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HSH725 (Research Literacy)
Assessment Task 1: Literature Review

Word Count: 1410

Referencing Style: APA 7

1|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)

Do Healthcare Provider Communication Impact to Patient Satisfaction?

Healthcare service is a tight service business as the amount of competitors
increases by the time. Programs and strategies are needed by the service to make
new patients and also keep current patient. Moreover, Patient Satisfaction is an
outcome from healthcare service about increasing health service quality.
Furthermore, Communication style program is one of the main components that lead
to increased patient satisfaction. A good communication to the patient also can help
the patient recover faster and lower the percentage mortality rate (Delisle et al,
2020). Also, it can affect the patient's safety, as it has been linked with better
patient’s therapy conducted (Kuehnel et al, 2019).
On the other hand, due to limited information found and lack of evidence that good
communication can make patient satisfaction. Thus, this paper going to make
literature review to the relationship between a good communication program impact
to patient satisfaction through five journals where future research can be conducted.

2.1 Data Sources
A wide literature search was actioned using PubMed, Springer and Sci-Hub. These
journals searched should take no more than 10 years from 2022. One of the
strategies was to focus on the database that has a medical background journal.
Additionally, the key words used “Patient Satisfaction”, “Communication” and
“Healthcare Provider”.
The major challenge while finding the Journal was the small number of journals
examine the topic discussed. Also, it was hard to find Australian published journal.
Hence, the journal used were American published that gave some mixed method

2.2 Study Selection

The journal used based on some criteria, such as:

1. Article written in English language

2|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)

2. Studies that assess the impact of good communication can lead to patient
3. Original interventional studies

2.3 Literature Selection Overview

A search of the PubMed database founded 78,014 journals from “Patient
Satisfaction”, 380,531 journals from “communication”, 291,478 journals from
“Healthcare Provider”. Using Healthcare Provider, Communication and Patient
Satisfaction key words finding decrease to 2,013. We choose article that met our
criteria such as:
1. Included research either used Qualitative or Quantitative Method
2. Journal should medical based journal

Studied conducted were designed as spreading HCAHPS questionnaires to the
patients 18 years old and older, it is due to they have been admitted as inpatient to
the healthcare provider. HCAHPS is a standard survey design to find out patient
perspective about hospital and the aims is to gain reliable and to know transparent
information (Delisle et al, 2020). These 5 Journals used different study methods,
such as, HCAHPS questionnaires spread to at least a thousand patients, while
another journal used observational study and intervention study that directly asked to
know their satisfaction about good and clear communication. HCAHPS
questionnaires focus in some areas to reflect patient satisfaction such as:
communication between doctor, nurse, ED, pain management. While some journals
add more data to focus on cleanliness of the hospital, quietness of the hospital and
overall rank of the hospital. In addition, participants are patients and family who have
just been discharged from the hospital or ER.
This systematic review determined a consistent great effect of good communication
to the patients, because it can make them recover faster and better emotional health
(Conti & Humphris, 2018). Also, hospital care setting by respect from the clinicians
can lead to overall great satisfaction. Kuehnel et al (2019) founded that patient who
graded a healthcare team with great communication tended to graded their
experience undoubtedly. Moreover, good communication program also can make the
family of the patient feel safe and satisfied. Boissy et al (2016) and Delisle et al

3|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)

(2020) point out that good communication includes how clinicians explain patient’s
health condition, clear information, spend enough time to do consultation, responses
of hospital staff, communication about medicine and discharge information. Kuehnel
et al (2019) founded that within 12 months study conducted, up to 70% participants
showed satisfied with nurse and doctor who had clear and good communication
within their therapy period. Furthermore, the two journals conducted different study
methods. One of the journal analysed Pre-interventional and post-interventional,
where another journal conducted study after the hospital improve their
communication method. Delisle et al (2020) showed significant improvement after
creating a better communication with the nurse and hospital environment (Pre
intervention p=.020 and Post Intervention P=.034). In addition, these two journals
found that patients and families from the emergency department tended to have high
satisfaction due to clear communication. Kuehnel et al (2019) founded that patient
and family satisfaction level increased from 62.5% to 75%, thus the result support
hospital to create service excellent by making good communication program.

