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Original No.

____ In the Supreme Court of the United States of America On Petition for an original writ of replevin restoring control in trust of the Crown Prince Hirohito Estate among the Formosan Indian lands at Wulai, northern Formosa in the allied American Formosa trust territory islands of Taiwan, and the Pescadores, relinquished, in trust, by Japan, to allied victors predominantly superintending in situ and Principal Victor principally occupying in superior command as Administering Authority (Aide memoire of October 25, 1950, from US Department of State to the members of the Far Eastern Commission as travaux preparatoires for the legal significance of the relinquishment by the Empire of Japan of Japanese Formosa and the Pescadores pursuant to the allied victory and subsequent unconditional surrender and Treaty of Peace with Japan concluded at San Francisco establishing and restoring a state of peace in the West Pacific, Southeast Asia and East Asia. In Re Estate of Crown Prince Hirohito, petition for writ of replevin for the Crown Prince Hirohito Estate predominantly superintended by the Chunghwa allied United Nations theater forces in situ as principally occupied under the superior command responsibility of the United States pending relinquishment of Principal Victor claims and unsatisfied interests of the United States of America. Estate of His Excellency Crown Prince Hirohito, jus tertii, pro se, ex rel Robin Hood International Human Rights Legal Defense Fund v. President Barack H. Obama, natural born citizen by birth to an American national mother, and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States and reposed with the superior ultimate civil command responsibility for the allied United Nations in the Pacific and Chunghwa theaters in the second world war as superintendent to the successors by delegation of the authorities of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Asia and the Pacific (SCAP) General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur

Jurisdiction This action invokes the exclusive and original jurisdiction of this Court under Article III, Section II, Clause II, US Constitution, In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls,as the Estate of the late former Emperor while designated Crown Prince Hirohito at the arising of the claims herein, affects the rights of a symbol of the integral sovereignty of the Japanese and Formosan peoples (viz Treaty of Peace with Japan, Article 1 (b) The Allied Powers recognize the full sovereignty of the Japanese people over Japan and its territorial waters.), and thus, of a Public Minister within the constitutional sense, see Hirota v MacArthur, Ex Parte Peru. Additionally the judicial power of the United States extends by the law of nations inherent in the Supremacy Clause as the supreme law of the land, Article VI, US Constitution, to encompass the Treaty of Peace with Japan, and torts against the law of nations, such as wrongful conversion of expropriated royal property of a public character through breaches of trust in failure to ensure appropriate care and stewardship of the Crown Prince Estate and grounds at Wulai for the Japanese people of Formosa remaining captive to the United States as Principal Victor and Principal Occupying Force in Japan (and the island of Formosa, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1950v06&entity=FRUS.FRUS1950v06.p05 89&q1=formosa&q2=principal%20victor ). The Treaty in Article 5(i) also implicitly recognizes this resort to judicial resolution as one of the peaceful means of resolving issues. The Treaty of Peace with Japan establishes an allied intrustment of public properties seized from Japan under authority of the United States Joint Chiefs, JCS 1651(), and the Ambassador Pauley statement of December 1950( type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1945v06&entity=FRUS.FRUS1945v06.p10 19&q1=pauley&q2=pearl%20harbor ). See, Article IV (b) Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government (see General Order One of the US allied Military Government Formosa issued at

Chungking) in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3. The US required allied occupation forces under her authority to report to SCAP on all escrow funds and confiscations on Formosa (US National Archives, College Park). The Free Chunghwa allied UN forces remain on Formosa pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan, Article 6, and the Treaty of Taipei ( type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1951v06p1&entity=FRUS.FRUS1951v06p 1.p1367&q1=bilateral&q2=japan&q3=formosa , type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1950v06&entity=FRUS.FRUS1950v06.p03 87&q1=struble&q2=chiang, ). With respect to Korea, Japanese relinquishment resulted in de jure recognition of independence under the Treaty terminating the former status of Chosen purportedly annexed to Japan (during which time the US maintained claims to extraterritoriality for her nationals in Japanese Chosen). In respect of Formosa, the relinquishment is ipso facto and implicitly, in trust, cest qui est, as so the Isle of Pines and Cuba ( type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1901&entity=FRUS.FRUS1901.p0542&q1 =undefined&q2=cuba&q3=status ) under the Treaty of Peace at Paris with Spain (see State of the Union, McKinley, FRUS, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1898&entity=FRUS.FRUS1898.p1023&q1 =relinquishment&q2=cuba&q3=trust , type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1899&entity=FRUS.FRUS1899.p0028&q1 =relinquished&q2=cuba&q3=trust ). The Territory of the Pacific Islands trust territory is recognized by Japan as having been formed by the US and UN. Article III uses the future tense, will concur (and see FRUS, views of Queen of Spain on future tense in the protocols of agreement to relinquishment of Cuba, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1898&entity=FRUS.FRUS1898.p0914&q1 =queen&q2=protocol&q3=future%20tense , and see Chunghwa

