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Mia said that she felt really stressed

that week.
Sam promised that he would settle
that conflict that day.
Zak announced that the merchandise
was there.
Tina said that they had to solve
that problem then.
Max reported that he was checking
the policy.
Harry said that they had participated
in a workshop about conflict resolution
the previous week.
she had had a strenuous week
they had received
the goods the previous day.
he would give the members of my team a bonus they looked good.
he could deal with that problem
the MEG contract was
she usually prioritised her work they would discuss it when
he got back.
he was evaluating their competitor's product then.
she had found the perfect
she hadn't been there all week. venue for his convention.
she needed his approval
because she had to book it by the end of
that month.
they had approved the loan that he had
requested the previous week.

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