Management - Afiah

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0 Introduction

1.1 What is Management ?

Koontz O'Donnell defines management as "the art of getting things done by directing and

coordinating the efforts of others within formally organised institutions." The term

"management" refers to the process of directing an organisation's financial, productional, and

human resources toward the successful completion of its stated goals.

Management can also be thought of as the process by which a group or company

achieves its objectives. Managers are valuable because their efforts have a multiplier effect on

the success of groups working together to achieve a common goal. Because of the "multiplier

effect," effective management has a much greater impact than would be possible with just one

person (Kinicki & Breaux Soignet, 2021).

Even in small and medium-sized businesses, the chief executive officer and president

make six-figure salaries and enjoy a wide range of perks. Maximising resource utilisation,

minimising costs, establishing equilibrium, facilitating the accomplishment of group goals, and

building a solid organisation are all outcomes of effective management.

1.2 What is an Organization ?

Louis Allen defines organisation as "the process of identifying and grouping work to be

performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing relationships in

order to facilitate the most efficient and effective cooperation among individuals in the pursuit of

shared goals." Allen defines organisation as a means to an end, or the accomplishment of a set of

objectives. Each person's role is specified, and they are given clear instructions on how to carry it

2.0 SiGnature A’s

2.1 Background

SiGnature A’s sells a wide range of clothing designs mainly targeted at the youngsters or we

know as Gen Z. We offer head-to-toe apparels at an affordable price with high quality materials

to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. Our goods can be bought in our store located in

Sunway Carnival Mall and also on our online store website. SiGnature A’s main objective is to

deliver the most comfortable yet fashionable items to the customers regardless of the fashion


SiGnature A’s started in a one storey house where the inspiration comes from the founder

where she often finds fashionable clothing always does not come with comfortability. Then, she

started to design her clothes and sew it by herself according to her comfort with high quality

material fabric. Now, SiGnature A’s has grown up as we have our president and 3 vice presidents

specializing in marketing, production and sale and numbers of staff. Our main mission and vision

is to lead, to develop, to improve, and to give customers throughout the world the finest products

and services possible and we aim to become a leading company in fashion outerwear and knit

clothing by enabling innovation and design to completely satisfy our customers. The special

element in our company is that we provide a name engraving in each item that we sell for free.

We came up with the idea to spread love and affection by buying our clothing to their loved

2.2 Mission, Vision and Objectives


● To lead, to develop, to improve, and to give customers throughout the world the finest
products and services possible.
● To use our signature brands to make a difference and keep up with changing market
dynamics, fashion trends, and technological advancements.
● To improve the quality of life for our customers, business partners and employees.


● We aim to become a leading company in fashion outerwear and knit clothing by enabling
innovation and design to completely satisfy our customers.
● We strive diligently to be a caring and effectively managed firm for our customers,
business partners, and employees, and also try to be good corporate citizens in our


● To increase our brand recognition all over the world to the point that customers are able
to recognise us by just hearing our name.
● To be able to launch a new line of clothing every season to fulfill our customers needs
and desires.
● To lower our production cost without sacrificing the quality of our product.
2.3 Organization Chart

Geovany Fung Yveanne

President of the SiGnature A’s

Nur ‘Afiah Binti Ahmad Lutfi

Vice President Sales

Alia Nasuha Binti Rosman

Vice President Production
Norsyara Syafiqah Binti Saif Ridzuan

Vice President Marketing

3.0 Management Function

3.1 Planning

Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course

of action for achieving those objectives. The managers will play their roles to involve in planning

of the company. Managers must foresee future situations and be aware of the current

environmental factors affecting their firm. Moreover, managers must also have strong decision-

making skills to perform their role.

The first step SiGnature A’s takes in planning is environmental scanning, which basically

implies that we need to be aware of the significant risks to our company from the perspective of

the economy, rivals, and our clients. The next step is for us to try to predict future conditions.

Planning is based on these estimates. Next, we set objectives, which are declarations of what

must be accomplished and by when. The next step for planners is to decide on alternate strategies

for reaching goals. Finally, planners must choose the appropriate actions to take to accomplish

goals after weighing the many choices.