consideration of in accordance with constitutional processes ( type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS195254v14p1&entity=FRUS.FRUS195254 v14p1.p0654&q1=treaty&q2=constitutional%20&q3=yeh, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS195254v14p1&entity=FRUS.FRUS195254 v14p1.p0886&q1=treaty&q2=constitutional%20&q3=yeh , type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS195254v14p1&entity=FRUS.FRUS195254 v14p1.p0887&q1=treaty&q2=constitutional%20&q3=yeh, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS195254v14p1&entity=FRUS.FRUS195254 v14p1.p0892&q1=treaty&q2=constitutional%20&q3=yeh, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS195254v14p1&entity=FRUS.FRUS195254 v14p1.p0902&q1=treaty&q2=constitutional%20&q3=yeh ) and later Treaty of Relinquishment of the Isle of Pines claims in consideration of the grant of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 1925, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1925v02&entity=FRUS.FRUS1925v02.p00 94&q1=naval&q2=relinquishment&q3=cuba , grant type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1903&entity=FRUS.FRUS1903.p0449&q1 =protection&q2=cuba&q3=island , type=turn&entity=FRUS.FRUS1904.p0332&id=FRUS.FRUS1904&isiz e=M&q1=protection&q2=cuba&q3=island "IV. That all Acts of the United States in Cuba during its military occupancy thereof are ratified and validated, and all lawful rights acquired thereunder shall be maintained and protected." [compare Article IV, Treaty of Peace with Japan, United States military government dispositions of property ratification, as in trust (maintained and protected).] " VI That the Isle of Pines shall he omitted from the proposed constitutional

boundaries of Cuba, the title thereto being left to future adjustment by treaty." "VII. That to enable the United States to maintain the independence of Cuba, and to protect the people thereof, as well as for its own defense, the government of Cuba will sell or lease to the United States lands necessary for coaling or naval stations at certain specified points to be agreed upon with the President of the United States ). Hence ALL Cubans in virtue of the maintenance of the Guantanamo Naval Station (under the 1925 Treaty incorporating the prior Treaty language implicitly) are protgs, ressortissants, protected persons enjoying as abroad, American noncitizen protg nationality (, RessortissantsThe term included U.S. citizens, nationals, and protected persons, the latter being those subjects of the Sultan of Morocco who, under the treaties, were entitled to the protection of the United States., 5 FAH-1 H610 Page 14 of 36, U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Handbook Volume 5 Handbook 1 Correspondence Handbook). Article 3 also limits the allied Military Government intrustment of the Pacific Islands formerly mandated to Japan, with the United States as the sole administering authority, and see, Aide Memoire to Far Eastern Commission, Oct. 25, 1950, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1950v06&entity=FRUS.FRUS1950v06.p13 40&q1=formosa&q2=article%2073, type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1950v06&entity=FRUS.FRUS1950v06.p13 46&q1=formosa&q2=article%2073 , and viz US v Ushi Shiroma. Article 4(a) of the Treaty of Peace with Japan does not denaturalize and involuntarily expatriate the Japanese Formosans from their

Japanese nationality, indeed it recognizes the Formosans to be within Japan and of its nationals and residents. Article 4 recognizes occupation intrustment and the duty of replevin, and care, be returned by the administering authority in the condition in which it now exists. Article 4(b) recognizes the superior command responsibility and actual control of the United States Military Government in the Formosa liberated area (Free Territory). Article 4(c) recognizes UN Charter Article 77 applies to Formosa as the detached territory, intrusted by such relinquishment, see submarine cable agreements with the Philippine islands, Formosa and Japan. The Estate, through her Relator, alleges, breaches of trust, because the allied UN occupation forces on relinquished detached Formosa, have failed to maintain the traditional Formosan Japanese crafts education in woodworking and Japanese carpentry necessary for adequate care of the Crown Prince Hirohito Estate and grounds. Wherefore the Relator prays this Court shall issue the writ of replevin to compel the President to restore the occupied property held in trust, to the entrusted care and control of the Royal Household at Tokyo for safekeeping and stewardship to enure for the benefit of the Formosan Indians at Wulai and all the peoples on Formosa and in Japan. Respectfully, Dr. Paul Maas Risenhoover Tainan, allied American Formosa trust territory, USA Certificate of Service by email to "Ishitoya" <>, "Guava Love" <>, "TOMITA MASAHIRO" <>, <>, "stantonwa" <>, <>, "Kim, Mi-Yong

L" <>, <>, <>, "RWH (Taipei)" <>, "roger Lin" <>, "Cheng Kuang Chen" <>,, "Jeff Geer" <>, "Dr. Jonathan Levy" <>, <>, <>, "mark_langer" <>, "DeCicco, William, CIV, USCAAF" <>, "scott_atchue" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "glenn manglona" <>, "Peter Adelbai" <>, <>,

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