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 Introduction Of Metallic bond

 Concept of band formation

 Types of band

 Classification of solids on the

basis of band concept
This theory explains about metallic bond.

Metallic bond can be defined as the electromagnetic interaction

between delocalized electrons, called conduction electrons and the
metallic nuclei within metals.

Metallic bonding is responsible for many physical properties of metals,

such as strength, malleability, thermal and electrical conductivity,
opacity, and luster.
In solids ,atoms are arranged in a regular closed packed pattern. All the
spherical atoms are influenced by neighbouring atoms and their closeness
results into intermixing of neighbouring electrons

In an isolated atom ,as energy levels are discrete. So when N number of
energy levels of atoms interact with each other, N number of molecular
orbitals are formed with very small energy difference.

It can be understood with the help of taking the example

 When a huge number of atoms are combined to form a solid however,
where discrete energy levels can be considered as discrete ranges of
energy, or energy bands, formation of energy band takes place.
It can be understood as when two atoms are brought close to each
other, it leads to intermixing of electrons in the valence shell.
As a result, the number of permissible energy levels is formed, which
is called an energy band.
 The highest occupied band (HOMO)is called valence band in which
valence electrons are filled. The valence band is the band made up of
the occupied molecular orbitals and is lower in energy than the so-
called conduction band and are generally fully or partially filled .

The next higher unoccupied band (LUMO) is called conduction band

which is vacant or partially filled. The conduction band is the band of
orbitals that are high in energy and are generally empty.
 The gap between valence and conduction band is called band gap/
forbidden gap/ forbidden zone where no electron can exist .
 On the basis of this band concept, solids can be differentiated into
conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

 A solid is a conductor if it has highest occupied band partially filled or

a completely filled overlapping with a completely filled band. There is
no forbidden gap between valence and conduction band in conductors.
e.g. Na, Mg, Be, K etc.
A solid is a semiconductors if there is a very small energy difference
between valence and conduction bands and electrons and can easily jump
by acquiring a small amount of energy. Semiconductors have very small
forbidden gap between valence and conduction bands. e.g Si, Ge etc.
A solid is an insulator if it has filled valence band,empty conduction band
and possessing a large energy gap between valence and conduction band .
All energy bands are completely filled and there exist a large forbidden
zone .e.g. Diamond ,glass etc.

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