Dialogo Mascot

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- Good morning, I call you from Amascotados, am I talking to Raquel del Álamo?

- Good morning. Yes, I’m Raquel.

- Hi Raquel, we have received your complaint, and first of all I want to apologies.
- Thank you.
- When the order arrived, you found two problems, right?
- I found three problems. The delivery arrived late, the box was broken and the product
inside had got a hole. And I ordered a snack-box with 7 snacks in it and I only received
- With the problem of damage I have to tell you that It was the first time we worked
with this transport Company and it has caused us many problems and about the
snacks there was a problen in the packaging.
- Okey, I can understand it.
- For everything caused, the Company has decided to give you the purchase and give
you a 50% discount on the next one. Are you agree?
- It’s fine, but… In adittion can I have a 15% of discount and use it in my Instagram
account to give it to my followers too? I will recomend you if you give me that.
- I need to ask it.. one moment. My supervisor said that you can have a 5% of
discount. Your code is KOROTHEPOD5.
- Fantastic! Thank you. I put it in my Instagram account in a few minutes. My followers
will be so happy and you will have a lot of new orders.
- Thank you very much, we hope that you will be happy in your next order and you
won’t have any problem more.
- I hope it too. Thank you and bye.

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