2014

Answer : b

26. We…. in your office last year.

a. have worked d. had to work
b. worked e. working
c. will work

Jawaban : B

27. My…. car is white.

a. friend d. friend-s
b. friends e. friendses
c. friend’s
Jawaban : A

28. He…. the test right now.

a. do d. was doing
b. does e. to do
c. is doing

Jawaban : C

29. You…. to the music while I was taking a shower.

a. listen d. listened
b. were listening e. to listen
c. are listening

Jawaban : B

30. This is Tom’s bicycle. It belongs to….

a. his d. her
b. he e. him
c. she

Jawaban : E

31. He…. me for dinner last week.

a. did not invite d. was inviting
b. doesn’t invite e. to inviting
c. is inviting

Jawaban : A

32. We saw her…. Lebaran 2004.

a. in d. for
b. on e. by
c. at

Jawaban : C

33. …. for the rain, Rob was reading the newspaper.

a. waiting d. waits
b. waited e. to wait
c. wait

Jawaban : A

34. I…. my sister for two years.

a. have not seen d. had to see
b. see e. seen
c. saw

Jawaban :
35. You………… study hard, because it’s good for you
a. must
b. had to
c. will
d. will not
e. should
Jawaban : A


A. Answer the following questions correctly!

Complete the following dialogue for number 1 to 5!

Farah : “Hey, Runi! Would you help me to stay in your (1)….for one night?”
Seruni : “ I am not sure. By the way, what happen with your (2)….?”
Farah : “My room is being renovated by the owner. It needs to repaint.”
Seruni : “Oh, I see.”
Farah : “So, Do you still in Lampung ciry?”
Seruni : “Yes, of course I still live in Bandar Lampung. I guess next month I will rent (3)….there.”
Farah : “(4)…..”
Seruni : “There is a housing giving from the (5)…..”
Farah : “Thank you, Seruni. Have a great life for you.”
Seruni : “You, too.”

1. house
2. boarding house
3. an apartment
4. Wow, all by your self
5. company

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