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Project Milestone 2

For this milestone you will need to create a prototype implementation of the
registration page, where users can be registered by the admin staff of the hospital.
The registration should be available for both doctors and patients with their initial
details, which includes:
For patients:
1) date of birth
2) IIN number
3) ID number
4) name, surname, middlename
6) Blood group
7) Emergency Contant Number
8) Contant number
9) Email (Optional)
10) Address
11) Marital Status
12) Registration Date
13) Any other optional details you find neccessary

For doctors:
1) Date of birth
2) IIN number
3) ID number
4) name, surname, middlename
6) Contant number
7) Department ID
8) Specialization details ID
9) Experience in years
10) Photo of the doctor
11) Category (Highest, First, etc.)
12) Price of the appointment
13) Schedule details
14) Degree/education (MD, PhD, etc.)
15) Rating (a number in range from 0 to 10)
16) Address
17) Homepage url (optional)

Overall, the following functions and tools should be working:

1) Login under the admin staff
2) Admin staff should be able to view / modify details of already existing patients
or doctors
3) From the page admin staff can register new users
4) Create a github repository and upload a README and initial project files.

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