There are many types of plan and planning. Strategic planning is the one that SiGnature

A’s implement. First and foremost we analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as

threats for our company. After we analyse the SWOT of SiGnature A’s, we determine how to
position our company effectively in the market. We plan strategically on how we want to work

and what our target is. On this part, it usually takes a long time frame, often three years or more.

This is because we discussed our mission in detail and its fundamental reason for existence.

3.2 Organising

Establishing the internal organisational framework of an organisation is called organising. It

emphasises task division, coordination, control, as well as information flow throughout the

organisation. This feature is used by managers to allocate or delegate authority to other staff.

Any effective organisational structure recognises that the company's most valuable resources are

its customers and staff. The culture of empowerment and delegation today predominates in the

competitive economy because having a rigid structure hampers the inventiveness of the



Geovany Fung Yveanne

President of SiGnature A’s

Nur ‘Afiah Binti Ahmad Lutfi Alia Nasuha Binti Rosman Norsyara Syafiqah Binti
Vice President Sales Vice President Production Saif Ridzuan Muralee
Vice President Marketing
Top management is in charge of overseeing the entire company. All of the goods of the company
are designed and developed under the direction and management of Miss Geovany Fung
Yveanne, the president of SiGnature A’s.

Middle management will put the strategies into practice as they are in charge of their department
functions, and all vice president departments will carry out their duties, including carrying out
SiGnature A's ongoing corporate strategy and planning and supervising all administrative tasks.
Additionally, they encourage and direct lower-level managers.

Lower management is in charge of overseeing and directing the activities of operating employees
as well as carrying out the plans made by upper and middle management.

3.3 Leading

Leading is the third process in the management cycle. Leading is the art of influencing others

through their social and informal networks. Managers who are good leaders will inspire their

teams to work hard in pursuit of the company's goals.

Insight into this managerial duty has benefited greatly from the study of behavioural

sciences. Managers can learn a lot about what it takes to be an effective leader by looking at

studies of personality and studies of attitudes on the job. Managers at SiGnature A’s, for

instance, are attentive to their employees' unique perspectives, beliefs, and feelings. This

demonstrates that the managers at SiGnature A's are highly effective in leading.

In the Leading process, managers are expected to communicate a compelling vision to

their teams and establish tangible objectives for them to work toward. Only when leaders have a
clear vision of the end result will they be able to motivate and inspire their teams to achieve it.

This motivates people to collaborate for greater success.

It is the manager's responsibility to keep the staff informed. Having open lines of

communication with your staff is essential to setting attainable goals. Both managers and

workers should be actively engaged in a two-way dialogue. Through this channel, managers not

only keep them informed of what is happening but also hear out their thoughts and comments.

Making employees feel like they have a real stake in the company's success will inspire them to

rise to the challenge and perform at a higher level.

3.4 Controlling

Control is the process of implementing and enforcing processes that lead and monitor the team's

progress toward its goals. The control function ensures the organization's actions lead to the

expected consequences. In preparation for the unexpected, a manager does this before executing

the game plan. As the manager oversees the implementation, he or she monitors and adjusts the

approach. Management's control role and planning are intricately interwoven. Before executing

the strategy, it's vital to consider the progress standards and success tracking tools managers will


Progress monitoring is a crucial management control. Keeping track of your progress

requires a yardstick. This is done through "control."

The control procedure starts with the target standard or objective. This part of control is

executed during management planning. The benchmark may be to grow sales by 14%, decrease

first-quarter turnover by 1%, increase season wins by 4 games, etc. This standard includes the

final goal and intermediate milestones, but more complex goals need intermediate benchmarks.
A 14% increase in sales requires monthly sales goals that add up to the annual target. First-phase

management planning includes performance review. How will I track my strategy?

Creating a dashboard to measure performance indicators and checking in with

organisation members to see how they're implementing the strategy are ways to monitor

performance. Step three compares actual to standard performance. Fourth, plan again. Let's

estimate 14% yearly revenue growth in our situation. By the sixth month, the sales manager sees

only 4% growth. To reach the goal, the sales manager decides to boost advertising.

