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Ana Lucía Pueblas Álvaro Roco Carlota Rey Raquel del Álamo

 The population consumes more weed.
 Its consumption range is between 18-50 years particularly men. It’s considered as
a hobby.
 It’s a product that its consumption in the streets is ilegal, for that, you can’t
socialize and you need to consume it at home.
 It also helps with diseases such as anxiety, stress, etc.
 It’s becoming more and more normalized among the population.


 Based on all the above information we have thought, a coffee shop would be a
good business.
 Inside this centrally located but hidden place, people will be able to enjoy the
consumption of cannabis and also a good dinner, workshops, games room, etc.
 Always raising awareness about its abuse, the damage it can cause and because
of that.. “If you smoke, don’t drive”. That’s why the workshops.
 This will increase the satisfaction of potential customers, because they will not
be penalized for their consuption on the streets.
 Requirements to enter in our Coffee-shop:

o To be registered in the association. Registration prize: 10€. Monthly: 10€

more. Once associated you can consume inside the premises, either your
own marijuana or the one we are going to sale.
o To have 18 years old or more.
o Smoke a máximum of 50 grams per week.

 We would not have legal competence in the área, because there are no more
establishments of this type.
 Our suppliers may be both ilegal sellers of this substance and legal suppliers, for
example, “La Tía María”, “Tucan Grow Shop”.
 Our name maintains the essence of both the town “En Ca” and the substance that
is consumed “Cannabis”.

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