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ADMISSION NO: BDS/2019/49894





CAT 1& 2
(a) Explain the factors which might be considered in determination of a person’s class


- Occupation: This is another determinant of class status, where it is well known fact

that some kinds of work are more honorable than others. For example doctors,

engineers, administrators, professors and lawyers hold a higher position than a car

mechanic, tailor, peasant farmers or manual workers. Occupation is one of the best

ways of life and therefore one’s class can affects many other facets of life.

- Education: There is a close reciprocal relationship between one class and education in

such a way that, to get higher education one needs money and motivation. In this

situation you will find that children from upper class they are already have money for

the finest schools and colleges and also they have family tradition and social

encouragement. Another point that determines is the kind of schools one’s studies for

example private schools it’s expensive and always known for rich people despite that

the level of education it is too high and vice versa.

- Prestige: Prestige refers to the reputation or esteem associated with one’s position in

society, which is closely tied to their social class. Prestige ranking to various

occupations besides wealth and education there certain criteria which help a person to

attain higher social status in the society. These are family background, kinship

relations, location of residence etc.

- Power refers to someone’s ability to get others to do his or her will, regardless of

whether or not they want to. It is also a measurement of an entity’s ability to control

its environment, including the behavior of other entities. Power can be seen as evil or

unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings.
The use of power need not involve coercion (force or the threat of force).for example

one on higher rank can dictate others who are under him/ her.

- Wealth and Income: Possession of substantial amounts of wealth is the main

characteristic which distinguishes the upper class from other class groups in the

society. Persons having more wealth and income generally have higher social position

and respect in society. Even though wealth and income is necessary for the upper

class position, yet one’s class position.

(b) Discuss any four main causes of social stratification.

- Conflict: Stratification occurs due to conflict between different classes with the upper

classes using superior power to take a larger share of the social resources.

- Power: it influences one’s definition of self and the importance of ideas in defining

social situation. Cause are also seen in the unequal distribution of the power which

implies the unequal power to stratify i.e. to distribute unequally ceratin values those

in powerful positions not only to insist on adequate rewards but also to influence the

distribution of wealth and prestige in their own interest.

- Inequality: Inequality refers to disparities in the distribution of economic assets and

income as well as between the overall quality and luxury of each person's existence

within a society, while economic inequality is caused by the unequal accumulation of

wealth; inequality exists because the lack of wealth in certain areas prohibits these

people from obtaining the same housing, health care, etc. as the wealthy, in societies

where access to these social goods depends on wealth. Social inequality is linked to

racial inequality, gender inequality, and wealth inequality. It exists because of natural

differences in peoples abilities.

- Wealth: The differences in wealth is also one of the causes of social stratification,

where you’ll find that there is different classes in between the rich and the poor where

you’ll find that those who are rich posses a lot for example where you’ll get they got

property, good occupation with high income, luxury life among others.

(c) Discuss Racial inequality.

Racial inequality is the result of hierarchical social distinction between racial and ethnic

categories within a society and often established based on characteristics such as skin

color and other physical characteristics or an individual’s place of origin or cultures.

Racial inequality can also results in diminished opportunities for members of

marginalized groups which in turn can lead to cycles of poverty and political

marginalized. For example Racial minorities have much less access to many important

resources in our society, where it tend that racial minorities have as well as they tend to

earn less income than their counterparts. A research shows that whites have about 13

times more wealth accumulated than blacks.

(d) Explain the conflict theory and its relevance to the world today.

The conflict theory, suggested by Karl Mark claims society is in a state of perpetual

conflict because of competition for limited resources. It holds that social order is

maintained by domination and power, rather than consensus and conformity. According

to conflict theory, those with try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by

suppressing the poor and powerless. A basic premise of conflict theory is that individuals

and groups within society will work to maximize their own benefits.
Key Takeaways

 Conflict theory focuses on the competition between groups within society over limited


 Conflict theory views social and economic institutions as tools of the struggle between

groups or classes, used to maintain inequality and the dominance of the ruling class.

 Marxist conflict theory sees society as divided along lines of economic class between the

proletarian working class and the bourgeois ruling class.

 Later versions of conflict theory look at other dimensions of conflict among capitalist

factions and between various social, religious, and other types of groups.

Conflict theory suggests that the rich (powerful) make the rules and enforce them against

the poor (powerless).

Conflict theory suggests two primary classes, the wealthy and powerful and the working

class or poor. The minority, powerful class controls resources and exploits the poor. Marx

suggested that the poor would revolt until conditions became acceptable, and the circle

would repeat. An example of this occurs in landlord/tenant relationships, though this is

typically a harmonious relationship as many housing options exist.

Furthermore, no real uprisings occurred recently in Western society, but the theory holds

true. The advent of social media user generated content gives everyone a voice and better

access to information. Now, if one cannot access the internet, this poses a problem.

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