Unsatisfactory progress requires a change. Even with development, changes may be needed. Five

months in, we've made significant sales progress. The company has attained 9% of its 14% sales

goal thanks to their sales staff. Some salespeople are weary despite progress. The manager

decides the team needs a break and prepares to take the salespeople to a baseball game with food

and wine to celebrate their progress. The salesmen need an emotional break. The manager

realises this and gives resources to motivate salespeople. Therefore, control cycles back to other

managerial functions.

We've reviewed how control is implemented at different stages of the game design.

Managers' control mechanisms need more study. Control is staying on course and directing

strategy. This framework's majority of control processes are formal, meaning management uses

visible and trackable procedures. Administrative and market control methods. Clan control

tactics are informal.

The lawful authority of the manager is the source of bureaucratic control, which consists

of an organization-wide policy or regulation. Examples of bureaucratic controls include

requesting daily progress reports and inventory reconciliations. This may include developing

sales revenue predictions and designing incentive schemes based on this statistic. It would entail
creating guidelines for the safe operation of heavy machinery and factory floor production.

Numerous of these safety procedures are created by government agencies like OSHA and the


Market control is the use of external information as a benchmark or criterion for

measuring internal development. Consider the following example. An organization's marketing

company has created a new product with the objective of achieving 15% market penetration in

the first year. Prior to introducing the product, they decide to get input on the design from a

customer focus group. This input drives the team to make a few small adjustments before

launching the product. This team has used an external factor, namely the views of customers, in

order to achieve its launch success objective. Finance and trade firms often employed external

controls as a basis for determining which assets to sell and where to invest. This might include a

trading strategy that creates a benchmark that if the price of oil falls by 25%, the corporation

should liquidate its commodity positions to reduce losses.

Clan control is any informal influence an organisation has on an individual that guides

them toward the group's objectives. Clan control may result from the organization's cultural

norms and ideas that impact behaviour. Clan control may sometimes manifest as a more direct

form of peer pressure. Consider the case of a company that sets a premium on honesty. Jane is an

accounting expert who refuses to breach a minor piece of the tax law in a grey area of the tax

code. She resolves to act conservatively and with integrity since she understands that her choice

coincides with the personal beliefs of her team leader, and if her honesty were questioned, her

peers would regard her less highly. Clan control may have either a favourable or bad impact on

the organization's members.

4.0 Main Competitors

4.1 H&M Company

The Swedish company Hennes & Mauritz AB, better known as H&M, is a global leader in fast

fashion and a favourite among young people everywhere for its wide selection of trendy clothes

at reasonable prices. Many people immediately think of H&M when discussing quick fashion.

The H&M Group is a Swedish conglomerate that creates and markets a wide variety of consumer

goods, including apparel. H&M has a large online presence and is present in more than 60

countries. H&M is well-known for its trendy, affordable clothing and is the second-largest

retailer of its kind worldwide. As a result, H&M emerged as Signature A's primary rival in the

fast fashion market.

The presence of the H&M brand across a variety of social media channels, including their

online store, has contributed to an increase in the company's conversion rates. H&M has

developed a successful eCommerce strategy that meets the demands of the growing online
industry. In addition to its own website, it makes use of sites owned and operated by third parties

in order to expand its online consumer base and increase the number of online sales it makes.

The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on clothing and fashion producers was lessened, in

part, by the sales that were made through internet retailers. During the COVID-19 epidemic, the

government placed limits on people's ability to walk outside, which led to a significant decrease

in the number of individuals buying clothing. If H&M launches an online site, its customer base

may easily begin purchasing items from that location rather than going into physical stores,

which will safeguard the company from the pandemic.

Second, H&M provides its clients with access to a diverse range of products and services

that span a number of different categories. Not only does it contain things like boiling an egg, but

it also includes things like candlesticks, clothing, cookware, cosmetics, blankets, and other items.

