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PUB - POWS FrontEnd Manual

For the Public Utilities Board of Singapore

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd. Nemina A

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad
Singapore 139953 (m)+65 8490 5314 (p) +65 67777987

1 Login ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Create New Project......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Create New Submission .................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Add Project Members ............................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 Choose Applicant/Contractor ......................................................................................... 8
3.2 QP/PE and Contractor Details ................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Corridor Details and Activities .............................................................................................. 10
3.3.1 Corridor Details: ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3.2 Activities: ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Project Details ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Activity Details 1............................................................................................................ 11
3.4.2 Activity Details 2............................................................................................................ 11
3.4.3 Activity Details 3............................................................................................................ 12
3.4.4 Contractor Details for the Activities: ............................................................................ 13
3.4.5 Features of Map ............................................................................................................ 14
3.5 Attachments.......................................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 18
4 Manage Existing Projects.............................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Manage Existing Project........................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Set Actual Completion Date .................................................................................................. 20
4.3 Change Estimated Completion Date ..................................................................................... 20
4.4 Change Applicant .................................................................................................................. 20
4.5 Send Correspondence ........................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Manage Approved Project .................................................................................................... 22
4.6.1 Upload Instrumentation Record ................................................................................... 22

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

4.6.2 Close Submission........................................................................................................... 22

5 Manage Draft Submissions ........................................................................................................... 24
5.1 Draft Details .......................................................................................................................... 25
6 Close Completed Submissions ...................................................................................................... 26
7 Archived Submissions ................................................................................................................... 28
8 New Messages .............................................................................................................................. 30
9 Logout ........................................................................................................................................... 31

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

1 Login
Click on “SingPass Login” button to login with SingPass

SingPass Login:
Enter the user’s SingPass ID and password to login to the system

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

2 Create New Project

User can create a new project by filling in the following details:

1. Click on Create New Project link on the left panel
2. Enter the Project Ref No.
3. Type in the Project Title
4. Type in the NRIC/FIN number
5. Choose the Member Type from the drop down list
6. Enter the UEN number, Name of the member will be auto populated.
7. Enter the Company name
8. Type in the email address
9. Click on “Done” button, user will be added in the table shown in the page
10. Click on “+Add Member” – to add any number of members
11. Once done, do the declaration
12. Click on “Edit” button to edit the details of the member
13. Click on “Remove” button to remove the member from the project
14. Click Save, project will be created successfully

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3 Create New Submission

A project can have any number of submissions. Once a project has been created, a project
submission can be created.

1. Click on “Create New Submission” link on the left panel.

2. A list of all projects that have already been created is displayed. The column headers are
3. Click on the “Sort” icon in the column headers: Project Ref No., Title and the Your Role field.
All the projects will be shown in ascending or descending order respectively.
4. Type a search term in the search box – only the submissions matching the search query will
be shown.
5. Click on the page no. link to navigate between pages.
6. Click on any row to select the project to create a new submission for that project. First page
of project submission page opens.

3.1 Add Project Members

The Applicant can select users who will be involved in the submission. The applicant must select at
least one contractor. The “Click here” link allows users to navigate to the page where a New
Member can be added to the specific Project

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

The User can add new members on this page during the new Submission.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.1.1 Choose Applicant/Contractor

1. Choose the appropriate person/Professional Engineer/contractor for the submission of the
2. Click on “Save” button, submission gets saved as a Draft
3. Click on “Next” button, the next step in submission is shown. Corridor Details and Activities
page is displayed.

3.2 QP/PE and Contractor Details

Applicant’s Details and Contractor Details must be provided here. If a QP/QE is chosen, Applicant’s
details must be entered. At any step, click on “Back” button to go back to the previous step. Click on
“Save” button to save the submission as a draft before exit.
1. For an Applicant, QP/PE’s Registration No and Name are auto populated. They cannot be
2. Company and Email values are auto populated but they can be edited
3. Fill in all the other details.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

If a contractor is chosen, Contractor details must be entered . UEN and Company name are auto
populated and are not editable. Applicant’s Name and Email Address fields are auto populated and

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.3 Corridor Details and Activities

The User is allowed to choose one or all of the corridors and activities related to the chosen
corridors. Select by clicking on the checkbox. Choose the corridor and click “Next” button to proceed

3.3.1 Corridor Details:

3.3.2 Activities:
Choose one or more of the activities and proceed to next step by clicking “Next”. Select the activities
by clicking on the checkbox

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.4 Project Details

Users must enter the activities details, which were selected based on the Corridor details. There are
three Activities Details pages.

