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The present study is a doctrinal research and relevant information and data published on
climate change have been interpreted both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. The
study is based on primary and secondary sources. As far as primary sources are
concerned, the reports and surveys, conducted by various national and international
organizations are used. As secondary sources, existing literature and established
journals both national and international are of main concern. Also, internet, books
encyclopaedias, e-sources and working paper by research institutes are referred.


The scope of this study can be well defined by considering the following limitations:
The proposed research work has mostly confined within the legal regime of Global
Warming & Its Impact on Climate of India. It is purely an analytical work in nature.
This research being a Doctrinal and Non-Empirical type of research has not required
collection of any field data or sampling, etc. However, for analytical study and critical
appreciation of Global Warming & Climate Change, references have been made from
the data available from various secondary sources, like reports, case studies, articles,
research papers, etc.

1. Introduction

2. Nature and Facts about Global Warming

3. Causes and Consequences of Global Warming

4. Concepts of Environmental Laws and Global Warming

5. Global Warming: National Legal Scenario

6. Global Warming: International Legal Scenario

7. Nexus Between Human Rights and Climate Change

8. Conclusion and Suggestions

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