Despite this, the corporation makes available to clients alluring names such as ARKET, H&M

Home, and Cheap Monday. COS, Weekday, and Monki are just a few of the various labels that

H&M uses to promote its products to customers. Each of its trademarks displays a unique

persona to the market, and each brand is geared toward appealing to a distinct group of


Customers could choose from a wide range of products at H&M. H&M, which had

previously catered solely to the needs of female customers, now also carries clothing for men,

children, and infants. These days, it's not just apparel and knickknacks anymore. Today, you can

get everything from makeup to shoes to bed linens and even home goods at any H&M location.

H&M is able to meet the needs of its diverse clientele by carrying a comprehensive selection of

goods, including apparel, cosmetics, footwear, and accessories. In addition to selling clothing,
the H&M group also sells a variety of items for the home, including throw blankets, vases,

flower pots, flower holders, candles, and candlesticks.

Thirdly, for better merchandise turnover, this fashion retail industry depends on effective

selling strategies. H&M employs the fast fashion business strategy, which provides designer

furniture with the most recent fashion trends. The quick distribution of goods from the designer

table to the showroom floor is made possible by this tactic. H&M has a fast fashion business

model, giving designer clothing stores access to the most recent fashion trends. In contrast to the

conventional methodology of seasonal manufacturing, which necessitates a four to six-month

wait before a new collection is published, this method enables goods to be supplied rapidly from

the designer's table to the store. However, the business must quickly transport the products from

the producing facility to the retail location in order to meet the customers demands.

Last but not least, H&M offers affordable pricing for its target audiences which largely

consists of teenagers and young adults. Regardless of the quality of the goods, price is important

no matter what. By taking advantage of the fast fashion model's flexibility and cost-effectiveness

to provide high-quality goods at a lower price, the company aims to become the most sustainable

fashion retailer. H&M promotes itself as a fast fashion brand which means it imports high-end

collections that reflect current fashion trends. The millennial generation and Generation Z are big

fans of their reasonably priced clothing and accessories. They offer outfits of the highest calibre

at discounted prices, and the customers are drawn to them by their efficiency.

4.2 Cotton on

Cotton On is an Australian chain store that sells affordable, trendy clothing for men, women, and

children. The first location opened in 1991, and now there are 1300 locations in 17 countries
employing 19,000. There are six different labels under the Cotton On umbrella: Cotton On,

Cotton On Body, Cotton On Kids, Factorie, Typo, Rubi, and Supre. The company's stated

mission is to provide on-trend essentials and quick, enjoyable fashion at reasonable prices.

SiGnature A's second-largest competition was Cotton On.

Firstly, Cotton On focuses and targets a larger market. Customers are the primary factor

in a company's success. Cotton On's clientele consists of three subsets: those who are interested

in surfwear, those who are interested in streetwear, and those who are more concerned with

lifestyle fashion. The items have been meticulously redesigned to facilitate the use of clothes as a

vehicle for self-expression and the enhancement of one's appearance through the medium of

fashion. The brand's target demographic is young, between the ages of 18 and 30.

Consumers are fashion-conscious, but they are also resourceful in their pursuit of the

latest trends at more affordable prices. For this very reason, the retail outlets carrying this label

stock the newest fashion trends at reasonable costs. The men's selection features modern urban

clothing with a directional but manly touch, while the women's selection has both fashion

essentials and everyday high-trend clothes. The unique styles, graphics, fabric choices, and

colour palettes, as well as the reasonable rates, are much appreciated by the clientele.

Secondly, Cotton On is a brand that places a premium on its customers, features, and goal

in order to provide trendy apparel at affordable prices. Cotton On is on the lookout for less

volatile markets and less rapid shifts in customer taste. It represents a responsible and ethical

brand to its clientele through its vigorous promotion of the Cotton On Foundations, which

demonstrate the company's commitment to giving back to the community. So, the organisation

was able to get their point through successfully.

On top of that, Cotton on has the advantages of promotion activities. Being a big

company enables them to promote their brands better as they have large financial support and a

big budget. Their management will surely allocate a large amount of budget on their marketing

to use efficient strategies. For instance, influencer marketing. They can spend money on well-

known models, performers, or celebrities who have a lot of influence over the public.