3.4.1 Activity Details 1

The user can enter the following details:
1. Choose the Sewer Pipe Dia Affected(mm) and Raw/Water Pipe Type from the drop down list
2. Click on “+” button to add a new row of pipe details
3. Click on Delete icon to delete a row
4. Select “Yes/No” for: Has the depth of sewer/water pipe confirmed on site?
5. Fill in the details for the other fields
6. Click “Next” to proceed

3.4.2 Activity Details 2

The User must enter the following details in Activities Details (2) page based on the activities
selected earlier in Corridor Details and Activities step.
1. Type the values for “Depth of Filling” and “Depth of Evacuation” fields and then click on
“Next” to proceed.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.4.3 Activity Details 3

The User must enter the details in the Activities Details (3) page based on the Corridor details and
Activities chosen. Enter the “No. of layer of container box” field and proceed by clicking on “Next”

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.4.4 Contractor Details for the Activities:

Choose the contractor Details for the chosen activities. User is allowed to choose the Mukim/Lot No.
from the map shown. The Project Ref No. and Title are auto populated. The following details are toe
be provided
1. Click on Map icon and choose a Mukim/Lot No. from the Map. User can also type in the
Mukim No. in the Mukim Field.
2. Based on the chosen Mukim/Lot No., the Addresses (Road Name) are auto populated.
Choose one or more address from the drop down list
3. Based on the chosen Mukim/Lot No. Sewerage and Water Catchment fields are auto
populated (not editable by the user)
4. Fill in all the mandatory details (fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory) and click on “Next”

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.4.5 Features of Map

The User can use the map to select mukim lots.

1. Type a Mukim/Lot No as a search term in the search box, the address is filtered and shown.
When an address is selected, the area is drawn automatically on the map.
2. Zoom In and Zoom Out controls that appear in the up right hand corner of the map.
3. To draw an area manually, User can use Polygon, Rectangle or Marker icons. The
corresponding mukim lots are shown based on the area drawn.
4. The Marked Area can be edited using this icon.
5. Selected or drawn areas can removed using “Delete” icon.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.5 Attachments
Water Pipe and Public Sewer Attachments are shown as 2 tabs. The User can upload any number of
files. Choose the necessary files for Water Pipe and Public Sewer pipes and add them as attachments
to this submission.
1. Files can be either be uploaded as attachments (or downloaded.)
2. Files can be deleted by clicking on delete button
3. Mandatory files are marked as “compulsory”.

Click on “Next” button, Summary of Submission is shown.

3.6 Summary
The User is allowed to view the summary before submission. Click on “Edit” button in the Summary
to update or change any data.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

Summary continued…

Summary continued…

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

Summary continued…

1. If user enters comments and clicks on “Send” button, the project submission is routed to the
drafter with comments.
2. Do the declaration in the summary page
3. click on “Submit” button

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3.7 Acknowledgement

1. Submission is done successfully and a Submission Ref No. for the project is created as above.
This is a unique number created for every submission
2. User can use this reference number to identify the submission.

4 Manage Existing Projects

The User can manage existing projects he/she is part of. Once a submission is completed, it will be
listed here. Contractors can add/remove Project Members for a project from here. List of
Submissions are shown here.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

The status of a submission is shown here. Click on Project Members to add/remove members

4.1 Manage Existing Project

1. Click on “View Submission” button to view the submission

2. Only a Contractor will be allowed to manage applicant. No other member will be allowed to
do it.(Ref-No.4)
3. User can change the Actual completion date, Estimated completion date, Send a

correspondence and Upload instrumentation record (Ref-No.2,No.3,No.5,No.6)

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

4.2 Set Actual Completion Date

User is allowed to Change the Actual Completion Date. Click on “Change” button

4.3 Change Estimated Completion Date

The User is allowed to Change the Estimated Completion Date. Click on “Change” button

4.4 Change Applicant

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

The User is allowed to change the Applicant. Click on the “Browse” button & upload any documents.

4.5 Send Correspondence

User can correspond with PUB officers by entering information in the form shown below and clicking
on the “Submit” button. Click on “Back” button to go back to the previous page.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

4.6 Manage Approved Project

4.6.1 Upload Instrumentation Record

1. User is allowed to upload/download/delete files.

4.6.2 Close Submission

1. User is allowed to close the approved submission.
2. Select the specific Corridor.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

3. Choose all conditions and click on “Submit” button.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

5 Manage Draft Submissions

Users are allowed to save a submission as Draft prior to submission. While Creating a New
Submission, user can click on “Save” button and choose to save their work without submission.
1. List of submissions saved as Draft are shown.
2. User can click on any submission and continue from where they left.
3. Select a draft by clicking on it.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

5.1 Draft Details

Selected Draft Submission Details are shown here in this page. Applicant can Add Comments using
“Comment” button.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

6 Close Completed Submissions

If the Submission of a Project is “Approved”, it will be listed here. The User can select this
submission for closure
1. Select any submission for closure by clicking on the row
2. Edit the completion dates and do the declaration
3. User can click on “Submit” button to start the closure process. Corresponding officials
will review and close the submission which is submitted for closure.
4. User can click on “Cancel” button and cancel the Closureprocess.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

7 Archived Submissions

1. List of archived submissions are shown.

2. User can click on any submission to view details
3. Select a submission by clicking on it.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

8 New Messages
Summary of replies which are sent by Officers are shown in here.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

9 Logout

Click on Logout on the left panel. User will be successfully logged out of the system.

The Software Practice Pte. Ltd.(201118383N)

75 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-02, JTC Launchpad p. (65) 67777987
Singapore 139953

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