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Project Title JRE Car Wash Shop

To create the most excellent car wash service at a lowest price. Every
client should leave feeling that the wash they got was well worth the
money they spent to keep their vehicle clean. We work hard to keep our
Project Description facilities and equipment clean and properly maintained, resulting in a
clean car and a happy client.

● Sustainable profitable and reliability: we take good care of our

customers and the environment.
 Professionalism: we work with professional pride and passion.
Project Objective  Customer loyalty: we strive for long-lasting partnerships by
creating added value for our customer’s businesses.
 Local enterprises: this segment includes the service for local
business fleets and employee’s car.
The project will provide a car wash service for “JRE Car Wash Shop”
Including the following:
 High quality
 Lower cost
 Various washing service
 Multiple payment facilities
Project Scope\Deliverables
 Accessible service
 Stress free
 Time saving
 Environmental conversation initiative support
 Security

The project will start on September, 20th 2022 and the car wash will start
Project Time Frame
operation on March, 1 2023.
Description Date

Kick-off meeting September,10th

Business Concept design October, 5th
Preliminary Design Review October, 29th
Summary Critical Design Review December,10th
Milestone Schedule: Permits Approved January,11th
Launch Marketing Plan January,16th
Material and Equipment Purchase January,28th
Material and Equipment Reception February,10th
Service Readiness Review February,18th
Service Delivery March,1st
Project Costs\ Budget  Building construction  500,000₱
 Land  100,000₱
 Furniture and fixtures  100,000₱
 Machinery and Equipment  500,000₱
 Licenses fees and Permits  50,000₱
 Other expenses.  200,000

Total: 1,450,000₱
Project Stakeholder
Stakeholder Name Role Project Responsibilities
The individual responsible for planning,
Justine Verso Project Manager
controlling and executing the project.
Project approval, negotiating for resources,
Elmer Cinco Project Sponsor
reviewing reports, attending quarterly meetings.
Defining and enforcing marketing strategy,
Russel Olimpo Director, Marketing monitoring mobile activities for acceptable use,
reviewing reports, attending monthly meetings.

Decision Rights
To support the timeline of the Car Wash shop project and respect executive time, the project manager
has decided on the following decision right procedures.

i. Any e – mail or voicemail sent to the project sponsor that requires a go or no – go decision
will specify a decision date or time within reasonable limits.
ii. A non – answer from the project sponsor by the specified date or time will imply approval
and the project may continue.
iii. If the project sponsor does not agree or requires further clarifications, he/she must contact the
project manager within the specified timeline.

_________________________ ________________
Project Approver Signature Date

_________________________ ________________
Project Sponsor Signature Date

_________________________ ________________
Project Manager Signature Date

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