Consequently, this will help consumers learn about their brand through influencers and

encourage them to purchase the clothing that the influencer has promoted or worn.

5.0 SWOT

5.1 Strengths

An organisation's strengths identify its core competencies that support its expansion. Every

organisation seeks out strategies to strengthen the organisation as a whole. Strengths are thought

of as internal factors that impact an organisation's operations.

Firstly, SiGnature A’s prides itself by achieving high sales through e-commerce. Along

with the traditional brick-and-mortar establishments, online stores are increasingly important as

technology advances. For instance, all of the major clothing companies have created internet

stores. Products are sold all over the world through these shops. One of the few companies with

significant online sales is SiGnature A's. Online sales by SiGnature A's were $1,100 million in

2021. We can infer from the volume of sales that our company, SiGnature A's has a significant

internet presence.
Moving on, people constantly seek out low-cost goods in a world of high prices. As a

result, buyers choose to replace any brands that sell high-quality, reasonably priced goods with

expensive ones. Around the globe, SiGnature A's is renowned for its affordable rates. Our

company's expense of operations is reduced by clever operational tactics. Due to the SiGnature

A’s cost effectiveness, more discounts are offered to our customers. As a result, consumers in the

market are presented with products at lower prices. Both our clients and business have profit

from it.

Lastly, customers always demand innovation from brands in order to meet their needs.

However, relatively few companies invest in R&D to release cutting-edge products on the

market, particularly in the clothes sector. In the clothing and apparel industry, SiGnature A’s has

earned a reputation as one of the most cutting-edge brands in the world. Such attributes have

allowed our brand to set its clothing apart from rivals, whether it be through athletics, life wear,

stretched fabric or heat tech fabric that turns moisture into heat. In order to keep people warm

during the winter or monsoon season, our company, for instance, has created a heattech clothing

material that is able to prevent body heat from escaping when wearing our clothes.

5.2 Weaknesses

It's not hard to see why many people think of Signature A's as a quick fashion label;

nevertheless, as every entrepreneur knows, this status comes with both opportunities and

challenges. As a result, we need to address several internal issues before we can expand our


First and foremost, our firm is obligated to decrease the quality to maximize the interests

of the corporation in order to keep a low price for our clothing items. Several fashion companies
undercut one another on price in an effort to win over a broader client base. SiGnature A's will

need to use cheaper alternative materials in its manufacturing if it intends to charge more than its

competitors.This is due to the fact that the selling price of the product needs to be four to twenty

times greater than the cost of production to ensure the survival of the business. Unseen costs in

the garment industry include labour, raw materials, design, advertising, logistics, and shipping.

The only way to reduce expenses and retail prices without jeopardizing the company's interests is

to find more cost-effective and acceptable alternative supplies. But if we use subpar materials or

contract out the manufacturing, we'll end up with a product of terrible quality. In other words, the

quality of clothing and accessories suffers as costs are reduced.

Another flaw in our company became clear when counterfeit items began flooding the

market. The fact that we have to deal with the wrath of counterfeit goods while spending a lot of

time and money making genuine trademark products is a terrible problem to have as creators of

fashion brands. Fake goods that mimic our designs allow many individuals to enjoy our brand's

style and design at a price they can afford. In addition, the credibility of our business is harmed

since some counterfeit products look and feel identical to the real thing.

The difficulty of breaking into uncharted markets is another challenge we face. In order

to raise the profile of our fashion brand, SiGnature A's, we have diversified into several

marketplaces and honed in on different types of customers. This is because our firm caters to

clients across a wide spectrum of ages, and fashion trends tend to appeal to people of all walks of

life. This, however, also means that we must be ready to respond to the unpredictability of the

market and to unanticipated results.

