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Monash University Application & SSVF Student Verification Checklist

As part of the simplified student visa framework, arrangement between Monash University and DIBP, Monash contracted
agents must take appropriate measures to verify that students applying to Monash University are genuine. To assist agents
with determining student genuineness the questions below have been prepared to identify international student applicants
who may not be genuine. Some of these questions may also relate to spouses as their visa history may impact on the
applicant’s visa application. Please do not submit applications from an applicant you believe to be a non-genuine student.

Please note that DIBP will be monitoring agent performance and any identified pattern of improper behavior will result in
corrective action undertaken by Monash University.
For all International students please ensure they have provided requested documents & you have verified following information
directly with the applicant or parents/guardians if applicable

Student Name: Course Applied:

Sr No Agent Checklist Comment

1 Certified copy of Passport (Birth Certificate in absence of Passport)
Verify personal details of student & Spouse (if applicable) with official document
2 Statement of Purpose (Written by Student) must include:
Reason for course selection, Career Aspirations, Gaps of more than 6 months clarified.
3 Up – To – Date CV (if last qualification was completed over 6 month ago)
4 Individual semester results? (Year 10 onwards till highest qualification)
If institution does not issue individual results provide Backlog Summary / No Backlog letter
5 Provisional Degree (If received) + Grading Scale
6 Evidence of student meeting English language requirements of the course
7 Students Marital Status?
If student is Married please advise if intend to travel with spouse?
8 Does the applicant (and spouse if applicable) have any criminal or civil cases pending?
9 Has the applicant (and spouse if applicable) ever been refused a visa to any country
(including Australia)?
If yes please list the country name, year of refusal & visa type
10 Has the applicant (and spouse if applicable) ever visited Australia and breached any
visa condition?
11 Does the applicant (and spouse if applicable) have any medical or health issues that
may prevent a visa from being issued?
12 If under 18, has the applicant received written approval from a parent or guardian?
Have they considered approved Accommodation & welfare arrangements?
13 Has the student read the Student Visa Living Costs and Evidence of Funds section at
the DIBP web site
and do they understand that they have sufficient funds to finance the costs of tuition
(including course fees), living expenses, return airfares and any other incidental costs
for themselves and any dependents for the duration of their course. Do they also
understand that course fees do not cover the cost of books, materials, field trips or
living expenses unless otherwise specified?
14 How will the applicant (or relative of the applicant) fund the applicants study costs as
well as any dependents in Australia? Have they provided sufficient acceptable
evidence as required by DIBP?

Monash University reserves the right to retract an offer and cancel the eCOE of students suspected of being non-genuine.
Students applying for Monash College Pty Ltd programs are ineligible for SSVF unless their offer is packaged with an approved
course from Monash University.

Agent Declaration: I declare that

▪ I have assessed the applicant as a Genuine Temporary Entrant as defined by DIBP.
▪ The applicant is genuine in making this application and has every intention of completing all programs listed in the application.
▪ I have made every effort to verify the authenticity and validity of the documents which form part of this application.
▪ I will inform university if there is any change in circumstances of student at time of acceptance

Counselor Name: Agent:

Counselors Sign: Branch:

Agency Stamp:

Date: Monash Staff Sign: Fee Waiver Code:

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