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Appendix ‘A’


1. Introduction. LMRS are Weapon System capable of delivering large

volume of firepower on enemy depth targets in a short span of time. The
indigenously developed Pinaka Weapon System can effectively engage area
targets upto a range of 37.5 Km. Ammunition variants with enhanced ranges
of upto 75 Km with greater accuracies have been developed by DRDO.
Existing MLRS held with Indian Army (Smerch and Pinaka) are capable of
engaging targets at ranges upto 75-90 Km.

2. Requirement. Future warfare will involve physical and psychological

dislocation of enemy through deep trike on high value targets thereby
affecting his capability to bring to battle his full combat capability. As per
LTPP 2027, five regts of Smerch were raised in Indian Army but due financial
aspect and range only three regts were raised. Two regts with 40 lrs incl
WWR stock remain to indn in Indian Army. For these regts, there is a
requirement of to develop a MLRS capable of accurately firing multiple
missions at enhanced ranges upto 300 Kms to deliver massed firepower on
enemy targets. This requirement is pertinent along Northern borders, where
large numbers of targets are located deep inside enemy territory.
3. Specification.
(a) Launcher.

(i) Calibri - Flexible requirement. However, Launcher should

be able to fire existing Pinaka ammunition also.
(ii) Carriage of Rockets - Podded ammunition.
(iii) Range - 250-300 Km.
(iv) Accuracy & Consistency - CEP of 30m with Guidance.
(v) Traverse - 1800 (+900 either side) or more.

(vi) Elevation 00 - 600 or more.

(vii) Automated aiming and positioning system with redundancy

of manual overriding laying.

(viii) Integral INS and IRNSS/ GPS/ GLONASS.

(ix) Fire control system to be compatible and interoperable with

existing Project Shakti system.
Appendix ‘B’



1. Explosive formulations have been developed over time to give better

performance as military requirements increase. However, increase in
explosive power have led to increase sensitivity of stored and transported
explosives. Insensitive munitions are designed to be more resistant to
unintended initiation thus preventing any disaster.

2. Broad Operational Characteristics of IM.

(a) Less sensitive to detonation as compared to RDX/TNT.

(b) Compatibility with all 155mm Gun sys (39, 45, 52 Cal) and
ammunition system.

3. Technology Required to be Developed. Core technology required

to be developed for realisation of the product are :-

(a) Less vulnerable to unexpected detonation resulting from

mechanical shocks.

(b) Lesser prone to sympathetic detonation or due to enemy action.

(c) Key characteristics of explosion & destruction on intended

detonation be retained.

4. Industry.

5. Time Required for R&D. Not Known

6. Cost.

7. Requirement. For in-service ammunition.

Appendix ‘C’



1. The project aims at developing a weapon system of 155mm shell

carrying two or more Sub Munitions capable of being fired by in-service
155mm guns. The anti-armour sub munitions must be capable of penetrating
10mm of Rolled Homogeneous Armour. The identification happens via dual
band Electro-optic (EO) and Imaging Infrared (IIR) seekers that are to be
developed in this project.

2. Broad Operational Characteristics of SFM.

(a) Range not less than 90% of existing HE shells.

(b) Hit rate accuracy to be above 80%.

(c) EO & IIR based dual sensors.

(d) Compatibility with all 155mm Gun System (39/45/52) and

ammunition system.

3. Technology Required to be Developed. Core technology required

to be developed for realisation of the product are enumerated below :-

(a) EO/ IIR Seeker. Not exceeding 1 Kg weight and achieve

scanning area of 2-3 Km.

(b) Development of AI algorithms on edge device for real time

calculations with small power requirement.

(c) Incorporate technology ballistic data in fire control system.

(d) Development of rugged, reliable and precise timer mechanism.

(e) Development of ejection and trajectory control mechanism.

4. Industry. 3rdiTech (Start Up).

5. Time Required for R&D. 2-3 Years.
6. Cost. Approx Rs 20 Crores.

7. Requirement. 10 (I) for in-service Med Regts.

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