Our company has the same problem of excessive resource use and neglecting

environmental safeguards. This is due to the fact that fleeting fashion icons provide buyers with a
sense of solace and renewal, despite the fact that this is, in reality, a waste of resources. Fast

fashion labels have top-notch designs and styles, but the quality of their manufacturing is low

and the prices are average. When these clothes are no longer current, they are discarded as

garbage. If this backlog is not addressed soon, it will be wasted in the long run. Many eco-

activists, therefore, condemn rapid fashion on the grounds that it does unnecessary harm to the

environment and wastes valuable materials and human labour. Our company's expansion will be

severely hampered if we don't figure out a way to cut down on resource waste.

5.3 Opportunities

The term "opportunity" is used to describe beneficial external factors that may provide a

company with an advantage over its rivals.

In terms of growth, SiGnature A sees potential in the increasing popularity of online shopping

and the rise of social media as a marketing tool. For a fashion company like SiGnature A,

utilising E-commerce and social media is a huge opportunity, as many consumers now favour

and even demand this method of making purchases. For instance, the spread of the Covid-19

virus and the subsequent worldwide lockdown have sped up the development of online

businesses. Despite the economic hardships of the epidemic year, fashion companies with online

stores continued to see a healthy profit.

Secondly, the wide variety of goods and ways of life. Quality and the latest styles are

important to the locals. Despite the fact that new fashion trends are often a complete mystery to

the business world, they also present us with a great opportunity. SiGnature A's business

responds to consumer demand for fashionable products by releasing new selections. As people in
different parts of the world improve their standard of living, SiGnature A will have more

opportunities to expand its fashion business. Everyday people's standard of living and way of life

has been steadily improving over the past few years.

Emerging markets are SiGnature A's last opportunity. Clothing, footwear, and accessories

make up a portion of the $759.5 billion fashion industry in 2021. Clearly, this demonstrates the

enormous economic potential in the fashion industry. The total amount spent on trendy and

high-quality items has increased dramatically. In other words, it describes the rise of fashion-

related businesses and their wares. Style can be discovered in the most unexpected places. Every

country has its own fashion capital, where both international fashion chains and regionally

inspired boutiques can be found side by side. Fashion is a global phenomenon, albeit one that is

more pervasive in some regions than others. This adds considerably to the growth of the

SiGnature A.

5.4 Threats

A threat is a potential for something bad to happen. A threat combined with a weakness is a risk.

For example, when there is flood, the flood is a threat to us while lack of the source of food is the

weakness. When this both combined together it become a risk. Therefore, SiGnature A’s also

have threats against us.

Firstly, a main threat towards SiGnature A’s is high competition in fashion industry. The

most competitive industry in the world due to high demand is the fashion and beauty sector.

Excellent designers and artists have been employed by some well-known firms for their creative

teams. They constantly develop distinctive and cutting-edge fashion items and profit from being

the market pioneer. Due to this, it helps them to take advantage by controlling this industry.
Hence, the new fashion company like SiGnature A’s with limited resources are forced to follow

them and accepts for being the second place in the market.

Next, fast changing trends is another threat for our company and it could harm our

business. The changing fashion trends would jeopardize the growth and performance of our

business. Even we already stabilize our business in the market, the changing trends in the market

has forced us to improve and keeping our fashion up to date. This is said to be harm because if

we are unprepared for the new trends, then we would lose the market share. This shows that how

fragile the fashion business like SiGnature A’s is against the trends.

6.0 Conclusion

In a nutshell, I believe that the majority of individuals who shop for garments should be familiar

with the names of brands that are considered to be part of the fast fashion industry. In addition,

the rate of change in the world economy as well as the rate of change in the daily lives of

individuals is accelerating. They take off one piece of clothing at a time, beginning with their

shirts and progressing through their coats, pants, and other items of apparel. A strong desire to

decorate oneself with various articles of clothing is innate to the human species. When clients

will be able to select garments in stores in the near future, I believe we will be able to give them

a broad selection of clothing designs to pick from in order to satisfy their need to seem

presentable. To ensure that people from all over the world can remain on the cutting edge of
fashion by purchasing clothing from our company, our company's mission is to continue to have

our own distinctive brand stories, produce high-quality products for consumers in the future,

have sustainable development attributes, and stay in close contact with the needs of consumers.

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