In another hand, some study find that patients with poor satisfaction were more likely
to express disbelief about validity. This study was founded due to a survey
conducted on mental health patients. Chen et al (2018) argued that mental health
patients have an impact on how data is reported and they might have poor
satisfaction levels. Not only mental health, race, sex and age also has an impact how
patients will rank their satisfaction level. Conti & Humphris (2018) founded that
Participant from China might have a low satisfied level compared by Young
Australia, Italia, UK and USA. Studies from Conti & Humphris (2018) also point out
that social problem and physiological issue has low satisfaction in consultation with
clinicians. Moreover, based of 5 journals, there is lack of evidence that patient
satisfied level will be based on their illness, physical issue and social problem. Yet,
these 5 journals agree that patient satisfaction was strongly correlated with patient
characteristics such as sex, age, social status and also increased socioeconomic
status and education level
This review might have some important limitations due to the research method used.
These papers conducted different research methods that have some different
limitations and bias responses. First, some survey conduction right after patient

4|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)

discharge from the hospital, thus, Kuehnel et al (2019) founded that it might has
quick respond from the patient that make patients respond not to be honest without
appropriate time to feel the survey. Second, the journals mostly use quantitative
methods rather than qualitative method. It is clearly seen that those papers mostly
used HCAHPS questionnaires and the feedback will automatically be as numbers
and percentage.
Based on some limitations founded, there will be some recommendations for future
research to make more evidence that healthcare provider need to make good
communication program. Based on the journal's research conducted, timing of
survey conducted is a key. Too long and or doing survey right after discharge also
can make bias respond. Chen et al (2018) founded that another metrics such as
engagement of the patient in the survey will need into future assessment, it will make
better centeredness the result of the study. Thus, research could be conducted at
home after patient discharge. It might be by spreading HCAHPS questionnaires
through on line and the questionnaires can be accessed within 7 days after patient
Kuehnel et al (2019) point out that in person surveys can make less bias and can
impact responses provide on large allowed surveys. So, the second
recommendation is to make face to face interview with some patients and families, it
could be by using video call or zoom, and the interview conducted no more than 7
days after discharge or come to the emergency department. Also, the surveyor can
add more participants to make a lower percentage of bias.


In conclusion, the engagement and communication of clinicians serves as a main

indicator of patients and family satisfaction. This literature review found that good
communication has a high effect on patient satisfaction and can help patient recover
faster. Healthcare provider is highly recommended to make better communication
skills program. Even that, some patient might also have low satisfaction level, it will
depends on age, sex, race and their illness. Some study can make evidence that
patient satisfaction will lead to their recovery faster and family satisfaction too. It also
can build trust between family, patient and the clinicians in charge. Furthermore, it

5|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)

can also has positive effect to the healthcare provider itself. A Good communication
between healthcare provider and healthcare receiver will also build a positive
environment in the healthcare provider management. Although this literature review
gives some evidence in this area, yet more well designed study is needed, the aim is
to get better understanding and approval of this evidence and accordingly to improve
healthcare quality service.

6|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)


Boissy, A., Windover, A. K., Bokar, D., Karafa, M., Neuendorf, K., Frankel, R. M., Merlino, J.,

& Rothberg, M. B. (2016). Communication Skills Training for Physicians Improves

Patient Satisfaction, 31, 755-761.

Chen, Q., Beal, E. W., Okunrintemi, V., Cerier, E., Paredes, A., Sun, S., Olsen, G., & Pawlik,

T. M. (2018). The Association Between Patient Satisfaction and Patient-Reported

Health Outcomes, 6(3), 201-209.

Conti, A. A., & Humphris, G. M. (2018). Patient Centred Consultation, Satisfaction and

Young Patients: A Cross-Country Analysis. https://doi.org10.1016/j.pec.2018.11.015

Delisle, D.R., Dajani, J., & Overton, L. (2020). An Integrated Model to Accelerate Patient

Satisfaction Improvement, 1-8.

Kuehnel, N. A., Morrison, A. K., & Ferguson, C. C. (2019). Rapid Cycle Testing Drives

Improved Communication and Satisfaction Using In-Person Survey, 8, e000504.

7|Aldiba DT Wartono (s2215022557)

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